-Caveat Lector-



Subject: What is A-albionic Research?  Information Bulletin
Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 10:21 PM

>>>> info prj
                  A-albionic Consulting & Research
                      Information Bulletin

**************************** CONTENTS

1. New Paradigms Project Archive, Research, & Discussion List

2. A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date List

3. World Wide Web
   Weekly articles, reviews, and archive up-dates.

4. "Subscribers Only" WEB Site

5. Book and Back Issue Catalogs

6. New Paradigms Project Gopher:  (free articles & book catalogs)

7. New Paradigms Project FTP Site:  (Same information available by FTP)

8. Advertisers--Please Check-out Our Advertisers

     We need advertising revenue to keep our WEB presence.  Many pay
us even if you don't buy anything.....

9.    A Note On Recommended Reading--Please Read Carefully!!
The books, reports, and articles recommended are not without serious
faults from the point-of-view of the Project, the Quarterly Journal of
A-albionic Research.  Most are guilty of blatant partisan bias, too often
on the basis of ideology, religion, race, class, interest group, etc.
Unfortunately, by its nature, ruling class research is not and probably
never will be solely the province of disinterested scholars.  However,
keep in mind that the bootlicking, lying court historians cultivate only
the appearance of objectivity and, therefore, deserve even less credit
than some of the partisan authors we have recommended.

The Project hypothesis is unique in ruling class-conspiracy literature.
None of the authors recommended present the Project theory.  The
recommended reading simply contributes facts, research leads, evidence,
testimony, insights, theorizing, and speculation relevant to the Project's
progress toward uncovering the objective nature of the ruling class-
conspiracy(s) or power organism(s).

Do not judge the Project theory by the readings recommended. We recommend
many authors not for objective information, but for insight into the
propaganda of the social power organism which holds them in thrall.

For the evolving Project theory consult only the Project back issues,
especially the August 1985 Issue ($9.00) for the original theory and the
Winter- Spring 1989-90 Issue ($9.00) for a major revision of working
hypothesis.   Check to A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI
48220-0273 or to buy by credit card:



1.  New Paradigms Project Archive, Research, & Discussion List
     Welcome to prj, the email majordomo mail list for those exploring,
questioning, or attempting to create "paradigms" or "world views" in the
major fields of human endeavor and knowledge.  A "New Paradigms Project"
implies that humanity's current, operative, but conflicting and evolving
paradigms are in need of change to meet the challenges of the future, but
does not automatically rule out the restoration of "Old Paradigms" or
"Lost Knowledge" as part of the needed "New Paradigms".

     Some of the paradigms currently being discussed and researched are
listed below.  Feel free to suggest others that may merit discussion and

**The Myths of Democracy and Pluralism vs Ruling Class/Conspiracy Theories
     Is America ruled by the outcome of the democratic process in which a
plethora of interests have hand or is "democratic process" a myth by which
a ruling class obtains the consent of the governed for its exploitive,
parasitical social and economic engineering?

     If the ruling class/conspiracy paradigm is correct, is the ruling
class  unified or engaged in serious factional conflict?

     And, if the ruling class/conspiracy paradigm is correct, are
ruling factions subservient to or influenced by international geopolital
forces such as Secret Societies, the British Oligarchy, the Vatican, or
other religions, philosophies, races, or ethnicity based power entities.

     Do covert, competing "World Masters" or "World Imperialisms" exist?

**Social Organism and Power Organism Theory:  Macrobes, Metazons, Gaia
     Is conspiracy theory a heurism for social and power organism theory?

     Are individual humans and groups the cells and organs of higher life
forms?  Do these higher life forms exist on a world level (Gaia) or
on lower levels such as nations, religions, ruling classes, etc.

**Complexity and Chaos Theory vs. Materialist Reductionism
     Do the new complexity, chaos, and catastrophe theories overturn the
materialist reductionist paradigm or simply elaborate on it?

**Morphic Resonance and Formative Causation vs. Materialist Reductionism
     Do the theories of Rupert Sheldrake provide a starting point from
which to overturn the materialist reductionist paradigm?

     Comments are solicited on Sheldrake's _The Presence of the Past:
Morphic  Resonance and the Habits of Nature_.


**Alternative Theories of Health, Nutrition, Longevity

**Collective Identity vs. Individualism
  Which is the wave of the future?

**Religious Faith/Spiritual Theories vs. Science

**Science vs. Scientism
  Few can doubt that the State increasingly uses the authority of
empirical science as a "new religion".  Double blind or elaborate con job?

