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Virginia McCullough
"Have I missed the  mark, or, like a true archer,  do I strike my mark?
Or am I a prophet of lies, a babbler from door to door?"
                                                      Cassandra, as reported
by Agamemnon
© 2000 Virginia McCullough. All Rights Reserved. Use only with written

Part One
The great researcher, Mae Brussell, grew up in the shadow of her father,
Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin.  Rabbi Magnin joined the staff of the Temple B'nai
B'rith in Los Angeles in 1915 and became its senior rabbi in 1919.  He
remained in that position until his death on July 17, 1984.
In 1929 the Temple moved to 3663 Wilshire Boulevard  and became known as The
Wilshire Boulevard Temple.  Two years before his death this temple was
dedicated to Robbi Magnin.  He was often called the "Rabbi to the stars"
because of his close association with the Hollywood community.
When the Rabbi died, Mae Brussell added many of her father's files and books
to her massive collection.  Rabbi Magnin's file contents are a window into
the years before the world found itself engulfed in the terror of World War
One yellowed newspaper clipping might well be confused with today's news
stories.  The subject matter is the Jewish National Home and Palestine.
Constitution put to a vote paragraph by paragraph in all night session.
Weizmann policy proves victorious
Final step still to be taken by a roll call of 322 delegates

ZURICH, (J.T.A.)  The "Jewish Agency" which, by the vote just taken by the
Sixteenth Zionist Congress will be extended to include non-Zionist Jews, as
well as Zionists, is the legal term in post-war international law for the
Jewish public body which has been granted certain defined rights and
privileges in relation to Palestine by the League of Nations and the British
government.  This body derives its authority from the Mandate given by the
League of Nations to the Government of Great Britain for the administration
of the territory of Palestine, the Mandatory power being responsible for
"placing the country under such political, administrative and economic
conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home."  To
assist the Palestine government in this task, in accordance with the Balfour
Declaration and the preamble to the Palestine Mandate in which the
"historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine" was given
official recognition by the Allied Powers following the World War, this
special Jewish body was recognized.  Up to the vote of the Congress to
enlarge the Agency, the Zionist Organization, having its headquarters in
London and Jerusalem, was recognized by the British Government as the Jewish
Agency, which enjoys the rights and privileges outlined in Article IV of the
Palestine Mandate.
Article IV defines these rights with the following words: "An appropriate
public Jewish agency shall be shall be organized  as a public body for the
purpose of advising and cooperating with the Administration of Palestine in
such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of
the Jewish National Home and the interests of the Jewish population in
Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to
assist and take part in the development of the country."
The same Article IV of the Mandate confers upon the Zionist Organization
recognition as the Jewish Agency and provides for the possibility of its
extension to include non-Zionists.  The second paragraph of Article IV says:
"The Zionists organization and constitution are in the opinion of the
Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognized as such agency.  It shall take
steps in consultation with His Britannic Majestic Government to secure the
cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the
Jewish National Home."
The Mandate was approved by the Council of the League of Nations on July 24,
1922.  In advance of this date, on June 30, 1922, the movement for the
establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine as defined in the
Balfour Declaration and in the Mandate, was concurred in a resolution by the
House of Representatives of the United States, although the United States was
not a member of the League of Nations and not a party in the allocation of
the Mandate.  On July 15, the United States Senate concurred in this
resolution, and it was approved by President Harding.
Dr. Chaim Weizmann, as president of the World Zionist Organization,
following  the adoption of resolutions in June 1923 by the American Zionist
convention held in Pittsburgh, Pa., and by the Thirteenth Zionist Congress
held in Carlsbad In August, 1923, favoring the extension of the Jewish
Agency, started negotiations with the American non-Zionists, headed by Mr.
Louis Marshall, president of the American Jewish Committee, and Mr. Felix M.
Warbur, chairman of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.
Negotiations were also conducted with non-Zionist representatives of the
Jewish communities in Great Britain, Germany France, Poland, Romania and
other countries.  The American non-Zionists held three conferences, the last
and most important of which was held in New York on October 21, 1927, when a
final decision was reached.  The non-Zionist conference, after receiving a
report of a specially composted Palestine Survey Commission, which included
many American experts, among them Dr. Elwood Mead of the United States
