-Caveat Lector-


Communist China - Our Avowed  Mortal Enemy -
Endorses Gore



The leadership of Communist China, which threatened to launch a
nuclear strike on the U.S. in 1996 and again this spring, has
come out strongly against the presidential candidacy of Texas
governor George Bush - a tacit endorsement of Vice President Al

A commentary appearing Tuesday in the government-run newsmagazine
Beijing Review warned that Bush's China policies "would produce
grave results if he won the election and became master of the
White House." Beijing Review is published by the State Council,
the Chinese version of a presidential Cabinet.

The report, co-authored by a researcher from China's National
Defense University, said "war would be inevitable" if Bush tried
to intervene militarily in any attack by the People's Liberation
Army on Taiwan, a longtime U.S. ally.

Bush has in the past criticized the Clinton-Gore administration's
depiction of China as a "strategic partner," calling China an
"adversary" instead. Particularly troublesome for Beijing is
Bush's pledge to deploy missile defense systems that would
protect Taiwan as well as the U.S. from any missile attack.

In 1995 and 1996, Beijing lobbed unarmed nuclear capable missiles
across the Taiwan Straits, prompting the U.S. to dispatch the 6th
Fleet to the region. Defense officials later told the Washington
Post that tensions were much higher than the administration
publicly acknowledged at the time.

As the 6th Fleet steamed across the Pacific, longtime Clinton
friend Charlie Trie intervened on China's behalf, counseling the
president to avoid any further provocative action. Clinton
apparently took the advice.

Three years later Trie pleaded guilty to campaign finance
violations after several hundred thousand dollars he donated to
the Clinton Defense Fund and other Democratic causes was traced
to the Bank of China.

In 1996, Chinese military intelligence tried to recruit
Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung in a plot to funnel $300,000
to Clinton, Gore and the Democrats.

"We like your president, we want to see him re-elected," Chung
says Gen. Ji Shengde told him.

Gore's own political rise has been fueled by his longtime
association with Maria Hsia, who's been raising campaign cash for
the vice president since 1988 and who organized Gore's notorious
April 1996 Buddhist temple fund raiser. In May, Hsia pleaded
guilty to five felony counts related to the Buddhist temple

In 1997, the FBI identified Hsia as a "Chinese agent" who was
"doing the bidding of Beijing," according to a Washington Post
report by Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward.

Details from the Beijing Review editorial were first reported by
ABC News.


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                    *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                       ~~~~~~~~~~~     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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