-Caveat Lector-

> This is David Icke's response to people who say he hates the reptilians as a
> whole (dug it offa Purple's site -- thanks Purp!):
> >
> > by David Icke
> >
> > There are those who say, apparently, that I am "demonising" reptilians by
> > exposing the background to the global conspiracy and blaming everything on
> > them. That's a point they are entitled to make, but I think it is extremely
> > unfair to say that I am casting them all in the same light or, indeed, that I
> > am saying they are the foundation cause of the global control.
> >
> > The real cause is billions of people giving their minds away to conditioned
> > "norms" and insisting, at the threat of ridicule or condemnation, that
> > everyone else does the same. Without that, no-one could control the lives of
> > so many people, reptilian or otherwise. We are the real cause and therefore we
> > hold the key to changing the prison to a paradise.
> >
> > Over the last few days, I have been described as everything from an Illuminati
> > disinformer under mind control to a micro-chipped clone of the Draco
> > reptilians. I have, apparently, become an "issue". How exciting. Little me, an
> > issue. Me dad would have been so proud.
> >
> > Anyway, first some quotes from The Biggest Secret:
> >
> > "As I will keep emphasising, not all reptilians are of malevolent intent and I
> > have no wish to demonise the reptile stream. We are talking here only of one
> > group of them."
> >
> > "I think the reptilian genetic stream operates throughout the Universe and
> > they are not all malevolent, far from it. As with humanity, they contain the
> > whole spectrum of attitudes from love to hate, freedom to control. I am
> > identifying a particular group of them, not the whole species - I cannot
> > emphasise that enough."
> >
> > "It appears from my research that there are different reptilian factions:
> > those who are more positive in their attitude to humanity and those who wish
> > to dominate and control. They both became known as Watchers or angels, the
> > latter as fallen angels."
> >
> > "I would also stress again, before I finish, that when I talk of reptilians I
> > am talking only of those who are seeking to manipulate humanity, not the
> > species as a whole. Many of the reptilian species are trying to help us break
> > the spell and even the manipulating reptilians are possessed by a fifth
> > dimensional force. In the end we're all One, anyway.
> >
> > I wonder if that really sounds like someone seeking to demonise a whole
> > species. All species and races contain the entire gamut of attitudes and
> > emotions. To expose the Nazis is not to say that every human is a Nazi by
> > implication. If some people don't read these balancing statements and claim
> > that I am saying all reptilians are the same, what can I do about that? How
> > many times am I supposed to repeat the same statement? I hope this makes it
> > clear to people where I am coming from and if anyone has positive reptilian
> > information or experiences to pass on, send the articles and I will post them.
> > No problem. But instead of doing that, some people just sit and moan. Its
> > easier that way, I guess.
> >
> > I have been staggered in the last few days to have met one researcher and read
> > articles by others who made statements of "fact" about me when they have
> > clearly not read my material, except at a glance, nor ever seen me speak. One
> > accused me of telling people there was no hope (a staggering statement to
> > anyone who has read my books or heard me speak) and then he finished the
> > conversation by saying that the New World Order was going to happen and there
> > was nothing anyone could do about it!! Er, pardon? I am the one, indeed one of
> > the few, conspiracy researchers who is saying we CAN do something about it
> > because, in the end, we are holding up the whole house of cards. Another
> > writer, a Anna Hayes, author of the Voyager Books, admits that she has learned
> > of my work only from "people who told me", but then considers this sufficient
> > research to post an immense tome revealing where I am going wrong, how I am
> > mind controlled, or micro- chipped etc. etc. I trust her books are based on
> > rather more research. You've got to laugh, well I have anyway.
> >
> > I also hear that I am claiming that the reptilian brain operates the same as
> > lizards and snakes and dinosaurs of millions of years ago. Not at all. I am
> > quoting in the related article on the reptilian brain from conventional
> > scientific sources, not my own conclusions. I am quoting the character traits
> > they say are formed in the ancient reptilian part of the brain, the R-complex
> > as they call it. Of course the reptilian brain will have evolved over millions
> > of years and its human expression will not be a mirror of the way the brain of
> > a lizard or crocodile operates. But there are themes that are the same, themes
> > of ritualistic behaviour, for example. The idea, in the human example, is to
> > balance out those traits with other parts of our brains and minds.
> >
> > When Credo Mutwa makes the point that you can understand the
> > reptilian-Illuminati bloodlines by studying the behaviour of the reptile and
> > the reptilian brain, he is correct. It will not, as I say, be an exact mirror,
> > of course not, but there are many themes in the behaviour of the Illuminati
> > and the reptile that are very similar. Read what even conventional science
> > says about the reptilian brain and then compare that with the behaviour of the
> > Illuminati.
> >
> > Finally, another point I have heard. When I don't reply to e-mails some people
> > get the impression, it seems, that I am "cutting them off" or don't wish to
> > hear from them. I would like to stress here that I receive hundreds and
> > hundreds of e-mails a week and if I replied to every one, every point, every
> > question, there would be no books, no talks, no research, no new articles and
> > features on this website.
> >
> > What I do manage to do is to read them all, although when I am travelling it
> > may take time to do so, and I thank you for communicating and would encourage
> > everyone to continue to do so. I learn so much from visitors to this site and
> > I cannot stress enough that I wish this to continue. But if I don't reply, it
> > is not because I have not read what is sent, I have, nor because I am "cutting
> > someone off".
> >
> > It is because there is simply not the time to do that and also do all the
> > other things that need to be done every day to maintain the momentum of
> > exposure. Contrary to what some appear to believe, I do not have a team of
> > people working for me, nor an administrative staff, a secretary, personal
> > assistant, or a team of researchers. In the United States, for example, there
> > is just me, Royal at Bridge of Love, and Lauren, the webmaster. That's it.
> >
> > I hope people can understand, therefore, why every e-mail cannot possibly be
> > answered, although every one is read.
> >
> >
> > Love to all,
> >
> > David

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