Agricultural Department, agreed to join the extended Jewish Agency and
appointed a committee of seven to designate the 44 delegates to which the
American non-Zionists are entitled under the agreement between Dr. Weizmann
and Mr. Marshall.
Throughout the six years during which the negotiations went on there raged a
strong controversy in the ranks of the Zionist movement as to whether the
cooperation of the   the non-Zionists, who do not profess the principles of
political Zionism, is to be invited.  Dr. Weizmann's policy developed a
formidable opposition, which raised continuous objections and imposed many
reservations on the contemplated pact with the non-Zionists.  The matter came
up at every Zionist Congress held since 1923.  The opposition dwindled to an
insignificant minority when the American non-Zionists, under whose leadership
the negotiations were principally conducted, consented to the inclusion of
the term "Jewish National Home" in the preamble to the enlarged Jewish
Agency's constitution and agreed to incorporate into the new body's governing
rules clauses which guarantee: 1) a continuation of Jewish immigration to
Palestine; 2) the recognition of the principle of Jewish labor in enterprises
operating under the auspices of the Jewish Agency; 3) the development of the
Hebrew language and Hebrew culture in Palestine; 4) the freedom of the
settlers to determine their own form of settlement, provided that their
economic self sufficiency will be taken into consideration;
5) the recognition of the Jewish National Fund, the Zionist land purchasing
agency, as the instrument for the purchasing of land in Palestine as the
inalienable property of the Jewish people.  Such lands are not to be sold,
but leased to settlers of a 99-year basis.
The Council of the Jewish Agency which opened its first session on Sunday,
August 11, in Zurich will consist of 220 members among whom there are a
number of the most prominent Jews of the world, eminent in various fields.
The American delegation will be the largest among the delegations  from 21
countries in attendance, since the non-Zionists will have 44 and the American
Zionists 18 representatives.  The Council will be equally divided in its
membership, 110 being Zionists and 110 non-Zionists, a non-Zionist being one
who is not a member of the Zionist Organization or any of its affiliated
In official reports submitted in the League of Nations by the Zionist
Organization, it was estimated that a sum exceeding $50,000,000 both in
public and private capital, has been invested by Jews in Palestine since
1920.  American Zionists alone have, during the past 10 years, raised for
Palestine a sum exceeding $10,000,000.  According to the recommendations
formulated by the Joint Palestine Survey Commission, headed by Lord Melchett
and Felix M. Warburg, a minimum sum of $5,000,000 annually will have to be
placed at the disposal of the enlarged Jewish Agency to carry on the work
which aims towards furthering the establishment of the Jewish National Home
in Palestine.  Sixty per cent of this sum is to be raised among the Jews of
the United States.
On March 23, 1933 The New York Daily Mirror headlines screamed "More Jews
Beaten As Nazis Defy U.S."  Below the headline banner was a picture with a
caption reading "A BRAND OF HITLER "JUSTICE!"  "Symbolical of the tales of
torture emanating from German refugees, is this picture from Munich showing A
Jewish resident being forced by Hitler's storm troopers to walk barefoot
through the city streets carrying a sign which he was compelled to write: "I
will never again complain to the police.  Signed--A. Schwarta."  He was then
ejected from the town and forbidden ever to return.  Despite, U.S. protest,
Berlin yesterday granted amnesty to all ruffians who had attacked 10
Americans, 8 of them Jews."
On page 2 of this same newspaper the following story appears.

GENEVA- Switzerland, March 22 - We drag kidnapped Christians into the cellars
of our Synagogues, cut their throats, and drink their blood!
Plotting to debase "the good German blood", we attack or beguile
inexperienced German maidens, for the sole purpose of adulterating the
Germanic stock with our racial characteristics!
We plot the ruin of the Christian world through usury!
We obey rabbinical instructions to deny instructions to deny dying Christians
all humanitarian aid!
We have organized a vast financial conspiracy to drive the German peasant
from his farm through foreclosure!
These are but a few of the infamies of propaganda not only tolerated in
Germany today by Hitler and his Nazi troops but encouraged by them - so that
30 German "newspapers" exist for the sole purpose of disseminating the foul
lies about members of our [the Jewish] race.  In not a few instances, the
vilifying propaganda is signed with Adolf Hitler's name.
Five days after the  preceding article ran, The Los Angeles Examiner
announced that Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin's non-sectarian committee would hold a
gathering of thousands of Los Angeles citizens at the Philharmonic Auditorium
to protest against the Hitler regime's injustice to Jews.  Similar protests
were taking place in other American cities and America's citizens demanded
that the State Department formally express this country's indignation.
In a stroke of irony the article juxtaposition to the protest announcement
read as follows:
Nationwide Program Will Include Smallest Villages And Reach Every Phase of
Semitic Activity
By Karl H. von Wiegand

