-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Senate bill rewrites
search-seizure laws
Congress likely to 'stuff' provision
in last-minute spending legislation



By Patrick Poole
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Just months after a public outcry scuttled a bill sailing through Congress
that would have given federal law enforcement authorities the right to
conduct secret searches, a new threat to the Fourth Amendment has arisen that
will allow federal agency employees, rather than judges, to authorize certain
searches of personal information.

In May, WorldNetDaily reported on a bill, the Methamphetamine
Anti-Proliferation Act, which contained a section that would have authorized
federal agents to enter a citizen's home or office with a warrant, to search
and copy files from his computer and not tell him what items were taken until
months afterwards. The bill also exempted law enforcement officials from ever
telling suspects that certain "intangible" items were seized or copied.

After a bipartisan coalition of Republican and Democratic members of the
House Judiciary Committee, including Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. D-Texas, and
Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., expressed serious reservations about the so-called
"sneak-and-peak" searches, the measure was pulled from the bill.

The latest assault of the Fourth Amendment is contained in section 3(g) of
the Fugitive Apprehension Act, S. 2516, which would authorize the attorney
general to issue "administrative subpoenas" for personal information and
records without court authorization. A delayed reporting requirement also
found in the bill allows Department of Justice attorneys to ask the court to
conceal the subpoena from the target of the investigation.

The bill has already passed the Senate, and opponents of the measure are
concerned that it might be brought to a vote in the House as early as this

David Kopel, an attorney and constitutional expert for the Denver-based
Independence Institute told WorldNetDaily the U.S. Marshall Service is
pushing the administrative subpoena provision to broaden their search powers
in fugitive cases, but that the provision is unneeded.

"There is absolutely no reason for this provision, because any agency
pursuing a fugitive can go to court and get the search warrants they need
almost immediately," Kopel said. "What this provision does is cut the court
out of the process, which is a very dangerous precedent. The Fourth Amendment
envisions courts issuing warrants, not unaccountable bureaucrats."

Rachel King, legislative counsel for the ACLU's Washington, D.C., office,
says the current battle illustrates the problems of protecting personal
privacy in the digital age at a time when government officials are playing
with the boundaries of the search and seizure requirements of the

"A lot of this debate is what kind of privacy you have with personal
documents and information that used to be kept by individuals in their homes,
but now is kept by third parties," King said. "Now that most private records
are not kept solely at home, the government is arguing that the Fourth
Amendment doesn't apply any longer. Not recognizing the constitutional
protection that the Fourth Amendment gives to items like this would give the
government huge power and access to most of our personal information."

King also said that while House leaders may not allow the bill to be brought
up to a vote, it could reappear in the closing days of this session in one of
the mammoth appropriations bills that will need to be passed before Congress
adjourns before the November elections.

"The problem with something like this is that the threat is not so much that
it might pass the House, which we are trying to stop, but that it will end up
getting stuffed in one of the spending bills in the next few weeks, and then
we will never be able to get it taken out," King said.

If supporters of the administrative subpoena authorization are able to get
the provision inserted into appropriation legislation, the entire spending
bill would need to be voted down in order to defeat the measure.

Events at the end of congressional sessions in recent years indicate that
such a scenario might be likely:

In 1998, Rep. Bill McCollum, R-Fl., successfully inserted a roving wiretap
provision into the "Intelligence Authorization Act," a spending bill that
funded various intelligence agencies, after that bill had already been voted
on by both the House and Senate.

In 1996, Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, included a bill establishing national ID
card regulations in the 1,600-page Omnibus Appropriations Act. After a
massive response by the public to the regulations issued by the Department of
Transportation, Congress revisited the issue and de-funded the program.

In 1994, Congress enacted the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement
Act in the closing hours of the congressional session, which required
telephone firms to make it easy to wiretap the nation's communication system,
even after Justice Department lobbyists had told civil liberties groups that
they would not push the measure.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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