-Caveat Lector-

UFOs in the Bible?
By Jim Marrs
Date: 10/12/2000
URL: http://www.alienzoo.com/features/m/200010120001.cfm

In the Bible, the foundation of Western thought and philosophy, there are
many accounts which seem to describe events with decidedly UFO

The Book of Genesis describes how Jacob, founder of the 12 tribes of Israel,
camped while on a journey from Beersheba to Haran. After bedding down for the
night, Jacob dreamed he saw a "ladder set up on the Earth, and the top of it
reached to heaven" and he saw "the angels of God ascending and descending on
it." At the top of the ladder stood a being who proclaimed himself "Jehovah,
the God of Abraham" who told Jacob his descendants would proliferate and
spread to the four corners of the Earth like "dust." While most Bible
scholars see this story as an allegorical dream, some believe Jacob may have
seen ancient astronauts exiting a UFO.

The beginning of Psalms 104 seems to be an account of flight, stating, "O
Lord my God . . . Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment; who
stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: Who layeth the beams of his
chambers in the waters; who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon
the wings of the wind . . ."

Zechariah 6:1-7 (Living Bible) also can be interpreted as an observation of
flying machines on a reconnaissance mission when it states, "Then I looked up
again and saw four chariots coming from between what looked like two
mountains made of brass. The first chariot was pulled by red horses, the
second by back ones, the third by white horses and the fourth by
dappled-greys. `And what are these?' I asked the angel. He replies, 'These
are the four heavenly spirits who stand before the Lord of all the Earth;
they are going out to do his work. The chariot pulled by the black horses
will go north, and the one pulled by white horses will follow it there, while
the dappled-greys will go south.' The red horses were impatient to be off, to
patrol back and forth across the Earth, so the Lord said, 'Go. Begin your
patrol.' So they left at once."

Another familiar Bible story with UFO-visitor overtones concerns the
destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the year 2024 B.C. Some
progressive Bible scholars tend to explain the fire and brimstone destruction
of the twin cities as the result of some natural disaster such as a volcanic
eruption or earthquake which was interpreted as an act of God. But the
evidence denies this view.

The Biblical account is quite clear that the devastation was known in advance
since Abraham, a direct descendant of Noah and the first Hebrew patriarch,
was warned and even managed to bargain with his God, revising the number of
righteous persons for which the cities might be spared down from 50 to 10.

According to the story, Abraham’s nephew Lot met two men at Sodom’s gate
whom he somehow recognized as being very special for he bowed down to them.
The Bible calls them "angels," although the original Hebrew word Mal’akhim
actually means "emissaries". This pair apparently appeared quite human since
Lot brought them to his home and fed them fresh bread. Later that night when
a crowd of Sodomites demanded that the pair be given to them for sexual
pleasure, Lot protected them, even offering his own virgin daughters in
exchange. Undeterred, the men attempted to force their way into the house
only to be temporarily blinded by the two strangers.

Following this incident, the strangers revealed to Abraham that the cities
would soon be destroyed. Lot tried to warn his neighbors but none would
listen. The next day, the two strangers told Lot it was urgent that he and
his family leave immediately, indicating that a specific time frame for the
destruction was in motion. "Escape for thy life," Lot was told. "Look not
behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest
they be consumed."

The two strangers then accepted Lot’s proposal that he flee only as far as
the small nearby city of Zoar rather than the mountains. Once Lot was in
Zoar, "Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire
from the Lord out of heaven. And he overthrew those cities, and all the
plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the
ground. But Lot’s wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar
of salt." Ancient document scholar Zecharia Sitchen argues that the literal
meaning of the term Netsiv melah (pillar of salt) should be "pillar of
vapor". Thus, Lot’s wife was vaporized by the explosive destruction of the
cities, seen miles away by Abraham as "columns of smoke and fumes, as from a
furnace, rising from the cities there."

As some writers have pointed out, this account sounds eerily like those of
the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. But is there any anything to
support this idea? According to Sitchen, archeologists have found evidence
that communities near the southern end of the Dead Sea - thought to be the
site of Sodom and Gomorrah - were suddenly abandoned in the 21st century B.C.
and not reoccupied for several centuries. Furthermore, one report claimed
that contaminated water in the area contained harmful amounts of
radioactivity. This, plus the claim of a Soviet scientist that fused silicone
or glassy sand was discovered in the region, indicates an atomic blast may
well have leveled Sodom and Gomorrah.

Apparently such destruction was not limited to the Middle East.

In the early 1990s, it was reported that workers on a housing development
project west of Jodhpur, India, discovered the ruins of an ancient city
buried in a layer of radioactive dust.

Radioactivity in the small community of Rajasthan, an area long known for its
high rate of cancers and birth defects, was so high that Indian officials
closed off certain areas, according to the report.

Archeologists estimated the size of the ancient city may have exceeded a
half-million persons. The ruins were dated from 8,000 to 12,000 years old.

Investigators believed the city was destroyed by a nuclear bomb estimated to
be about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.

Further evidence supporting the atom bomb theory came from an ancient text
called the Mahabharata, which described "a single projectile charged with all
the power of the universe . . . An incandescent column of smoke and flame as
bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor . . . it was an unknown
weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to
ashes an entire race."

Was the devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as the ancient Indian city
deliberate acts? Was the destruction the result of warfare between ancient

Is the story of grand destruction at Sodom and Gomorrah simply a fanciful
religious tale concerning the consequences of immorality or were the cities
destroyed by nuclear fire? Or could it have been a crippled UFO whose nuclear
power went critical and exploded?

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