BERLIN- March 28 - A nation-wide anti-Jewish boycott throughout Germany,
anti-Jewish boycott throughout Germany, affecting even the smallest village,
was ordered tonight to begin Saturday in order to force foreign countries to
abandon any hostility toward Germany.
The program contains the following eleven points:
1.    Action committees are to be organized by every local group of Nazis,
down to the smallest village, to direct and enforce a boycott against Jewish
professions, businesses, stores, shops, lawyers and physicians.  Committees
are held responsible for seeing the boycott does not strike any "innocents."
2.    Committees are held responsible for seeing that foreigners, regardless
of faith, creed, race or nationality, are exempt from the boycott.
3.    Committees are immediately to enlighten the public and popularize the
boycott on the principle that no German is to buy anything from a Jew or
permit a Jew to offer him anything.
4.    When in doubt regarding some particular firm or business, Nazis are not
to start the boycott until receiving orders direct from the Muich Brown House.

5.    Action committees are to watch newspapers in the enlightenment of
German people in the "Anti-Jewish Atrocity Campaign," and should any
newspaper not engage enthusiastically in the campaign of enlightenment,
committees must see the newspaper is not to enter a German home and also that
it shall not carry advertisements of any German firm or business.  It is
states: "Such papers are to fall in contempt.  They are printed for Jews, not
for Germans."
6.    Committees, together with "Cells" of the Nazi party, must carry
propaganda, especially to workers, to make clear the consequences of the
Jewish boycott of Germany in other countries, and giving reasons explaining
that the German counter boycott is a necessary protection of German labor.
7.    Propaganda must be carried into all villages and, in the rural
districts, against Jewish peddlers and small dealers.
8.    The program calls for concentrated efforts to deliver a blow to Jewry,
and storm troops are to picket shops and warn people away from Jewish stores.
9.    "Tens of thousands of mass meetings" are to demand that Jews be
permitted to practice in professions, in business or in any employment in
proportion to their numbers compared with the rest of Germany's population.
Jews represent 8-10 of 1 percent of the population.  This includes students
in grammar and high schools, medical doctors and lawyers.  Banks are so far
10.    Committees must see that every German who has any connection whatever
with foreign countries must send letters, telegrams, cables and engage in
telephone talks to enlighten others on the truth about Germany and the German
desire to live in peace.
11.    Committees are responsible for seeing that the entire boycott operates
with complete and rigid discipline and order, and that "Not a single Jewish
hair" is to be harmed.  Any agitation will be downed with force.
Throughout the long year of 1933 the rhetoric of hate continually escalated.
Hitler's propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels describes his view of Jews on
page 16 of Die verfluchten Hakendreuzler[Publisher: Frz. Eher Nachfulger,
Munich, 1929].

"The Jew is the plastic demon of decay.  Wherever he scents refuse and
putrefaction, he immediately bobs up from the unseen and begins his criminal
work of slaughtering against the nations.  He disguises himself in the mast
of those whom he intends to deceive, makes friends with his victims, and
before the unsuspecting victim has noticed it, he has already broken his
Even the literature of Germany carried messages of hate and violence.  From
the poem, "War-Song of the SA," "Kleines Naziliederbuch"  the following lies
proclaimed the Nazi theme.

