-Caveat Lector-
From Truth In Media
BELGRADE, Oct. 10 - The Serb “ostrich revolution” that followed the Yugoslav electoral “demo farce,” and culminated in the Oct. 5 storming and partial burning of the Yugoslav parliament, was about as spontaneous as the Rose Bowl or May Day parades. It was anything but spontaneous.
Nor was it carried out by the Belgrade residents, as it appeared to viewers around the world who watched the TV images of the storming of the Yugoslav parliament. It was a carefully planned and staged show, carried out by well paid mercenaries brought in from Serbia’s interior, with the western “black ops” directors pulling their strings from the background, and greasing their palms.
One of the leaders of such “democratic” mercenaries was Velimir Ilic, the mayor of Cacak, a small town in Central Serbia, some 60 miles south of Belgrade. Ilic, who was swept into power in the 1996 local elections, is member of Vuk Draskovic’s pro-western Serbian Renewal Movement (a Serb political party).
In an unusually candid interview with the New York Times, which ran in the daily’s Oct. 9 issue under the headline, “How Small Town Turned Out for Kostunica at a Key Time,” this boastful “democratic” “Cacak Stormtrooper” gushed out gobs of new details that confirmed what we have been saying all along - that the entire Kostunica “election-revolution” show was a “bought and paid for by the West” charade.
Here are some excerpts from the Times report (also, see the photos at our web site):

“It was personal contribution from Cacak, said Mr. Ilic, 49, a broad-shouldered, energetic man who led 10,000 people from his town 60 miles north to Belgrade… He rallied a 12-mile- long columns of cars and trucks, and set off from Cacak at 7:30 in the morning for Belgrade… He had organized a core team of tough young men, and crucially, off-duty members of the police and the army, he said.

They took bulldozers and trucks to help break though police barricades, and in case they needed to build their own barricades. For weapons, they took three truckloads of stones…

Mr. Ilic said: “We established a team of young professionals, paratroopers from the Yugoslav Army and young policemen, and we coordinated this with the most elite units in the Interior Ministry Police in Belgrade. We got martial arts experts and professional boxers to join us. We even had plainclothes police coordinating with nearby towns….

He said his personal agreement with two special policemen in Belgrade, and two from Cacak, had caused major elements of the police in the capital to join the side of the demonstrators. As several hundred thousand people converged in front of the Parliament at 3 p.m., and started to clash with police, his contacts refused orders to move against the demonstrators.”

--- TiM Ed.: Let us recap, Ilic’s “ team of tough, young professionals… paratroopers… elite special police… martial art experts… boxers…” lead an assault on the Parliament and on the state-owned Serb TV building (only a few hundred yards away, where they actually did se bulldozers - see th photo at our web site).
Is that the image of democracy that conjured up in your mind when a jubilant Bill Clinton congratulated Vojislav Kostunica a day later on a historic “victory of democracy?” It sure didn’t in this writer’s head. But that is evidently the face of the “Klinton democracy.” We’ve seen a glimpse of it in Seattle last December (see Toward a New Multipolar World in the New Millennium - Dec. 17, 1999). How long before such “Klinton democracy” becomes pervasive in the U.S., too?
But back to Serbia and Ilic… We’ve highlighted the term “professionals” above. Unlike the hundreds of thousands of Belgrade amateur “revolutionaries,” who were mere extras in this Washington/EU-staged “Wag the Dog”-style “revolution,” professionals are people who get paid for what they do. Someone also had to pay for fuel used by that 12-mile column of bulldozers, cars and trucks in a country impoverished by the sanctions and under an oil embargo. Finally, police are not exactly know for standing down and refusing orders unless their palms had been greased beforehand.
So who paid all these people them off, and where did the money come from? We suspect that you already know the answer (see “Washington Funds Serb Opposition,” Sep. 19). But we’ll let a member of the Yugoslav parliament (MP) answer it in more details. Here’s an excerpt from a speech Dragan Todorovic, a Serb Radical Party MP, gave on Oct. 7 in Belgrade, during the proceedings that led to the swearing in of Yugoslavia’s new president, Vojislav Kostunica:


It was on October 5, that we only realized what DOS (TiM Ed.: Democratic Opposition of Serbia) really stood for - "DEMOLITION OF SERBIA"!

What happened in Belgrade on October 5, unlike what major news agencies explained - was not a display of democracy - by it's display, it was an act of shear vandalism. By it's consequences and methods - it was a ruthless coup d'etat.

The gangs of drugged hooligans from provincial centers of Nis, Cacak Kraljevo, Smederevo, ransacked and torched the premises of the Federal Parliament, State Television and local branches of several political parties - representing people who didn't think quite like them.

Ever heard of Mr. Milosevic doing such a thing? No? Weren't the Nazi's famous for their little "crystal nights" launched against their political opponents like that? If anybody tells you it was all about democracy - think about it. How do you tell a coup from a democratic change of government?

One of the key conspirators - was mayor of Cacak - Mr. Velja Ilic. He managed to buy popular support - by injecting generous donations from the "democracy development in Serbia" black funds to his little town.

Mr. Ilic was crucial for recruiting police and army defectors, along with hooligans and local gangsters. The group he created consisted of several hundred "democratic" mercenaries with no scruples ready to spill blood. This group was behind storming and arson of the parliament building and RTS.

Individual fees were set for his mercenaries - but typical wage for participation in the coup paid by Mr. Ilic was 10.000 DEM (circa 4.500 USD). Before there was enormous unemployment problem in all of the towns where majority of the violent mob came from (Cacak, Kraljevo, Nis). Now they all seem to be loaded with money and don't seem to be interested in any work! I know because I used to have some business with these towns!

They obviously all profited very well from throwing stones and rocks at what was left of Yugoslavia!”

--- TiM Ed.: Nor did the cycle of violence end on Oct. 5. As we reported in our TiM home page News Flash on Oct. 9, our Belgrade sources tell us that some Kostunica/DOS representatives have been taking over government offices, as well as private firms, at gunpoint. Which gives rise to a new one-liner:
New World Order’s “gunboat diplomacy” (NATO bombing) has now evolved into a “gunpoint democracy.”
No surprise there. That’s how the Bolsheviks also took power. In fact, the Belgrade source, who sent us the text of Mr. Todorovic’s speech, asked us not to use his name. His reasoning? Here it is, “from the horse’s mouth:”

“Personally - I don't mind repeating any of what I've said and I stand fully behind everything. But I don't want any of my friends to suffer any consequences from my big mouth again. The new authorities in Yugoslavia seem to be more ruthless than any Bolsheviks ever were.”

More ruthless than the Bolsheviks! Halleluiah. Hail to “democracy” in Serbia! ------------

If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government -- and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws. -- EDWARD ABBEY
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