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Bob's Note:  Do you think it has come of time
that Christians, those who truly believe that
this wonderful piece of real estate called The
United States of America was a divine gift to
a people who wanted freedom and were to
spread the word, to be a beacon to the people
of this planet, to tell of the wonderful gift of
redemption of the Blood of Our Lord Jesus,
to stand and do something besides talk and
look??  Do you think it's time has come to try
to turn this nation around and look to the only
way to save us - our Heavenly Father??
Do you think its time to stop frittering away
our freedoms, freedoms that were God-given
not only for us but to be passed on to our
beloved offspring?? Do you think its time to
stop killing babies just about to be born in the
name of comfort and convenience??
YES!! you say??
Then what are YOU going to do??
Pray about it - its IMPORTANT!!
Respectfully submitted,

Will you stand by and watch?


By Charley Reese

Commentary Published in The Orlando Sentinel on October 08, 2000

Traditional American society is being systematically deconstructed.  The
question is, do traditional Americans have the grit to defend it?

The traditional family has been under fire for some decades by feminists
and homosexual activists not to mention the government, which penalizes
families with its tax code.  Now it is being battered by the entertainment
industry and public education.  Yes, public education will undermine the
religious faith of your children not to mention make it clear to children
that they should not pay too much attention to their superstitious and
out-of-date parents.

Families in the prime of their lives are forced to pay not only for their
own children's education and health care but are also taxed to provide
education and health care for the poor and health care for the elderly.

How do you suppose that, for example, Al Gore plans to finance his $240
billion prescription plan?

It will come directly out of the paychecks of young and middle-aged working
men and women.

Now the attacks have been extended to the children.
American children are bombarded with inducements to early and promiscuous
sex by the entertainment and clothing industries and even some
sex-education courses.  They are bombarded with advertisements designed to
make them mindless consumers of overpriced junk.

Now that the homosexual lobby feels that it won its battle, there
apparently is a move afoot by some psychologists to sell the public on the
idea that pedophilia -- sex with children -- is OK, too.  In a pig's eye it
is, but pseudo-scientific articles, which support that notion, are making
the rounds.  An article by Harris Mirkin that appeared in the Journal of
Homosexuality is an example of this sickness.

Another component of traditional America -- its history -- is being
rewritten to conform to current prejudices and myths that accompany the
egalitarian philosophy.
The Clinton administration recently has instructed the National Park
Service that lectures and presentations at Civil War battle sites are to
emphasize that the war was about slavery.  Legitimate historians know that
is not the truth.  But history as propaganda is the order of the day.

If Americans wish to preserve a country they will recognize, then the first
step is to recognize the enemy.
Public education is the enemy.  The entertainment industry is the
enemy.  The corporate culture is the enemy.  The advertising industry is
the enemy.  And most of the politicians in both parties are the enemy.  An
enemy is defined as anybody, or any organization, which is attacking the
traditional beliefs of Americans.

Withdraw your support.  Take your kids out of public education.  It's
beyond reform.  Let it collapse for want of public support.  Get real tough
on the kind of entertainment you allow into your home.  Trash television
and movies are not produced by inanimate forces.  They are produced and
distributed because particular human beings make particular
decisions.  These people are slimeballs, and it's time to call them what
they are.

Charlton Heston stopped Time Warner from distributing a cop-killer compact
disc by some trashy rapper by standing up at a Time Warner stockholders
meeting and reading the obscene lyrics, thus exposing the shabby morals of
the corporate leaders who were clearly willing to sell anything, no matter
how vulgar or vicious, if there were a buck to be made.

Americans who want to preserve their traditions will have to emulate
Heston's courage.  And it did take courage.  Silence in the presence of an
attack is consent.
So speak up.  Take actions.  As Stonewall Jackson said, "Fear God and no
one else."

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