Thus the storm troops stand ready to wage the racial war!  Only then shall we
be freed, when the Jews are in their gore.
On March 27, 1933,  in an eloquent speech to his fellow representatives,
Congressman William I. Sirovich [14th Congressional District, New York State]
begged them to take a stand.  "In the name of humanity, I ask this Congress
of the United States, in line with its noble traditions, to protest the
persecution of the Jews in Germany."  But the House of Representatives did
not respond quickly.
On May 31, 1933 The Nation reported:

The purifying process has wrought the most terrific havoc with the German
press.  An official Nazi publication says: "Next to the Bourse the press is
Judas's most valuable tool for extending its power"; and Dr. Joseph Goebbles
said: "It is my intention to play on the press as on a piano."  The
independent press is gone.  The Frankfurter Zeitung, until the advent of the
Nazis one of the world's leading journals, makes fitful attempts to remain
independent, but the Berliner Tageblatt has been completely "coordinated," so
that this so-called Jewish international capitalist paper of liberal Germany
has become a Nazi organ printing eulogies about "Our Hitler."  The Nazis
propose to enroll every journalist in a Fascist press union, admission to
which may be obtained only by producing a certificate of racial purity, a
membership card in the Nazi party, and convincing proof that the prospective
journalist is sufficiently devoid of individual thought not to do anything
that might displease his masters.
The corruption and control  of the German mind continued as spring took hold
in Hitler's fiefdom.  April of 1933 would find tourists writing home relating
the horror they found in this ancient land now so totally under the steel
boots of the Nazis.
In part two of this series the last months of 1933 German citizens surrender
all of their free thought to Adolf Hitler and Germany accelerates down a path
that will lead to its own destruction.
By Virginia Lee McCullough © 2000

Part Two
The spring of 1933 shook the world to its core.  In Germany the Hitler Regime
of oppression came into power on March 5, 1933, when for a second time within
the space of a month, Adolph Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany, this
time by an elective majority.

With his assumption of power, Hitler unleashed a program of extermination and
vituperation against the Jews and other minority groups in Germany which has
been unparalleled in modern history.  This program, the evolution of a hymn
of hatred preached for thirteen years prior to the victory of the Nazi Party,
has been enacted into the law of the land.  It has taken a toll of hundreds
of Jewish lives, subjected thousands of Jews to unspeakable acts of torture
and caused the incarceration of many thousands more.  It has driven some
100,000 Jews outside of the country in concentration camps.  Primarily, its
effect has been to destroy the lives, the status, and the future of the
Jewish people in Germany.  It has branded them as a pariah caste, closed
every door of economic livelihood to them; ousted them from citizenship,
destroyed every vestige of future for their children, and barred the doors of
A Confidential Record of Activities (March-December)
Distributed by the American Jewish Congress
The Nazis received only a very slim majority in the March 5th vote.  The
National Socialists received less than 44% of the votes.  The Nazi party
scored 17,264,000 ballots; however, 22 million non-Nazi votes were recorded.
Following this spring election a cleansing of the Reichstag took place.
Representatives of opposing  parties were arrested; the "voluntary"
dissolution of all other parties followed; [and] by July 14, 1933 a law was
passed preventing the formation of any new party.  The German states were in
the process of destruction and total replacement by an all-powerful military
government.  Later in the year another election would take place that would
seek to solidify the new government.
In Los Angeles the Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin had been receiving a great deal of
mail from travelers in Europe.  Those who had pass through Germany were
alarmed by what they had seen.  One such letter follows:

