-Caveat Lector-

The Potential Impact of Dedicated Intelligence Internet Sites on the Role of
US Army Counterintelligence as a Force Multiplier


by Timothy E. Geary

This paper proposes creating dedicated intelligence Internet web sites for
Army strategic and tactical CI units. These sites will be accessible from
anywhere in the world by Army intelligence personnel through designated Army
core groups. The intent of this system is to create a common user data base
for tactical and strategic CI Army elements, assist in the cross-training of
tactical and strategic assets within the Army, and maximize resource
capability to fulfill their force protection role. Within the next two
years, other military departments will develop their intelligence networks
and common data bases, which will be followed by national level intelligence
agencies. The ultimate goal is to develop a data base, which will provide
National Military Strategy (NMS) and National Security Strategy (NSS)
leaders an evaluated product derived from information provided by the entire
U.S. intelligence community. Such a system does not currently exist. Also
suggested are several ways this kind of system could facilitate the training
and mentoring of CI personnel stationed worldwide.

Within the context of this paper, counterintelligence (CI) is defined as
"identifying, exploiting, and neutralizing a foreign intelligence service
threat against Department of the Army personnel, equipment, facilities, and
installations." Protection of these elements become a force multiplier for
the warfighter. Today this role includes preventing technology transfer,
which becomes a major force protection measure.

Impact of Downsizing and Absence of Common Data Bases
Downsizing has dramatically reduced the size of the strategic and tactical
CI workforce in the Department of Defense, and, in particular, within the
Army. To meet this challenge, the US Army is using current information
technology to effectively husband its limited resources. Although there are
numerous secure intelligence communications systems within the Army,
information is compartmented and rarely shared with other units. Common
accessible data bases are not widespread within the Army, much less within
the US intelligence community at large. Duplication of effort within the US
intelligence community does not markedly improve support to the NMS or the
NSS. Creating the means to securely transmit and receive classified
information from multiple users located around the world will result in a
system capable of providing national leaders with a total product, not one
developed from a single intelligence service.

If Army CI is to prepare for the 21st Century, it must begin using
information technology now to understand its capabilities and potential
applications. We must rapidly integrate technology "know-how" into all
facets of CI, if we are to marshal our limited resources to fulfill mission

The level of experience in many Army Military Intelligence Resident Office
has been radically reduced as a consequence of the downsizing of the Army's
CI workforce. In 1994, for example, there were 22 members assigned to the
National Capital Region Resident Office (NCRRO) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Today there are only three. According to Paul Godlewski, Special Agent in
Charge of the NCRRO, he has 16 years of military service and the remaining
two members have five years each. (Godlewski, 14 Nov 96) NCRRO is not an
isolated example of the impact of downsizing within the Army's CI community.
If CI is to contribute to force protection by the prevention of technology
transfer, then innovative ways of using information technology must be
created, explored, and, above-all, shared.

Intelligence personnel are beginning to routinely use available technologies
to gather supporting information for investigative leads or to fulfill
assigned functions, such as, preparing a Subversion and Espionage Directed
Against the Army (SAEDA) briefing. For example, an effective SAEDA
unclassified briefing can be developed by using the Internet to access the
Country Study Fact Sheets produced by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
or the Department of State (DOS).

Unfortunately, successful ventures or accomplishments are generally not
recognized by higher headquarters, and as a consequence, success stories are
not disseminated throughout a core group command. Higher headquarters are
interested in statistical results; not necessarily the methodology used to
acquire the end product. This trend must be reversed if technology transfer
is to be identified, tracked, and defeated by today's small Army CI
contingent. Secure web sites will allow peers, friends, mentors to
brainstorm the "how to" attack a problem. This aspect of the proposed system
will energize critical thinking throughout the entire system, as opposed to
relying on appointed leaders to resolve issues. This is a force multiplier
in the purest sense.

We must advertise the "how we did it" to other investigators and
intelligence operators, in order to augment experience lost due to
downsizing. Shared knowledge of methodology used to advance an investigation
or operation in today's technology driven environment is crucial in
educating investigators and intelligence professionals, many of whom have
not attended any formal professional training in years. Creating dedicated
intelligence networks will assist in training, educating, and mentoring our

The System in General
The proposed intelligence network suggests information will be shared by
using the Internet and will involve several dedicated network servers using
modified software to protection data/information.

