FYI: who backs the EFF

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>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Apr 13 13:34:17 1993
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 16:22:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: Vigdor Schreibman - FINS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The contributors to and practices of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
disclose quite accurately, just who this organization represents. We
challenge the legitimacy of the claim that this is a "public interest"
advocate. Here is a copy of their list of contributors:

[FINS requested the Office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of
Massachustetts to provide us with a list of contributors of over $5000, to
the Electronic Frontier Foundation, required by IRS Form 990. Timothy E.
Dowd, of the Division of Public Charities, provided us with a list (dated
January 21, 1993), containing the following information. No response was
given to a phone request by FINS directly to EFF, for permission to inspect
and copy the most current IRS Form 990 information.]



Kapor Family Foundation
C/O Kapor Enterprises, Inc.
155 2nd Street
Cambridge, MA 02141 Var 100,000

[Note: The Kapor Family Foundation is also the leading grantor of the Singer
Foundation, named for Dr. Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D., adjunct professor
emeritus of psychology at UC Berkeley, and a board member of the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation. ‹ A. Constantine]

Mitchell D. Kapor
450 Warren Street
Brookline, MA 02146 Var 324,000

Andrew Hertzfeld
370 Channing Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301 12/12/91 5,00

Dunn & Bradstreet
C/O Michael F. ...
1001 G Street, NW Suite 300 East
Washington, DC 20001 02/12/92 10,000

National Cable Television
1724 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036 02/18/92 25,000

MCI Communications Corporation
1133 19th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036 03/11/92 15,000

American Newspaper Publishers
The Newspaper CTR
11600 Sunrise Valley
Reston, VA 22091 03/23/92 20,000

Apple Computer
20525 Mariani Avenue MS:75-61
Cupertino, CA 95014 03/23/92 50,000

Sun Microsystems, Inc
c/o Wayne Rosing
2550 Garcia Ave
Mountain View, CA 94043-1100 04/03/92 50,000

Adobe Systems, Inc.
c/o William Spaller
1585 Charlestown Road
Mountain View, CA 94039-7900 04/16/92 10,000

International Business Systems
c/o Robert Carbert, Rte 100
Somers, NY 10589 05/07/92 50,000

Prodigy Services Company
c/o G. Pera...
445 Hamilton Avenue
White Plains, NY 10601 05/07/92 10,000

Electronic Mail Associates
1555 Wilson Blvd. Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22209 05/13/92 10,000

c/o William H. Neukom
1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, VA 98052 06/25/92 50,000

David Winer
933 Hermosa Way
Menio Park, CA 94025 01/02/92 5,000

Ed Venture Holdings
c/o Ester Dvson
375 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10152 03/23/92 15,000

Anonymous 12/26/91 10,000

Bauman Fund
c/o Patricia Bauman
1731 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, DC 20009-1146 04/16/92 2,500

Capital Cities ABA
c/o Mark MacCarthy
2445 N. Street, NW Suite 48
Washington, DC 20037 05/04/92 1,000

John Gilmore
210 Clayton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117 07/23/91 1,488
08/06/91 100,000

Government Technology 10/08/91 1,000

Miscellaneous 04/03/91 120

Apple Writers Grant
c/o Apple Computer
20525 Mariani Avenue 01/10/92 15,000

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