-Caveat Lector-

> ===============================
> 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
> Washington DC 20037
> World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
> ===============================
> For release: October 13, 2000
> ===============================
> For additional information:
> George Getz, Press Secretary
> Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222
> ===============================
> Tragic bombing in Yemen was result
> of our interventionist foreign policy
>         WASHINGTON, DC -- The apparent terrorist attack on a U.S. Navy
> destroyer that killed 17 Americans in Yemen on Thursday is another
> bloody reminder that an interventionist foreign policy inevitably
> results in the deaths of innocent Americans, the Libertarian Party
> says.
>         "These U.S. servicemen were murdered in part because their own
> government sent them to a dangerous, unstable region where hundreds of
> U.S. soldiers have been slaughtered before," charged Steve Dasbach,
> national director of the Libertarian Party.
>         "Bill Clinton says he is 'horrified' by this attack. But
>         what's
> truly horrifying are the politicians who keep putting U.S. servicemen
> and women in harm's way -- knowing that more will almost certainly be
> killed in the future."
>         At least 17 U.S. servicemen were killed and three dozen
>         injured
> after a small boat pulled alongside the USS Cole and set off an
> explosion as the destroyer was docked in Yemen on Thursday. U.S.
> officials say they believe the bombing was a terrorist attack, most
> likely in retaliation for the American role in the Middle East
> conflict.
>         "We mourn the loss of these U.S. servicemen, and condemn the
> terrorists who bombed the USS Cole as the cold-blooded killers they
> are," Dasbach said. "But the only reason they had the opportunity to
> strike is because those servicemen's own government put them there in
> the first place."
>         And our government tacitly admits that such attacks on
> Americans are inevitable, he said.
>         "These attacks happen with such regularity that the FBI has
>         set
> up five Rapid Deployment Teams solely to investigate attacks on
> Americans overseas," Dasbach said. "The majority of the agents
> dispatched to Yemen on Thursday were in the Middle East to investigate
> the 1996 truck bombing that killed 19 U.S. airmen in Saudi Arabia and
> the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that
> killed 12 Americans.
>         "But instead of eliminating the cause of these killings --
> foreign intervention -- the government seems content to set up more
> Rapid Deployment Teams and dispatch more investigators and more
> bodybags to clean up after the terrorists."
>         The reason that future bombings are so predictable, Dasbach
> said, is that U.S. policies virtually invite terrorist attacks.
>         "The U.S. government's willingness to take both sides in the
> Middle East dispute has put billions of dollars of lethal weapons in
> the hands of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and Iran," he said.
> "No wonder both sides have reason to dislike the United States, since
> we've armed and aided both sides' enemies."
>         On Thursday, President Clinton said the terrorist bombing
> should not "deter us from our mission of promoting peace and security
> in the Middle East" -- when such a policy actually promotes war and
> insecurity, said Dasbach.
>         "A government concerned with preventing the killing of
> additional soldiers would be deploying U.S. troops back home, instead
> of deploying more FBI agents and more bodybags to the Middle East," he
> said.
>         Unfortunately, a Libertarian policy of non-intervention
>         doesn't
> appeal to Democratic and Republican politicians, who appear to see
> foreign crises as opportunities for greater power, more government
> spending, and a chance to demonstrate their courage by risking the
> lives of others, said Dasbach.
>         Case in point: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who said
> on Thursday, "This is no time for the United States to retreat from
> its responsibilities in the region. We are operating in a world filled
> with a variety of threats. But that doesn't mean that we can crawl
> into an ostrich-like mode. We are eagles."
>         In fact, said Dasbach, "In the Middle East, the United States
> is neither an ostrich nor an eagle -- thanks to the U.S. government's
> reckless interventionism, we're a sitting duck."
> Version: 2.6.2
> iQCVAwUBOeevT9CSe1KnQG7RAQF85gP/fuZ5qXEDVWMU4m9tFr30I8zlNnVbZ3/c
> Zq7Rh8vFiK8abZdVzSRUIa4UiB+W+MXG2SqFrjpKgFZhOw3wBMTxq9CHPAHT/nRk
> I2qSksLGrFqMFxH3q7A4pHojYHPff50018NQEdRIJyAXNplcDb2ONzx3nBPVTQLY
> LFHh71pSzuw=
> =TjbU
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> - The Libertarian Party
> http://www.lp.org/ 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100
> voice: 202-333-0008 Washington DC 20037
>    fax: 202-333-0072
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> - For subscription changes, please use the WWW form at:
> http://www.lp.org/action/email.html Alternatively, you may also send a
> message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with just the word "subscribe" or
> "unsubscribe" in the subject line.


If the American people ever allow private
banks to control the issue of their money,
first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow
up around them, will deprive the people of
their property until their children will wake
up homeless on the continent their fathers
conquered. - Thomas Jefferson

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