Zurich, Switzerland
April 5, 1933
Dear Folks at Home:
We are writing you with a deep sense of relief at being out of Germany.  It
is no use going into details of the persecution because you would just see
red.  We feel as though we had just come out of the middle ages, except that
for witch-burning you must substitute "taking for a ride," the riding guests
being the Jews.  For months we had been living in an atmosphere of
unspeakable atrocities, physical and psychological, brutality, flight,
horror, suicide, everything.  As foreigners we were never molested and never
in danger, in fact, we had no trouble whatsoever, but having eyes and
sensitivity, we were in a continuous state of revolt against the existing
The Jews in Germany are not being massacred.  That is, there has not been a
pogrom to date, if one understands a pogrom to be a mass slaughter, but the
means that the Nazis are using are much more invidious than a good
old-fashion clean pogrom.  The whole country reeks of injustice against the
Jews, and no one with a long nose or any Jewish characteristics is safe in
Germany now.  The rowdies (The majority of Nazi soldiers are rowdies, out of
work, with nothing decent or productive to do with their energies) beat up
any Jews whose looks they don't like.   Jews disappear, no one knows where.
Let me give you a few detailed examples of the new "Weltanschauung" in
Germany.  In the government all Jews have been removed from office long ago,
except in the minor posts.  This applies to municipal as well as the national
government.  Kathe Spiegel was working for the city.  She had the best record
of anyone in her branch and was well liked by her immediate associates, many
of whom did not know she was Jewish.  She received notice a few week ago,
sending her on compulsory vacation until further notice.  She wrote a letter
to the authorities, presenting the facts that her father was staff physician
in the German army until his death, and that her two brothers had been killed
fighting for Germany in the World War.  She received no reply and her
compulsory vacation is equivalent to an official bounce.
While we were in Berlin a troop of "Sturm Abteil" paraded in front of
Rosenheim's on Kurfurstendam, a department store twice as large as the May
Company, admonishing the people not to buy there.  This was before any talk
of boycotting Jewish stores.  Hitler issued a proclamation soon afterwards
that all action on the part of individual followers of the Nazis must cease.
He harvested much praise for this speech and many people thought that the
anti-Semitic campaign had reached its climax.  On the contrary, from that
time on anti-Semitic outbursts were directed and sanctioned by the Nazi
The boycott of Jewish stores last Saturday was a black page in Germany's
history, but was hailed as a triumph of discipline according to the local
papers.  Officially the boycott was to have been pulled off as follows: -
S.A. were to be posted in front of each Jewish store with placards informing
the public that this store was Jewish.  The stores were to remain open and no
one was to have been molested if he desired to enter the store.  However, in
most cases the Jewish stores were shut up entirely by the S.A. or were so
barricaded that no one could possibly enter, even if he should have so
desired.  Very few desired.  I heard of one instance of forcible closing of a
shop.  A couple of uniformed Nazis came in and told the owner to close up the
store.  The owner stated that he was a front soldier and that he did not see
why he should.

The Nazis replied that the question of whether he was a front soldier or not
was of no importance, but that he was a Jew and a traitor to his country and
had, therefore, to close his shop.  After some further words the Jew was
mercilessly beaten and his shop barricaded.
There were numerous placards threatening people to be photographed if they
should dare to buy at a Jewish store, and the plate glass windows provided
plenty of space for the artistic endeavors of the Nazis.  Hebrew faces were
portrayed carrying sacks of gold on their backs.  There were warnings, such
as "Danger, Garlie."  On one street they hung a huge banner, "This street is
freed of all Jewish sores."  One street called in German "The Shortest Way,"
meaning the shortest way from producer to consumer, was changed to read, "The
Shortest Way to Palestine."
The saddest situation to me was the treatment accorded the Jewish
professional men by the non-Jewish professional men.  It is in the upper
strata of German civilization that one should look with hope for better
treatment, but not so.  In Koln, where I lived, some Nazis forced all the
Jewish lawyers and judges out of the Hall of Justice in their official robes,
placed them on garbage wagons and hauled them all over town under placards
saying, "We are ridding ourselves of all rubbish."  A Christian lawyer who
dared defend the Jewish lawyers in the garbage wagon episode, was beaten to a
The Jewish lawyers are particularly hard hit because of the Numerous clause,
which permits only that percentage of Jewish lawyers corresponding to the
percentage of Jews in the population.  In other words, only one lawyer in a
hundred can be Jewish, whereas actually there is approximately 33% of Jewish
The doctors also get it in the neck.  A great portion of medical practice
over here is accomplished thru the so-called "Krankenkassen" (sick
insurance).  There is a new ruling preventing Jewish doctors from collecting
money from the Krankenkassen, and hence hereafter they will be forced to rely
on private practice, where is a small amount compared to the number of cases
they derive from the other source.
Bruno Walther was forbidden to direct any more concerts in Berlin and he fled
to Holland.  As you know, he is one of the world's finest orchestra leaders,
but that does mean a thing to new Germany.
I could go on enumerating case after case, but you have heard enough to know
that everything is not hotsy-totsy in Germany.  The important question is
what is it all about, and what does it mean for the future?
Let is be said that not all of the seventeen million who voted for Hitler at
the last election are anti-Semitic.  A great number voted for him because
there was other way out.  The country was not and is not yet ripe for any
kind of communism, and all other parties have been up to bat and failed.
Hitler had to have his inning.  My landlord, Birkholz, also voted for Hitler,
but he is not anti-Semitic and he asked when I left not to believe that
Germany was a land of barbarians, that no doubt there were ruffians in every
country, but he seriously doubted whether the Nazis would continue in the
line into which they have started.  Birkholz is a business man and it seems
that one has to swim with the current right now in Germany or drown.  (That
many people want to drown is also a fact not to be overlooked, so unbearable
are conditions of a people of a totally different "Weltanschauung").  All
voices which cry against the government now are hushed with such celerity and
as the time is not yet ripe to even whisper against the Nazis, it really
seems as if Germany were absolutely mad and barbarous.  That, of course,
would not in any manner be true, and please bear this in mind when and if you
condemn everything in Germany now.
Theoretically, the Nazis are aiming at a 100% pure Christian origin folk.
The idea of "folk" is the supreme concept of Hitler.  A pure, undiluted race
is, according to their principles, capable of producing higher cultural
products that a polluted one.  The fact that they forget that Germany's
greatness has only resulted because of the great mixture of all peoples, is
perhaps beside the point.  There are very few scientists and men of great
learning who justify their theory, but they have very excellent demagogues,
and their swastika advertising campaign is really marvelous.  I am
translating several articles from a Nazi paper and shall send these to you to
show you what I mean.  They are really jewels and show typically the whole
theory and practice of the Nazi power, and from an intelligent, unbiased
point of view they are certainly not pretty, to say the least.  In my next
letter I will write more about what I think will happen in Germany.  I am no
prophet, but perhaps, having lived on the ground for the past two years and
been present at the universities, which are the hotbed of political intrigue,
my guess is just about as good as any.  Every country has a quirk.  Germany's
bee in the bonnet just happens to strike home.  Other forms of injustice do
not bother us particularly.  At any rate, to repeat, we are happy to be out
of the country
Hope you are all well.  Show this letter to anyone who might be interested.
Show it particularly to Prof. Hoffman, so that I won't have to repeat the
same news to him.  Love and kisses.
(signed) Leroy [no last name on letter]
The hand-bills and placards being posted in front of all Jewish business
establishments were an art form of mind control.  So disturbing were the
contents that tourists took the time to copy them down and mail them back to
the Rabbi Magnin.  One such example follows.
Hand-bill of the N.S.D.A.P. - (The Nazi Party)

