-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nurev Ind Research" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > << connection with Jerusalem gets -- myth, fantasy, wishful
> >  thinking. Meanwhile, Jews can trace their roots in Jerusalem back
> >  to the days of Abraham. >>
> This is silly. There is no evidence that Abraham ever really existed.

But even if he did, Arabs trace THEIR origins back to the same Abraham, so it is all a 
moot point, no?

> > Then so can the Palestinians.  You do recall that Abraham had more than one
> > child, do you not?  Prudy
> >
> Not true Prudy. At best ( and I doubt it ) the Palestinians can trace their
> roots back to Philistia which never had ANYTHING to do with Jerusalem, but
> was a coastal kingdom.

But as an Arabic people, they can claim descent from Abraham...

> Only the Jews allowed the other religions to worship there when in control.

Strange then that there were Christian churches and Jewish synagogues in Palestine 
pre-1948...many going back
hundreds of years...


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