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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "Alex Constantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Politics of Tryptophan (and Prozac)
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 5:12 AM


The FDA Ban of L-Tryptophan: Politics, Profits and Prozac

© Dean Wolfe Manders, Ph.D., All Rights Reserved

Note: Deep Times attempted to track down Dr. Manders, without success.
Therefore, this article is published from a Listserv without permission.
This is contrary to Deep Times policy, but we felt the information was too
important to keep from our readers under the circumstances.  If you know
where we can reach Dr. Manders to obtain Permission, please let us know.
This article first appeared in "Social Policy", Vol. 26, No. 2 Winter 1995.
Dr. Manders has lectured and done extensive research on the medical politics
of L-Tryptophan. The article also appeared in "Blazing Tattles".

In the fall of 1989, the FDA recalled L-Tryptophan, an amino acid
nutritional supplement, stating that it caused a rare and deadly flu-like
condition (Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome / EMS). On March 22, 1990, the FDA
banned the public sale dietary of L-Tryptophan completely. This ban
continues today. On March 26, 1990, "Newsweek" featured a lead article
praising the virtues of the anti-depressant drug Prozac. Its multi-color
cover displayed a floating, gigantic green and white capsule of Prozac with
the caption: "Prozac: A Breakthrough drug for Depression."
The fact that the FDA ban of L-Tryptophan and the Newsweek Prozac cover
story occurred within four days of each other went unnoticed by both the
media and the public. Yet, to those who understand the effective properties
of L- Tryptophan and Prozac, the concurrence seems "unbelievably
coincidental." The link here is the brain neurotransmitter serotonin---a
biochemical nerve signal conductor. The action of Prozac and L-Tryptophan
are both involved with serotonin, but in totally different ways.
Elevated levels of serotonin in the body often result in the relief of
depression, as well as substantial reduction in pain sensitivity, anxiety
and stress. Prozac, as well as other new anti-depressant drugs such as Paxil
and Zoloft, attempt to enhance levels of serotonin by working on whatever
amounts of it already exists in the body (these drugs are known as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors). None of these drugs, however produce
serotonin. In contrast, ingested L-Tryptophan acts to produce serotonin,
even in individuals who generate little serotonin of their own. The most
effective way to elevate serotonin would be to use a serotonin producer
rather than a serotonin enhancer.
The continuing FDA public ban of L-Tryptophan prevents popular access to
this most effective serotonin producer. The millions of Americans who for
decades safely have relied upon L-Tryptophan to relieve depression, anxiety
and PMS, as well as to control pain and induce natural sleep, have been
forced elsewhere for solutions.
Routinely, such solutions are pharmaceutical in nature: people are forced to
use either often highly addictive, expensive, and sometimes dangerous drugs
like Xanax, Valium, Halcion, Dalmane, Codeine, Anafranil, Prozac, and
others, or simply suffer. Present FDA public policy maintains that
L-Tryptophan is an untested, unapproved and hazardous drug. The analytical
work done a few years ago by the Centers for Disease Control and the Mayo
Clinic, research which traced the fall of the serious flu-like condition to
contaminants found in batches of L-Tryptophan made by the Japanese company
Showa Denko, has not convinced the FDA to allow L-Tryptophan back on the
market. This decision is based primarily on the research of FDA and NIMH
scientists who state that L- Tryptophan itself, irrespective of
contaminants, is a dangerous substance. Other university-based research
scientists disagree with these findings.
The public availability of L-Tryptophan is too important an issue only to be
argued and shrouded within scientific debate that remains, ultimately,
mystifying to the vast majority of Americans. There are many obvious facts
worthy of public attention, and concern.
For example, consider the following: On February 9, 1993, a United States
government patent (#5185157) was issued to use L-Tryptophan to treat, and
cure EMS, the very same deadly flu-like condition which prompted the FDA to
take L-Tryptophan off the market in 1989.
Notwithstanding its public ban and import alert on L-Tryptophan, the FDA
today allows Ajinomoto U.S.A. the right to import from Japan human-use L-
Tryptophan. Distributed from the Ajinomoto in Raleigh, North Carolina, the
L- Tryptophan is then sold to, and through, a network of compounding
pharmacies across the United States. Purchased by individuals only under a
physician's order, L-Tryptophan emerges here as a new prescription drug in
the serotonin marketplace; one hundred 500 mg. capsules cost about $75.00,
approximately five times more than if they were sold as a dietary
Since the FDA holds the political mandate and power of a public regulatory
agency established ostensibly, to protect people from raw corporate
interests in drug production and distribution, the actions of the FDA in
concert with Ajinomoto U.S.A. are illuminating. By publicly banning
L-Tryptophan from its dietary supplement status and price, while allowing
L-Tryptophan to be sold as a high-priced prescription drug, the naked
duplicity of the FDA L-Tryptophan policy is revealed.
During and after the 1989 EMS outbreak, the FDA did not totally ban the use
of L- Tryptophan in humans---then, as today, the FDA has granted the
pharmaceutical industry the protected right to use L-Tryptophan in hospital
settings. Manufactured by Abbott Laboratories, the amino acid injectable
solutions Aminosyn and Aminosyn II contain as much as 200 mg. of
L-Tryptophan. (Moreover, L-Tryptophan has never been removed from baby food
produced and sold within the United States.) While the FDA has banned the
public sale and use of safe, non-contaminated, dietary supplements
