-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Low expectations for Sharm summit
By Janine Zacharia and Lamia Lahoud

JERUSALEM (October 15) - Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Authority
Chairman Yasser Arafat will meet US President Bill Clinton, Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak, and other world leaders in Sharm e-Sheikh tomorrow
in an effort to end clashes that have raged for more than two weeks, killing

The leaders agreed to meet as Israelis and Palestinians yesterday largely
took a breather from fighting, with few skirmishes and casualties reported.

Barak and Arafat agreed to attend the summit after a weekend of shuttle
diplomacy by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and intensive prodding by
Clinton. Annan said both leaders had dropped preconditions for the meeting,
whose limited goal is to reach a cease-fire agreement and restore some sort
of joint Israeli-Palestinian security mechanism.

Barak reportedly has low expectations for the summit and only agreed to
attend at Clinton's request.

"Our main target is to reach an immediate truce," UN special peace envoy
Terje Larsen told The Jerusalem Post.

PA Planning Minister Nabil Shaath said the Palestinians agreed to attend the
summit after Annan assured them that Barak would allow medical supplies and
food to enter the Palestinian areas, which have been sealed off by Israeli
forces, and would pull Israeli forces back to their original positions.

But another senior PA official, who declined to be identified, said that
international pressure from all sides from the US, UN, Russia, and the EU led
to the breakthrough.

PA officials say Arafat, who traveled to Egypt yesterday to consult with
Mubarak, was reluctant to attend such a reconciliation meeting with Israel
ahead of the first Arab summit in 11 years, scheduled to take place in Cairo
this coming Saturday. Arafat hopes there to solidify Arab backing for
Palestinian demands of sovereignty over east Jerusalem, including the Temple
Mount, something he failed to do in a whirlwind tour of Arab capitals
following the collapse of the July Camp David summit.

Clinton was concerned that wider military confrontations could erupt if the
Arab summit preceded a cease-fire agreement.

The US president, who has labored intensively throughout his term to strike
an historic peace deal, would also like to use the meeting to set a time
frame for resuming final-status negotiations, but officials and analysts say
the trust necessary for such talks has completely eroded.

Pressure on Barak from potential coalition mates like Likud leader Ariel
Sharon to reject a new round of talks, and Arafat's desire to maintain some
friction with Israel at least until the Arab summit, also make a declaration
of a resumption of peace negotiations unlikely.

"Our central objectives must now be to stop the violence, to restore calm and
safety, to agree on a fact-finding mechanism concerning how this began and
how it can be prevented from occurring again, and to find a way back to
dialogue and negotiations," Clinton told reporters in Washington yesterday.

Clinton, who was burned three times in recent peacemaking summit efforts - at
Geneva, Camp David, and Paris - warned that there is no guarantee of success.

"We should be under no illusions. The good news is the parties have agreed to
meet and the situation appears to be calmer. But the path ahead is difficult.
After the terrible events of the last few days, the situation is quite tense.
But President Mubarak and I are convinced that we must make every effort to
break the cycle of violence."

Israeli and US officials warned last night that a new round of violence today
or a surprise development could torpedo the summit plans.

Clinton called for both sides to "do all in their power to cease hostilities
and halt the violence,"in the two days leading up to the summit.

Speaking later in Denver, Clinton asked for the "prayers" of the American
public as leaders "attempt to try to put things back together" in Sharm

The most worrisome unknown for the US is whether Arafat will agree to a
cease-fire agreement drafted in Paris and endorsed by Israel, which calls for
a US-led commission to examine the events of the last two weeks and make
recommendations to the UN secretary-general. The body, however, would not be
authorized to condemn or initiate proceedings against either side.

Palestinian officials say privately that Arafat has dropped his demand for a
UN-appointed international commission of inquiry.

But Shaath said Arafat agreed to the summit "to end all Israeli hostilities
against the Palestinians and form an international investigation committee,"
without specifying what kind. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told
CNN the Palestinians also wanted assurances "that Israel will never repeat
what it did with the missiles, and choppers, and tanks." In return, Justice
Minister Yossi Beilin said Israel would demand that the PA terminate all
incitement and violence and begin implementing signed agreements.

"We regard this summit as nothing more than one aimed at a cessation of
violence and rebuilding some of the security mechanism," said one Israeli
source involved in the negotiations. "Since we've already agreed to the Paris
document, we expect Arafat to sign it at Sharm e-Sheikh."

Palestinians yesterday rallied in Gaza to protest against Arafat's
participation in tomorrow's summit. "We call on President Arafat not to go to
this summit, because it is an American plan. The US wants to protect the
Israeli criminals," Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said in a
television interview, an excerpt of which was broadcast on Channel 1.

Annan, Jordan's King Abdullah II, and possibly representatives of Russia,
France, and Spain will also be present at the Sharm meeting, according to
Arafat adviser Bassam Abu Sharif.

Nabil Amr, the PA's minister for parliamentary affairs, said the US and Egypt
would likely make some suggestions at the summit regarding final-status
negotiations. But Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei said
anger among Israelis and Palestinians would prohibit each leader from
agreeing to a resumption of negotiations at this stage. "Maybe they will
discuss some ways to restart the negotiations later," he said.

Regarding next weekend's Arab summit, Palestinian officials dismissed reports
that Arafat would use the occasion to declare statehood unilaterally. "Arafat
knows how sensitive the situation is and is not looking for such dramatic
acts which will escalate the situation," one PA minister said.

Nina Gilbert and Margot Dudkevitch add:

The Likud favors the Sharm e-Sheikh summit planned for tomorrow, with party
leader Sharon saying he "favors halting the bloodshed." However, Sharon noted
that negotiations with the Palestinians had "caused the present situation."

Likud MK Limor Livnat said she welcomes the summit if it is aimed at halting
violence, but not if it involves establishing an inquiry into the violence,
pushing back IDF troops, and the continuation of the peace process.

Meretz leader Yossi Sarid said he hopes the summit continues rapprochement
efforts in order to "get out of this terrible crisis that endangers both
peoples and the region."

However, Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman called on Barak not to
attend as long as violence continues, saying this would be "tantamount to
encouraging terror and giving in to violence."

The Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip
condemned Barak's decision to meet with Arafat tomorrow, declaring his
participation should be contingent to an immediate halt in the violence by
the Palestinians. The council called on Barak not to meet with Arafat until
he receives guarantees on the return of Jews to Joseph's Tomb in Nablus and
the Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue in Jericho and the restoration of the two

Meanwhile, Nadia Matar of the Women in Green declared that activists plan to
demonstrate outside the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem this morning
with calls "to bury Oslo before it buries Israel."

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Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
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nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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