This one's easier to separate Grabbe's comments from my own.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Mike Ruppert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, October 09, 2000 10:58 PM
Subject:    RE: [CIA-DRUGS] PROMIS comment, by J. Orlin Grabbe

Mike Ruppert's response:
OK, I knew if I wrote two words on Promis that I would get sucked in. But
Billy Tyree warned that if I was right then people would come out from all
over to attack me. Guess he was right. But I would have expected better from
Grabbe. This is really pretty lame.
I've never read any of Grabbe's work on Promis. Oh, I've had it repeated to
me as lore and legend but I've never read it. I knew McCoy. I knew Tyree. I
was around while McCoy was dealing with another con man named Charlie Hayes
who is now in jail. I was around when McCoy was dealing with another liar
named Terry Reed, who we exposed completely on this list. I was around when
McCoy was also dealing with a CIA wolf in sheep's clothing named Gene
Wheaton. I know Chip Tatum, or did until early 1998 when he disappeared.
I'll insert my reactions to Grabbe's remarks below and ask that someone
please forward them to him. Please! He makes no mention of any of the new
material I have added to the story and his pettiness is all too visible. If
he's calling me irresponsible then perhaps he should put his legal mouth
where his anus currently is and I'll see him in court.

Responses below.

-----Original Message-----
Sent:   Monday, October 09, 2000 8:43 PM
Subject:    [CIA-DRUGS] PROMIS comment, by J. Orlin Grabbe

Click Here: <A HREF="">PROMIS
comment, by J. Orlin Grabbe</A>
PROMIS comment

by J. Orlin Grabbe

I run links to a lot of articles that I think are of interest. Some I
basically agree with, some I violently disagree with, but none of them do I
think are a waste of time. Like this one. It provides a useful overview, and
I keep thinking that somewhere, somewhen, someone will get a clue. I've long
given up caring whether they do or not.
That being said, I have to make a few comments on this series of jpegs of
pages from the From the Wilderness story of PROMIS. Some of the comments may
hurt; but the truth often does. When you play with fire, you acquire a
responsibility, and irresponsible people should shut the fuck up.

Grabbe - -------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "While we do not claim to be worthy of pulling Excalibur from the
. . ."
Item: ". . . one of three best informed open sources on the story in the
world, William Tyree."
Comment: Is there some discrepancy here? "I don't have a clue, but I can
authoritatively tell you here is a world expert on the subject." It's like:
"I don't know anything about history, but my neighbor, who is older than I,
is a genius in the subject."
Ruppert - Tyree was acknowledged by the RCMP, Bill Hamilton and Bill McCoy
to have had better information on what happened to Promis than anyone since
the "suicide" of Danny Casolaro with the exception of Riconoscuito.  Grabbe
says that I am making this up. No, I am reporting what I have from three
very credible sources. Plus I have hard documents, not handwritten flow
charts and not from Tyree, to back it up as well. Or do we throw out the
statements of these people.

Grabbe - -------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "The First Rip Off"
Comment: This wasn't the first rip-off. The first rip-off was when Bill
Hamilton took a program created with public funds, and attached his and
Inslaw's name to it. That was the first rip-off. The second rip-off was that
of Meese/Brian/Lowell et al.
Ruppert - That's your journalistic position. However I have yet to see or
locate theft or embezzlement charges of any kind being filed against the
Hamiltons by the USG. If your position is correct then how come, in all
these years, even with DoJ's attempts to force Inslaw into bankruptcy, have
we not seen these charges raised on behalf of a violated government? Why has
not someone spoken out for the people whose property has been stolen?

Grabbe ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "Confidential documents obtained by FTW indicate that much of the AI
development was done at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia Labs .
. ."
Comment: Don't forget to read that top-secret document Fostergate, by Jim
Ruppert - Sorry, but the documents that I have didn't come from you and they
didn't originate with Tyree either. Are we jealous, Orlin, or just afraid of
being shown to be biased?

Grabbe ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "So meticulously researched and documented is the book [The Last
Circle] that FTW's researcher 'The Goddess' has fact checked it and found it
Comment: Gee, if I had stolen a collection of Michael Riconosciuto's files,
I could write a good summary of them also. It's amazing the number of people
who have turned themselves into "geniuses" by ripping off Riconosciuto.
That's okay, I guess. Riconosciuto still has plenty of genius left over.
Ruppert - Never said that Riconoscuito wasn't a genius and your point might
be valid if it weren't for the fact that Seymour also has lots of documents
obtained from other sources. My point was that her book was correct.
Apparently, you agree wholeheartedly.

Grabbe - -------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "The Last Circle describes in detail how Promis software was modified
by Riconosciuto to allegedly include the back door 'eavesdropping'
capability but also enhanced with one form of AI and subsequently applied to
the development of new weapons systems including 'ethnospecific' biowarfare
compounds capable of attacking specific races." Comment: If the writer gets
time, he will find it helpful to actually read the book.
Ruppert - I did read the book. That's why I was able to comment on it.
Grabbe - Then he won't sound like such a clueless asshole. It's really not
necessary to tie everything Riconosciuto was involved in to the PROMIS
software. To do so becomes implicit disinformation distracting from the very
real and everyday role PROMIS played in the financial world. Next we are
liable to hear that PROMIS keeps track of worldwide methamphetamine
distribution. Come on. Give everyone a break.
Ruppert - I didn't make any statement about Promis and drug distribution,
although I think it might well have a lot to do with drug money distribution
and laundering. I will check this with Seymour and, if incorrect, I will
correct it. In a 10,000 word piece I can live with an error promptly
That does not invalidate the whole story or the increasing attention we are
now focusing on Dyncorp, Harvard, Lockheed-Martin, Geomatics, SSiG Reuters,
I.P. Sharp, The Elbit chip, the Petrie Chip and HUD.
Tell me Mr. Grabbe, What have you written on these companies, subjects or
connections? You do know of the Promis contract at GE Aerospace,
subsequently acquired by Martin do you not?