                          DOWN WITH THE TRIBE OF JUDAH

German citizens, you fought at the front.  You became poor in the post-war
period.  Your wife and children hungered.  The Jew lived opulently in secure
shelter, because rich in the years of inflation and misery, and now carouses
and feasts himself in the wine restaurants and bars.

You are the honorable, poor servant.  The Jew is the deceitful and rich
master.  Just because the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler wants social justice,
capitalistic Judaism is the worst enemy of this government's leader.

When Adolf Hitler became chancellor of the German Empire, the battle began to
be waged by Jews against our German citizens and brothers in other lands.

In Paris, in London, in New York, German stores were demolished by Jews.
German men and women attacked on the streets and beaten.  German children
tortured and flayed by Jewish sadists.

German citizens, your brothers and sisters are being cudgeled in foreign
lands because they won't stand for the government of Judaism any more;
because you are building a new, national German Empire; because you have
embraced National Socialism.

German citizens, the best virtue of your folk has been and remains loyalty.
Don't you want to be loyal to your brothers and sisters in foreign lands?
You can help these, persecuted by the Jewry, if you do the same thing to the
Jews in Germany as the Jews do to Germans in other countries.

Outlaw Jews socially!
Boycott the Jew commercially!
Make life insufferable for the Jew!
German, awake!
The Jew is your enemy, your enemy, your enemy!

German citizen, you are in the midst of a national revolution.  You
experienced deeply the 21st of March.  You have recaptured your shield of
honor and held it unblemished.  Do you want it to be plastered with Hebraic
filth?  German citizens, won't you stand up to the last man for your honor,
which has hardly been won, achieved in a superb battle?

German citizen, you do want to.  You are longing to give the N.S.D.A.P. and
its incomparable leader, your leader, your chancellor, upright, glowing
thanks for the battle of fourteen years for you, for the victory of the 21st
of March!

German citizens, march calmly.  March together into the loyal battle for your
comrades, persecuted by the Jewish hyenas in other countries, march together
for the honor of your stopless national revolution.