Three separate Internet webs will be used to tie several geographic core
Army intelligence organizations together. One Internet will use INTELINK-S
software dedicated to Secret collateral information, while the second
classified World Wide Web (WWW) Internet using INTELINK software should be
dedicated to SCI. In addition to current raw information, these classified
Internets will enable personnel to obtain finished intelligence products.
Unclassified material could have its own dedicated web site with assigned
protocol for set for Secret information. This protection level is to protect
discussions concerning methodology, etc., not the information itself.

Currently, the intelligence community is moving towards establishing a
complete collateral Secret WWW, which will run on the Secret Internet
Protocol Routing Network (SIPRNET) (Turner, Sep 96, pg 43). Within the next
two years, plans envision four specific web sites being activated: Army, Air
Force, Navy, and one for OSIA [On Sight Inspection Agency]. Over the next
three or four years, national level organizations (CIA, FBI, and DIA) will
be gradually added to the system. The overall goal is to establish a joint
data base within the intelligence community capable of producing a holistic
intelligence product in response to a national crisis, should the need

According to Mark Deeds, Chief, Information Management Office, Foreign
Counterintelligence Activity, this Internet system will also benefit the
Combatant Commanders, who will have access to the Secret and SCI nets, in
order to monitor current information relating to his area(s) of concern.
When the systems are established, users will be able to use web technology,
like Yahoo, to search for information provided by other organizations within
the intelligence community. It will also be possible to locate finished
intelligence products authored by other intelligence agencies. (Deeds, 14
Nov 1996) Overall, this system will facilitate exchange of information and
generate discussion between members of the US intelligence community,
particularly between Army intelligence members involved in force protection.
Suggested core Army units for both classified systems are: 902d MIG and the
513th MI Bde in the US; 650th MIG and 66th MIG in Europe; and the 500th and
501st MI Brigades in the Far East. These units know what needs to be
protected and the overall threats to security within their geographic area
of responsibility. The dedicated net sites will 1) facilitate coordination
and sharing of information and ideas from intelligence units world wide 2)
allow users to freely discuss possible intelligence applications of
information technology to on-going investigations or operations and 3) allow
passage of information directly to interested customers. For example, a
terrorist incident in Japan may be of interest to the CINC EUCOM and the
66th MIG in Germany, if the terrorist organization has a following in

Current WWW Internet Use Limitations
Agents are able to tailor requests for unclassified information through the
judicious use of available commercial Internet websites. Access to
classified data bases with evaluated intelligence is severely restricted
largely due to the absence of an intelligence Internet with the requisite
security measures to preclude compromise of holdings. Systems that do exist
are not linked. The need to know principle when combined with the
requirement to deal with individual intelligence agencies separately, does
not create an environment for a timely response to most inquiries. Although
you may submit a request for information through the "chain of command," the
final product may not be received in time or be what you want. A dedicated
classified intelligence network will eliminate this deficiency. If Army CI
is to contribute to preventing technology transfer, access must be expanded
from unclassified sources to evaluated information from joint sources.

An Example of the Current System
The following example illustrates what an experienced CI agent can develop
using current commercially available WWW sites. The military net (MILNET),
which contains unclassified information, can be accessed through the
Internet to provide useful CI leads to prevent technology transfer. Using
the MILNET to access the DTIC (Defense Technology Intelligence Center) data
base allows an agent to conduct an electronic search for companies denied
government contracts. Results of such inquires provide investigators with
the types of information certain companies were attempting to acquire.
Further electronic checks and coordination with other investigative agencies
could ascertain that a certain foreign government was using retired military
personnel and attempting to acquire technology denied by treaty or

In my example, the agent identified a threat to U.S. national security, one
which could have impacted on a CINC. Equally important, is using the
dedicated intelligence net to discuss methodology, tactics, and issues. Such
actions would most likely generate a lively discussion of other successful
investigative or operational methods used or raise "what if" scenarios. If
we are to fully develop our capabilities with our reduced manpower levels,
we must use information technology to our full advantage by sharing
information with others in the community.