**Environmentalism:  Reasonable Path or Strategy for Tyranny and Genocide?

**Borderland Science and Research: Suppressed Inventions, Free Energy,

Research Resource
The Archive and Discussion list are excellent research tools.
Almost any question you ask will be fielded by several list subscribers.
Not only will you obtain the opinions of several subscribers, but also
tips on sources for further research.  In addition, the list owner has all
the database facilities of A-albionic Research at his finger tips and is
willing to report back with any information he can find.  The databases
abvailable to the List Owner (Lloyd Miller) include:

a.)  NameBase:  77,000 names of groups and individual relevant to ruling
class elites and intelligence agencies.  166,000 citations of these names
in over 500 book and thousands of pages of periodicals.   Registered
copies available for $79.00 postpaid from A-albionic Research, PO Box
20273, Ferndale, MI 48220.  Or order by credit card:

       [No Postage and Handling Fee]

b.)  Bowen Intelligence Database:  8000 Books on Intelligence, National
Security, and Intrigue  with detailed annotations.

c.)  A-albionic's Regular Catalog of 450+ books with detailed annotations.
    (In-stock ready for shipment)

d.)  A-albionic's Super Catalog of 4200+ books with detailed annotations.
    (All available, but some require back-order or rare search)
     for Subscribers Only--
        See Below:  "Subscribers Only Site"

e.)  Back Issues of Conspiracy Digest

      Now available at a Commercial Shopping Mall:

f.)  Back Issues of A-albionic Research's Quarterly Journal, the Project.

g.)  Database of 1000+ publications and groups involved in ruling
    class/conspiracy research.


Try to maintain the objectivity that you could imagine a Space Alien
might have who is trying to make sense out of the happenings on Earth
with no personal stake in the outcome.

Spirited discussion and argument is encouraged.  However, expressions of
hate and/or threats directed toward individuals and groups will not be

Discussions of alleged ethnic, racial, and religious conspiracies will be
tolerated if and only if participants can maintain a dispassionate,
disinterested frame of mind for the purposes of discussion.

Unserious posts and posts designed to discredit theories via ridicule
(unless they are very clever!) will not be tolerated.

Serious posts designed to challenge ruling class/conspiracy paradigms are

<prj> is the list dedicated to violating the maxim to never discuss
politics or religion!  These topics are better discussed in Cyber Space
than of face to face!

                        OPEN LIST - OPEN LIST!
prj, The New Paradigms Discussion List, is an "open list", meaning
that anything posted to prj can be forwarded and cross posted without
limit to additional individuals, Mailing Lists, NewsGroups, etc. Do not
post to prj unless you want the world to know whatever it is you are
posting!  I will be up-dating the "prj List rules" in the "info" to new
subscribers immediately to make explicit this on-going policy.

On the other, hand it is contrary to universal "Netiquette" to
forward personal communications or posts to "private lists" without
permission.  However, expecting a posts to a list of over 200
participants, most of whom you do not know, to remain "private" is
always been a bit foolhardy in my opinion, regardless of "list policy".

I, and I hope all the participants of "prj", will keep all
personal e-mail private unless instructed otherwise by the originator.

    To subscribe to prj:

        mail to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        subj:       <doesn't matter>
        message:    subscribe prj

    To unsubscribe from prj:

        mail to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        subj:       <doesn't matter>
        message:    unsubscribe prj

    To post to prj:

        Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] All mail sent to this address will
        be redistributed to all the members of the list.

    To obtain an index of all files in the A-albionic archive/Gopher:
     [This feature was useful in the old days when aol, Compuserve,
        and Prodigy folks couldn't surf the web...forget it!]
        mail to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        subj:       <doesn't matter>
        message:    index prj

    To obtain a description of the free files available in the A-albionic
    Gopher (we up-date this whenever we can):
     [This feature was useful in the old days when aol, Compuserve,
        and Prodigy folks couldn't surf the web...forget it!]

        mail to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        subj:       <doesn't matter>
        message:    get prj gopher/keytogopher
     [This feature was useful in the old days when aol, Compuserve,
        and Prodigy folks couldn't surf the web...forget it!]

    To obtain any file in the A-albionic Gopher:

        mail to :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        subj:       <doesn't matter>
        message:    get prj gopher/<dir>/<dir>/.../<file name>
     [This feature was useful in the old days when aol, Compuserve,
        and Prodigy folks couldn't surf the web...forget it!]

        Note:  You need to subscribe to "prj" to use "get"

    The listowner is:

        Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research and
        Archivist for the New Paradigms Project
         <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220 is the
        sponsor of the New Paradigms Project, Archives, and Discussion
        Free snail mail information pack upon request for Subscribers
        See Below:  "Subscribers Only Site"

    The list sponsor is:

        A-albionic Research (POB 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling
        class/conspiracy research resource for the
        entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book
        sales, rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List,
        Weekly Up-date Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence,
        catalogs, & resources.

