Settler Rampage: Five Killed - One Tortured to Death
LAW ~ October  9, 2000

In the past two days, Israeli settlers have been on the rampage. Armed,
protected and supported by Israeli troops, the Israeli settlers have killed
five Palestinian civilians in the past twenty-four hours; three killed in
the occupied Palestinian territory and two in the city of Nazareth in

Around one thousand Israeli extremist settlers from Natzrat Elite (Higher
Nazareth), supported by the Israeli police, attacked East Nazareth; they
broke into the homes of the Palestinian residents, and fired at Palestinian
civilians killing Omar Ikawi, 42, and Wisam Yazbik, 26, and wounding thirty
people, five of them critically. The deaths of Ikawi and Yazbik raise the
death toll of Palestinians within the Green Line, (in Israel) to 13.

In the occupied Palestinian territory, Israeli settlers have killed three
Palestinians. Israeli settlers murdered Fahid Abu Baker, 23, from Bedia,
Salfeet, in the occupied territories, on October 7, 2000.

Settlers burned the body of Sayil Swaidan, 25, from Azoon, Qalqilia who
disappeared during a settlers' attack on the Palestinian town. Farmers found
the corpse of Swaidan in an olive feild. Swaidan had been shot in the back
of his head, but it is not clear whether this was the cause of death.

The body of Isam Hamad, 36, from Um Safa, Ramallah, was found in a field
near his village. An eyewitness stated that he saw Hamad driving to his farm
when an Israeli military vehicle stopped and took him away. Hamad was found
dead today (October 9, 2000) in the morning near Pisgot settlement. Isam
Hamad had been tortured to death. There is evidence that he was
electrocuted, burned with a hot iron, and attacked with an axe. Law has
asked a medical examiner to prepare a full report.

For the past couple of days settlers attacked Palestinian citizens and their
property and their homes. They used firearms in their attacks while the
occupation army turned a blind eye to their aggressive acts. They attacked
the Old City of Jerusalem and some parts of Shufat, Hizma, Shufat refugees'
camp, Anata, Al Isawiyi, Al Ram, Dahiyit Al Bareed, and Harit Al Aqbat as
well as Hebron and the main road junctions. This often occurred in sight of
the Israeli army.

LAW Society warns against the aggressive attacks of these racist and extreme
Israeli settlers against the Palestinian people within the Green Line and
the West Bank. It condemns the despicable crimes the Israeli police have
committed against the Palestinian civilians. LAW condemns the support given
to settlers by Israeli occupation army.

LAW Society views the bloody homicides that the occupation army commits
against the Palestinian civilians as opening the doors for settlers and the
extreme racists to commit more crimes and cause more bloodshed. This is the
consequence of years of arming settlers and the building of military
arsenals in settlements.

Henceforth, LAW Society demands the following:

First: the government of Israel must bring the extremist and racist
settlers, who attacked Nazareth, to justice,

Second: the government of Israel must bring the Israeli police chiefs, who
gave orders to kill the people of Nazareth, to justice,

Third: the Israeli settlers in the occupied territories must be disarmed and
their criminals brought to justice,

Fourth: LAW repeats its demand that Israel comply with the implementation of
the Geneva Conventions of 1949 protecting civilians.

Fifth: LAW expresses its dismay and disbelief for the international silence
towards the crimes in the occupied territories and within the Green Line
against the Palestinian people.

Sixth: LAW reminds the international community of their obligation to bring
those responsible for these war crimes to trial as required under article
146 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection for Human Rights and the
Environment is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to preserving human
rights through legal advocacy.

PO Box 20873, Jerusalem Tel: 00 972 2 583 3428/3298/3537/3530/3430 Fax: 00
972 2 583 3317 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Read more on the Palestinian-Isreali crisis:

Ravi Khanna, Director
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