Bush October Surprise On Schedule: Exploits Mideast Violence//
--Tail Wags The Dog

Back in the spring, after the first wave of severe gas/oil price hikes
had gotten underway, we published AND endorsed a letter received from
our colleague Justin Tribble at the Columbine Research Task Force.

Tribble warned us all to be on the lookout for a major "October
Surprise" emanating from the George Bush presidential campaign (that is,
the Bush International Crime Syndicate) regarding the ongoing gas/oil
price increases this year; the supposed lack of fuel reserves; inability
of supply to keep up with demand; and of course, the resultant worldwide
uproar and consternation over these issues.

According to Mr. Tribble, what has been going on all year with fossil
fuels has been the result of a deal worked out between the Bush Crime
Syndicate and their Arab potentate "blood brothers" and other assorted
global thugs, to DELIBERATELY instigate the worldwide oil "shortage" and
accompanying huge price increases for a number of the purposes;
including giving Dubya Bush a massively powerful political issue with
which to manipulate public opinion and seriously undermine the campaign
of Al "Godfather" Gore. 

In the scenario envisioned by Justin, Dubya would relentlessly excoriate
and lambaste the Clinton-Gore administration for failing to have an
adequate "energy policy" in place to deal with so-called fuel shortages
and price increases brought about by the NWO/Bush Crime Syndicate and
their Arab cronies, as well as the society-wide changes brought about by

As noted, we DID endorse Mr. Tribble's analysis/prognosis as being
almost certainly very close to or right on target, and likely to take place.

And so indeed, it IS now taking place; with the current violence in
Israel being thrown into the mix by Dubya for extra added impact,
"juice" and overall "effect," as it seems the Clinton administration's
handling of the fuel situation by releasing the petroleum reserves has
calmed the public down and defused the issue notably.

There would be NO DOUBT that the primary and ULTIMATE in instigators of
the brutality and death currently taking place in the Middle East (and
by that I mean not ONLY in Israel) are the SAME people responsible for
setting in motion the events which have led to the present energy
"predicament" and accompanying ballyhoo. That would be the BUSH Crime
Syndicate/NWO Axis.

So: just as predicted, Dubya Bush has started the wheels of his October
Surprise operation turning, never failing in recent campaign appearances
to bring up the entire energy crunch issue and the Clinton-Gore
administration's responses to it. What's more, NOW Bush is shamelessly,
blatantly and oh-so-callously trying to tie the ongoing violence in
Israel to the entire "equation," and use the terrible situation there
for his own political gain.

Speaking today in Austin, Texas, Bush continued to politicize the
current turmoil in the Mideast violence, using the issue as a
springboard to attack Gore for advocating tapping the nation's Strategic
Petroleum Reserve to counter rising energy prices.

It was a good call you made, Justin Tribble: things are playing out much
as you predicted, with the current Israeli situation being callously
exploited by Dubya as well.

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