2.   A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date List
     The Weekly Up-Date is for those who would like to receive materials
released to the Net by A-albionic, but who do not want to engage in what
might become a high mail volume discussion list.  This list features a
weekly review or article and news on what information is available from
the New Paradigms Project Gopher, FTP Site, and prj Mail Server Archive.
Do not subscribe to both the discussion and weekly up-date lists as
everything posted to the weekly list is also posted to the discussion
list.  When you subscribe to prj unsubscribe to prj_weekly.

     mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     subject:  <doesn't matter>
     message:  subscribe prj_weekly

3.  World Wide Web
     The gigantic New Paradigms Gopher and FTP archive is hyper text
Try the following commands if you have them [if you don't have them you
weird, these days]:



    In the old days aol, Prodigy, and CompuServe users
couldn't surf the WEB.  Right now, only a few University
and Library systems cannot surf the web in a graphical

4. "Subscribers Only" WEB Site

    In order to try to cover some of our expenses, we have put some of
our "best stuff" in a "Subscribers Only" Site at a commercial WEB site.
Only $9.95 for 365 day.  Site is growing slow, but, then, you have 365
days to watch it grow.

  a) Super Catalog of 4200 Books, Tapes, and Back Issues
  b) A-albionic's Journal, the _Project_ [Current Articles]
  c) Complete Text and Graphics of _Project_ Back Issues
  d) The Occult Technology of Power & Various Articles
  e) Free, Paper "Non-Virtual" Sample Back Issues
   f) Back Issues of the Weekly Up-date
   g) 500 Year World Historical Chronology Demostrates Project
        Hypothesis of Vatican/Neo-British Empire Conflict

5. Book and Back Issue Catalogs
     We have allowed a Commerical Site to put all of our Back
Issues and some of our Regular Catalog items in their
Shopping Mall:
     Scroll Down Page and Click on "Regular Catalog" Link

6. New Paradigms Project Gopher:  (free articles & book catalogs)
       gopher gopher.a-albionic.com 9006
     [This feature was useful in the old days when aol, Compuserve,
        and Prodigy folks couldn't surf the web...still work, kinda!]

7. New Paradigms Project FTP Site:  (Same information available by FTP)
     [This feature was useful in the old days when aol, Compuserve,
        and Prodigy folks couldn't surf the web...still work, kinda!]

8. Advertisers--Please Check-out Our Advertisers
     We need advertising revenue to keep our WEB presence.  They pay
some our ISP bills if they get enough hits,  You don't necessarily have to
buy anything, but you have to look and explore!

9.    A Note On Recommended Reading--Please Read Carefully!!
The books, reports, and articles recommended are not without serious
faults from the point-of-view of the Project, the Quarterly Journal of
A-albionic Research.  Most are guilty of blatant partisan bias, too often
on the basis of ideology, religion, race, class, interest group, etc.
Unfortunately, by its nature, ruling class research is not and probably
never will be solely the province of disinterested scholars.  However,
keep in mind that the bootlicking, lying court historians cultivate only
the appearance of objectivity and, therefore, deserve even less credit
than some of the partisan authors we have recommended.

The Project hypothesis is unique in ruling class-conspiracy literature.
None of the authors recommended present the Project theory.  The
recommended reading simply contributes facts, research leads, evidence,
testimony, insights, theorizing, and speculation relevant to the Project's
progress toward uncovering the objective nature of the ruling class-
conspiracy(s) or power organism(s).

Do not judge the Project theory by the readings recommended. We recommend
many authors not for objective information, but for insight into the
propaganda of the social power organism which holds them in thrall.

For the evolving Project theory consult only the Project back issues,
especially the August 1985 Issue ($9.00) for the original theory and the
Winter- Spring 1989-90 Issue ($9.00) for a major revision of working
hypothesis.   Check to A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI
or to buy by credit card:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
      To Discuss Ideas:
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://msen.com/~lloyd/
      For Ordering Info & Free Catalog:
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://a-albionic.com/
      For Discussion List:
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Subject:  Blank
       Message text:  subscribe prj
   **FREE RARE BOOK SEARCH: <http://a-albionic.com/search.html> **
   Explore Our Archive:  <http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html>
Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms
Discussion List, not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://msen.com/~lloyd/
  For Ordering Info & Free Catalog:
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://a-albionic.com/formaddress.html
  For Discussion List:
   text in body:  subscribe prj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Explore Our Archive:  <http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html>
Every Diet Has Failed!  What Can I do?
Click Below to "Ask Dr. Kathleen"!
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  On-Line Journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, & resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://msen.com/~lloyd/
  For Ordering Info & Free Catalog:
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://a-albionic.com/formaddress.html
  For Discussion List:
   text in body:  subscribe prj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Explore Our Archive:  <http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html>
Every Diet Has Failed!  What Can I do?
Click Below to "Ask Dr. Kathleen"!

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
Archives Available at:
 <A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 <A HREF="http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl</A>
To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


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