L-Tryptophan for people, the United States Department of Agriculture still
sanctions the legal sale and use of non-contaminated L-Tryptophan for
animals. Today, as in the past, feed grade L-Tryptophan continues to be used
as a nutritional and bulk feed additive by the commercial hog and chicken
farming industry. Additionally, L- Tryptophan is now available for use by
veterinarians in caring for horses and pets.
Outside of the United States, in countries such as Canada, the Netherlands,
Germany, England, and others, L-Tryptophan is widely used. Nowhere, have any
serious or widespread health problems have occurred.
At bottom, the FDA public ban of safe, non-contaminated L-Tryptophan is
uneven, expensive, and biased in favor of the pharmaceutical industry. The
FDA proscription effectively awards billions of dollars in profits to
pharmaceutical companies and their suppliers in the same proportion as it
adds billions of unnecessary dollars to the nation's already bloated health
care expenditures.
On June 15, 1993, the FDA Dietary Supplement Task Force published a report
on the work it had been doing in the area of developing FDA policy around
nutritional supplements. On page two, the report admits, "The Task Force
considered various issues in its deliberations, including ... what steps are
necessary to ensure that the existence of dietary supplements on the market
does not act as a disincentive for drug development."
In this case, the FDA has succeeded in carrying out its stated policy goal.
With competition from publicly available L-Tryptophan removed, the rapidly
expanding market in prescription serotonin drugs---now among them
L-Tryptophan itself---contains no major "disincentives" for the massive
accumulation of pharmaceutical industry profits.
It is now time for appropriate congressional committees to review openly and
aggressively the entire matter of L-Tryptophan. This will provide a needed
forum where political, corporate, and scientific issues of the FDA L-
Tryptophan regulatory policy may be addressed. There exists ample precedent
for such hearings: in the 1980's and early 1990's, for example, such
investigations uncovered favoritism in the approval of generic drugs and the
bribery of FDA officials.
The story of L-Tryptophan illustrates a sad perverse picture of the politics
and priorities of public health in America: A safe, dietary-supplement
serotonin producer is publicly unavailable to people, while daily fed to
animals by corporate agribusiness. A patent is approved to use L-Tryptophan
to cure the very condition the FDA claims it caused. And, while publicly
exclaiming that L-Tryptophan is a dangerous and untested drug, the FDA more
quietly, allows human-use L-Tryptophan to be imported, and then marketed and
sold by the pharmaceutical industry.
To allow the FDA ban of L-Tryptophan to continue unreviewed and
univestigated condemns millions of Americans to unecessary financial
expenditures and needless suffering. Are you Dean Manders,or do you have his
email address or know anyone who does? I have a ton of info on this subject.
The patent he is discussing on L-tryptophan for the cure of eosinophilia
myalgia syndrome is held by Dr.Christopher Caston of Spartenburg S.C. and
info about his patent was published in two peer reviewed medical journals at
the exact same time the FDA banned l-tryptophan. I have a transcript of the
entire FDA run hearing on Dietary Supplements which took place in the Masur
Auditorium of NIH on August 29th 1990 in which the FDA was shamelessly
parading eosinophilia myalgia victims up to the microphone for propaganda
purposes, in order to have them denounce the dietary supplement industry
over the Showa Denko contaminated tryptophan.
(Showa Denko is a PHARMACEUTICAL company, and a really bad actor at that-
they once BLEW UP part of their plant to thwart a Japanese government
inspection which would have proved that they were responsible for
contaminating a river in Japan with mercury, causing untold misery and
suffering- kids born with birth defects, etc, ad nauseum. The contaminated
l-tryptophan was caused by using genetic engineering to crank up a strain of
bacteria used in the fermentation process that the amino acid is generated
through. They wanted to make the stuff FASTER than their competitors, and
tossed GMPs out the window.
At NIH these poor people were being plugged full of prednisone, and other
highly dangerous drugs, which did NOTHING to alleviate their condition,
while a patented, peer reviewed nutritional protocol including l-tryptophan
existed, to the FDA's knowledge, but the FDA and NIH did not let these
patients at NIH hospital have it, because they wanted to use them as
political pawns. I can document everything I'm saying here because I
testified at that hearing and exposed the whole charade, and I have the
official government transcript of my testimony, along with the proof of
everything I said, stored in multiple locations in case they ever burn my
house down. You are right, there should be a congressional investigation-
but there never will be unless we CRUSH congress with faxes about this.
Anyone want to?

Sun, 29 Mar 1998
Congressional investigation over the fraudulent ban on tryptophan is long
overdue. Following this excellent expose by Dean Wolfe Manders, PhD, I've
added a few things that he missed. I have enough documentation on this issue
that a Congressional investigation could stem from it if we could find
anyone in Congress with the balls to go against Eli Lilly. In addition to my
evidence, Citizens Commission on Human Rights has plenty of documentation to
show that when they forced FDA to hold a hearing regarding the dangerous
drug Prozac, FDA stacked the panel with people who made their living working
for antidepressant manufacturers, and one of them was on the payroll of Eli
Lilly. This was exposed, but Congress has been largely bought and paid for
with the exception of a tiny handful such as Ron Paul, who takes no money
from the multinationals.

John Hammell
Legislative Advocate
Helper On International Advocates for Health Freedom
2411 Monroe St.
Hollywood, FL 33020
800-333-2553, 954-929-2905, FAX 954-929-0507




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