Grabbe - -------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "Bill McCoy, a loveable sixty-something giant"
Comment: In one of my Vince Foster posts, I asked if Dee Dee Myers gave
Vince Foster a blowjob the day he died. Unlike some of the questions I
asked, I already knew the answer to this one. I never provided details,
because I don't consider other people's blowjobs any of my business-except
that this was relevant to the story.
Bill Hamilton was appalled at this piece of crassness. Even Sarah McClendon,
God bless her lovable old soul, was shocked. (Sarah was a tireless defender
of the Clintons, but she was assisted in this by some of her top sources,
such as an in-law who was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA]. So
she was regularly fed slanted information, stemming from Clinton's Devil's
Pact with the defense establishment, a part of which involved helping the
DIA crowd-out the CIA to take over the intelligence apparatus. In any event,
Clinton sent his covert jobs to the DIA, and bypassed the CIA.) But McCoy
thought my question was funny (and not inappropriate), and he called me up
and we had a good laugh about it. McCoy was always okay in my book, and I
was saddened by his death.
Ruppert - I was saddened too. Your point?

Grabbe - -------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "It is not by chance that most of the military and all of the
intelligence agencies in the U.S. now operate on Macintosh systems."
Comment: Right. And Al Gore is a clone of Jesus Christ.
Ruppert - John Deutch operated on Macs and certain Naval shipboard systems
have converted to Macs. My sources indicate that, while by no means
impervious, Mac systems are less vulnerable to a variety of attacks than
PCs. This was supported by McCoy's repeated surveillance operations directed
at Microsoft.  Certain of the documents that I have received support the
possibility that Microsoft systems have been compromised by Trojan-like back
doors derived from or introduced by versions of Promis.
On your own web site you have a strong article explaining why there is no
security in Microsoft products. So you are agreeing with me. Thank you.

Grabbe ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "George W. Bush's lackluster firm Harken Energy. 'W' is a Harvard
Comment: Yes, just like his father. If the writer can't pay even minimal
attention to the news, he should at least do some Internet research. If
Jehovah's Witnesses show up at this moron's door, they should skip the "Have
you heard of Christ?" and go directly to "Have you heard of Yale?" (Yes, W.
did get an MBA from Harvard Business School. That doesn't make him a Harvard
Ruppert - Excuse me. Having a Harvard MBA means that one is a graduate of
the Harvard MBA program. You must be on drugs yourself, Grabbe. You have
just confirmed a connection between Bush and Harvard which is the point I
was trying to make. Thank you.
And for all of this puffery and vitriol you missed the single biggest
mistake that I made in the entire piece. That mistake was to write that the
Harvard Endowment had revenues of $19 billion. I should have written that
the Harvard Endowment is capitalized with $19 billion in assets. That was my
biggest mistake in the entire article and you missed it.
Now, that being said, I have just corrected it exactly the same way that the
New York Times and The Washington Post do when they make an error. It
neither dilutes the story nor weakens it. In recent days we have finally
seen Ted Gunderson revealed as the government disinformation agent that he
is after calling in a SWAT Team on whistleblower Stew Webb. Will you be next
to be revealed?
Why don't you go have lunch with Reed Irvine, Larry Klayman, John Singlaub
and your other fascist pals. Both sides are dirty here and you just took a
real lame shot. Thanks for the publicity. Now, if you have any integrity why
don't you post my response on your web site?

Mike Ruppert

Grabbe - -------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: Inslaw-Promis flow chart.
Comment: Does this look like a cheap attempt to diagram my Vince Foster
series (which appeared prior to this diagram) or what? Of course, all of my
writings were top secret. You had to know how to get on the Internet. (And
it doesn't matter where you are. Chip Tatum once told me how he used to make
copies of my posts and pass them around in the prison he was at.)

Item: "Stephens' financial firm Alltel, heir to Systematics" Comment: If you
are going to rip-off my Vince Foster series, at least get the story
straight. Alltel is the Arkansas phone company. Jackson sold Systematics to
Alltel, whereupon it became Alltel Information Services. And so on for other
details which have been out on the Internet for over FOUR years.

Ruppert - Yes, and Alltel then turned all of its data processing over to
Systematics on an initial contract of around $800,0nded to included
Systematics acquiring warehouse space to menage all of Alltel's data. Now,
if you are Jack Stephens and if you have back door Promis software and you
now manage all of the phone company's data - as well as the data that moves
over phone company wires - who runs the phone company?

Grabbe - -------------------------------------------------------------------
Item: "identity of the Sergeant Major"
Comment: Gee, life's just full of little mysteries, isn't it?
Ruppert - I guess it is a mystery but he sure is for real. Everyone wants to
know who he is.
October 8, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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