Into the battle under the watchword:  "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth!"  But
into the battle in strictest discipline.  We are warriors, not plunderers
like our predecessors.  The combat be severe, but help keep the shield pure.
Strictly legal, within bounds of the law, without spilling of blood, without
atrocious deeds, without bodily transgression.

But none the less unsparing and obstinate.  Not the power of the smashing
fist, but merely the power of the boycott all down the line, merely general
outlawing is to force the Jew to kneel down.  A person who still buys from
the Jews, who still tolerates a Jew in his circle is a dirty scoundrel!
Hitlerism and the American Jewish Congress (A Confidential Record of
records the events that occurred late in the spring of 1933.

Late in the spring the American Jewish Congress, acting through the Executive
Committee  of the World Jewish Congress, succeeded in bringing to the
attention of international opinion through its recognized arbiter, the
persecutions of the Jews in Germany.  This was accomplished through the
presentation to the Council of the League of Nations of the petition of Franz
Bernheim, a Jewish citizen of Upper Silesia, setting forth the disabilities
imposed upon the Jews by the government of Upper Silesia and calling
attention to the fact that these disabilities are a direct infringement of
the Geneva Covenant of 1922 which guarantees equal rights to all minority
groups in Upper Silesia.
The charges brought by Berheim were found valid by the Council of the
League.  The German government was compelled to promise that it would
reinstate the Jews of Upper Silesia in the positions taken from them.
Moreover, the League of Nations appointed a rapporteur to supervise the
fulfillment or lack of fulfillment of Germany's pledge.
While the action of League of Nations pertained only to Upper Silesia,
inasmuch as that section of Germany alone is subject to minority treaty
protection, the issue raised served to focus international attention of the
persecutions throughout the whole of the Reich and resulted further in the
appointment by the League of a Commissioner to supervise the activities to be
undertaken in behalf of the refugees in flight from Germany's oppression.
The pledge given by Germany in connection with the disabilities in Upper
Silesia was the first acknowledgment of its guilt against the Jews, and as
the laws operating in Upper Silesia emanate from the central government, this
acknowledgment of guilt, carried to its logical conclusions, means Germany's
self indictment in relation to the entire question of anti-Semitism
throughout the Reich.
Within a day after Germany's pledge in connection with Upper Silesia was
given, on June 7, 1933, the German government authorized its representatives
on the International Olympic Committee, then meeting in Vienna, to pledge
that German Jews, who had been barred from competitions, would be permitted
to take part in the International Olympic series scheduled to be held in 1938
in Berlin.  This pledge was made only upon threat that the entire series
would be withdrawn if not given.
Ironically on October 27 1933, newspapers reported that Germany's future ally
in the second world war formally objected to Hitler's racist policies.  The
Japanese government announced that its ambassador to Germany, Matsuzo Nagai,
has longed a sharp protest with the Hitler government against the "fact that
speeches of Nazi leaders and legislation by the German government have
specified discriminatory treatment of the Jews, Negroes and other colored
races, barring mixtures thereof with the Germanic race."  The Japanese
government regards this as racial prejudice against the Japanese.
Regardless of the organized opposition to Nazi policies growing around the
world the newspapers across Germany continued to goose step in line with the
Nazi line.  Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels was working overtime
organizing massive demonstrations that hypnotize tens of thousands of
Hitler's folk.  The crowds listen, applaud, and frantically rise to their
feet singing "Horst Wessel Lied"  Shuts of "Seig Heil" concludes the meetings
and Germany's newspapers praise spectacle after spectacle building toward the
November 12th elections when the entire nation must support Hitler and his
policies.  Hitler will not allow any opposition to his Nazi policies to
surface during this election.  The crescendo builds in Germany's printed
media which desperately strives to carry out Hitler's command that the press
"be forged into a tempered weapon of German policy, life and spirit."

