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WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Belgium
Belgium's extreme right Vlaams Blok increases vote in regional elections
By Richard Tyler
19 October 2000
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In recent regional and local elections, the xenophobic Vlaams Blok (VB) became
the strongest party in Antwerp. The VB advocates the separation of the northern
Flemish-speaking region of Flanders from French-speaking Wallonia, which
together with the bi-lingual capital Brussels and a small German-speaking area
comprise the modern Belgian state. Strongly anti-immigrant, it calls for the
immediate repatriation of all so-called illegal immigrants.

The party increased its share in Belgium's second city by five percent to take
one third of all votes cast, gaining twenty places on the 55-seat council.
As well as Antwerp, the October 8 poll also saw the VB emerge as strongest
party in Mechelen, and the third largest in Ghent. Overall its vote rose
Flanders to just under 10 percent.

The Vlaams Blok made a racist appeal to the wealthier layers of Antwerp,
playing up the issues of criminality and immigration. However, Antwerp bucks
the national trend on both counts. According to official statistics crime rates
in the city are falling and of the nearly half a million inhabitants under 10
percent are non-Belgians.

At election rallies VB party leader Filip Dewinter loudly proclaimed, “Our
people first” and that the Flemish should be “Masters of our own home.” He
admires Austria's far-right Freedom Party and says “Joerg Haider showed us that
the nationalists can make it into government... What happened in Austria was
important. The Belgians saw that a government alliance of nationalists and
conservatives is possible, and especially that the sanctions, the demonising of
a country, cannot last.”

The aim of the Vlaams Blok is a separate Flemish state, and Dewinter boasted,
“we already have a Flemish parliament and government. We will soon have a
Flemish taxation system and perhaps a Flemish social security system, the last
link which ties us to Wallonia.”

The northern region of Flanders, where much of Belgium's industry is based, is
far wealthier than Wallonia and its economy has performed relatively better in
recent years. The Flemish nationalists want to cut themselves free from what
they regard as Flanders subsidising the welfare state in the south:
unemployment in Antwerp fell in September to 6.9 percent, against 18 percent in

Dewinter and the VB espouse an odious form of Flemish chauvinism, and call for
all those foreigners who they claim have entered Belgium illegally since 1974
(some 300,000 they claim) to be repatriated. Dewinter told an election rally
that “All those who are not assimilated” should “get out”. How does the VB
propose to identify those that are not assimilated? “Those who wear an Islamic
scarf, who believe that the laws of Islam are more important than those of this
country, those who do not want to speak our language...”

Federal Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt described the results for the Vlaams
Blok as a “stain”, and pledged to continue the “cordon sanitaire” along with
the other establishment parties, and not allow the VB to participate in
government at any level. Belgian daily Le Soir criticised Verhofstadt's
response to the increased vote for the VB, saying, “There is no use minimising
the phenomena... It is not just a question of maintaining the ‘cordon
sanitaire'. It is also a matter of hearing the alarm bells that have resounded
in the ballot boxes. The success of the Vlaams Blok is the mark of deep
distress that has not been answered. The Verhofstadt government faces the
challenge of really integrating the population.”

The Vlaams Blok is now Flanders' fourth strongest party behind the Liberals
(whose vote increased marginally), the Christian Democrats (down 1.4 percent)
and the Socialist Party (the biggest losers, down 2.7 percent). It also
increased its vote to 9 percent in the federal capital Brussels, but lost all
its six seats in Wallonia.

The losses for the Christian and Social Democrats in the recent regional and
local elections continue a trend that saw the composition of the federal
government change significantly in last year's general election.
For most of its post-war history, the Dutch-speaking Christelijke Volkespartij
(CVP—Christian Peoples Party) formed the core of every coalition government,
both at the federal and state level. Together with their social democratic
coalition partners the CVP lost around a quarter of their seats.

The new federal government that was formed last year under Prime Minister Guy
Verhofstadt, is a coalition of the Flemish and French-speaking Liberal Parties,
together with the social democrats and the Greens. It has sought to preserve
the delicate political balance of Belgium's Flemish and French speaking
regions, mainly by making concessions to the wealthier Flanders. New fiscal
regulations introduced this week will grant even further autonomy to Flanders
in the area of taxation.

Under the new rules, the regions will be able to cut taxes by as much as 6.75
percent from 2004, which if carried through in Flanders would deprive the
federal coffers of some 40 billion Belgian francs ($850m). The impact of such a
cut would be felt harshly in Wallonia, which with significantly higher
unemployment levels already spends proportionately more on welfare payments
than its richer neighbour.

Far from preventing the break up of Belgium along regional lines, the
government's policies are playing into the hands of the Flemish nationalists.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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