After reading this item and the black face routine in the minstrel shows
- maybe Clintons no longer felt Carnahan was an asset and more of a

This item was of interest -


Carnahan's meddling in democratic process results in loss of
right of personal protection for Missouri citizens
      (FAIRFAX, VA) -- Despite the will of law-abiding
citizens, and despite efforts by the legislature to represent their
constituents and allow qualified Missourians the right to choose to
carry a firearm, the meddling of Governor Mel Carnahan in the democratic
process effectively resulted in a loss of that right, as Proposition B
was narrowly defeated in Tuesday's election.
      "...This is a public official who completely mistrusts
his own constituents..." "Governor Carnahan crossed the line in meddling
with the democratic process in Missouri," said James J. Baker, executive
director of the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative
Action. "After twice denying Missourians the right to carry as enacted
by the state legislature, Governor Carnahan injected his own personal
views into this democratic initiative process. Through his own
hand-picked Secretary of State, Carnahan had the audacity to rewrite the
ballot language adopted by the legislature to suit his own desire to
confuse and mislead the voters of Missouri. He even dispatched his own
daughter to run the campaign against Proposition B and reportedly
received fundraising help from none other than Hillary Clinton."
      Baker said the election boiled down to Governor
Carnahan's lack of trust in law-abiding citizens of Missouri. "This is a
public official who completely mistrusts his own constituents," Baker
said, "to the point where he won't even let them decide for themselves
on an issue as important as personal protection and freedom. When a
public official loses faith in his citizens, he usually ends up losing
his next election."
      Baker, a former prosecutor in Missouri, also noted that
the Clinton-Gore Administration, with a long anti-gun rights history,
was also staunchly opposed to Proposition B and dispatched Hillary
Clinton to actively campaign to defeat the measure.

"It is unfortunate that Governor Carnahan welcomed efforts by the
Clinton-Gore Administration and the U.S. Justice Department to scare and
confuse the voters of Missouri," Baker said.

"But in the next election, I predict that Missourians will have the
opportunity to send these officials a message that the people can indeed
be trusted."
-- nra --
This information is provided as a service of the National Rifle
Association Institute for Legislative Action, Fairfax, VA.
This and other information on the Second Amendment and the NRA is
available at: http://WWW.NRA.Org

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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