>From the "West-Deutscher Beobachter"

Today is a great day in the German revolution.  The judgment of a profaned
folk condemns the Jewish pestilence with uncanny strength and logical
consequence.  For the first time in the history of the occident war has been
declared on the enemy of the world.  No sentimentality, no false sympathy
must dilute the inner cool and necessary measures of this hour.  New Germany
must show those lands which are groaning under the bonds of Jewish
Dictatorship, proof of the practical possibility of the destruction of folk
devouring Judaism.  The vast historical consequence of this noble exploit of
the German people is as yet not to be estimated.  In addition to its
commercial importance, it has the import of world philosophy and delves into
the deepest problems of our time.
The epoch of liberalism, which has controlled history in the last 150 years
since the French Revolution, was essentially the concept of the Jewish race
in its economic interpretation.  The oriental instincts of this inferior race
could develop themselves in an unthought-of manner through the negation of
the national spirit and its racial meaning, thru the raising of the economic
importance of a nation to the highest political law and the therewith
connected development of unlimited capitalism.  The bases of this liberalism
were the scientific and moral disguise of the Jewish 100-year dream of world
supremacy, the realization of which Judaism actually could achieve in the
course of this wretched development.  The entire globe was subjected to
tyranny, to the devilish will to power of these Levantine bastards.  They
passed judgment over good and evil, over war and peace, over rise and
decline.  This foreign, destructive bacillus ate its way into the foundation
of the nation, poisoned the healthy blood, exposed the old ideals of folk
life to ridicule and insult, split up the folk into classes which were to
rear each other to pieces in hatred and combat, so that the resulting
weakness of the nations could break the vale resistance against the gold
dictatorship of Jews.  By means of shameless theft this sub-race cheated the
diligent and productive nations of the Occident out of the fruits of their
toil.  The loot-lusty rapacity of this inferior people had triumphed over the
healthy and decent workers all over the earth.  The restless and insatiable
spirit of profit of this oriental minority misused abominably the concept of
duty and work of the productive white race.  Unmercifully and heavily this
shameless desire for profit reclines on the world.  This spirit doesn't want
any peace, doesn't want any blossoming and satisfied races, doesn't want
public welfare and happiness.  No, Judaism desires subjection, servility and
slavery for all other peoples and dictatorship for itself.  Masses without
possessions, an incalculable slime of exploited and deceived millions who
know of no fatherland any more and of no tradition and blood ties... that is
the wish of the supremacy seeking Jew.  The hour of liberation has struck for
the white races with the beginning of the German revolution.  Liberalism as a
world philosophy is lying on its death-bed.  A new, more genuine
"Weltanschauung" dawns victoriously.  Liberalism was created by Judaism in
order to subdue Germanism.  The new, "our" Westanschauung is the resurrected
Germanism.  Between the latter and the former is animosity unto death.  The
decay of the liberal epoch must find its historical expression in the decay
of its creator, the Hebrew.  The German boycott movement strikes at the
center of the world.  Therefore - on to battle.  The nations in the future
will know how to thank the swastika, the thousand year old symbol of the
creative power of the German race.

On November 15, 1993 The New Republic reported the following:
The Berlin correspondent of the London Times has incurred the disfavor of the
Nazis by reporting to his paper that many Germans are afraid to vote against
the government in the election which is supposed to determine whether the
people support its present armament policy.  We take the following truths to
be self evident: (1) that there would be an overwhelming vote in favor of any
German government on the question of equality of armament without any fear or
compulsion; (2) that a large number of Germans would be afraid to vote
against the present government on any issue, whether they disagreed with it
or not; (3) the Germans have been so thoroughly propagandized and regimented,
and so completely cut off from criticism both at home and abroad, that the
government could now obtain a majority in favor of anything whatsoever that
it might propose.  The election, therefore is bound to be a farce in any
case.  It is necessary to determine what the Germans think about the present
issue, because every sensible person knows what they think.  On the other
hand, if they did disagree with Hitler on this issue, the election would not
show it.  What could be more absurd than for a dictator who has always
despised democracy and has gone to extreme lengths in order to kill it to
conduct a plebiscite in order to show that the people support him?
As the intense year of 1933 drew to a close the condition of the Jews was
The estimated number of Jewish refugees was 65,000, distributed as follow:
In France: 25,000; Palestine: 6,500; Poland: 4,000; Czecho-Slovakia: 2,500;
Holland: 2,500; Belgium and Switzerland each had: 2,000.  Of the total amount
of refugees approximately 8,000 were penniless.
The world was paying an increasing price for Hitler's madness.
Part three of this series will examine increasing power and those who became
totally powerless.
Copyright 2000 by
Virginia Lee McCullough
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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