Currently, Army CI does not have a system to informally pass seemingly minor
lessons learned information to others in the CI community. Investigative or
operational results are entered into the appropriate channel without the
higher headquarters learning how an individual agent successfully used
information technology of today to do tomorrowís business smarter.
Consequently, although we are doing "business smarter" in some circles, we
need to do it better and on a broader scale. Establishing the multi-level
internet web servers and sites help us accomplish this goal.

Perhaps the true potential benefit of the INTELINK systems concerns its use
in seemingly unrelated roles. These systems will provide a unique
opportunity to share with other CI units ground level experiences in
leveraging information technology to accomplish assigned missions. For
example, the use of the DTIC to identify investigative leads to thwart
technology transfer. The INTELINK-S system can be used within the core
groups to suggest operational, investigative, or tactical uses for off the
shelf products in an operational/investigative or tactical role; OR use the
system to access the "School Without Walls" at the US Army Intelligence
Center and School (USAICS), Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

USAICS is actively developing Intelligence Training XXI strategy to promote
several TRADOC 21st Century training initiatives: the evolution of Classroom
XXI and "distance learning." (Turner, 96, pg 40) Classroom XXI is a concept
which will reengineer the classroom of Army training institutions to
capitalize on new training methods and leverage information technology. Once
courses are designed, instructors will be able to rapidly up-date on-line
lessons, thereby providing the most current doctrinal information to
students. Moreover, courses of instruction can be reviewed by anyone with
the appropriate pass word to determine MOS doctrine and methods.

As the School Without Walls and "distance learning" become established, it
is entirely possible that interactive Internet courses will become common
and can be applied to communicate with and train the force (active duty,
reserve force and national guard structure) (MI Bulletin, Dec 95, pg 46).
Interactive distance learning would certainly reduce the cost of training
large numbers of personnel and has the distinct advantage of allowing
distance learners to receive refresher training without travel being
involved. For example, consider the writer of this paper. I attended the
basic CI Agent Course nearly 28 years ago. Unquestionably, what I was taught
then does not resemble what is taught now. Distance learning would enable me
to take the course and to understand what training junior agents receive
today. Based on this knowledge, I would know what skills and basic knowledge
of CI procedures and doctrine to expect from a new agent and then could
revise my training programs accordingly.

CONCLUSION: If US Army CI members are to meet the challenge of truly
protecting the force, it must master and leverage information technology to
the fullest extent possible. Developing a common intelligence data base will
facilitate Army CI operations worldwide, particularly when Secret and SCI
web sites and servers are established in the core Army groups. Within the
next four or five years, the proposed system should include all military
services and national level intelligence organizations. Developing
investigative and operational skills today will place Army at the fore front
in the fight against technology transfer. The system has a tremendous
potential to facilitate training and mentoring of our workforce, and should
be fully exploited to encourage critical thinking by all members.

Cairns, Donald W. The Doctrine Internet. INSCOM Journal Nov - Dec 95.

Deeds, Mark. Personal Interview. 8/19 Nov 96.

Fischer, Joan E. LIWA Levels Playing Field. INSCOM Journal May-Jun 95.

Godlewski, Paul. Personal Interview. 14 Nov 1996.

Humphreys, Vernon. Training the Total Organization. Training and Development
Journal, Oct 90.

Hunter, Hal. The Opposite Sector. Training and Development Magazine, May 95.

Jones, Jerry. USAICS&FH. Personal Interview. 24 Oct 96.

Lowrey, Dennis A. Center Without Walls: Training in the Information Age.
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, PB 34-95-4. Oct - Dec 95.

Juechter, W. Mather. Learning by Doing. Training and Development Magazine.
Oct 93.

Turner, Edward F. School Without Walls: IEW Maintenance Training in the
Information Age. MI Professional Bulletin. PB 34-96-3. Jul-Sep 96.

Ward, Edna C. and Lee, J. Edward. An Instructor's Guide to Distance
Learning. Training and Development Magazine, Nov 95.

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