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WSWS : News & Analysis : Australia & South Pacific
Australian military policy reappraisal amid new regional uncertainties
By Mike Head
21 October 2000
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Confronted by growing instability throughout the Asia-Pacific region, the
Australian government is in the final stages of drafting a Defence White Paper
that will boost military spending and prepare for new regional interventions.
According to Defence Minister John Moore, the White Paper, due in December,
will be the most fundamental defence reappraisal for decades. Speaking
alongside Moore in releasing a preparatory discussion paper last June, Prime
Minister John Howard referred to mounting volatility in the region, mentioning
Timor, Indonesia, Fiji and the Solomon Islands.

These remarks echoed media concerns, including a warning in the Australian
Financial Review that the attempted coup in Fiji had “extended the arc of
instability now radiating around Australia” and highlighted “the increasingly
uncertain environment for Australia's business and national security interests
in the region”.

Over the past decade—and particularly since the 1997 Asian financial
meltdown—the economies and social conditions of countries throughout South East
Asia and the South Pacific have been shattered by the collapse of investment,
the operations of the global banks and transnational corporations, and
International Monetary Fund restructuring programs.

In a number of countries, such as Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Papua New
Guinea, the state structures have either disintegrated or been badly split by
factional and ethnic conflicts. The entire Indonesian archipelago is gripped by
social unrest, communalism and secessionist movements, from Aceh in the west to
West Papua in the east.

Indicating the degree of perplexity in ruling circles, the discussion paper,
Defence Review 2000—Our Future Defence Force, states: “There is little point in
trying to base our long-term defence planning on specific predictions about the
strategic future of Asia. We simply do not know what is going to happen.”
The Review refers to “significant economic, political and social challenges”
throughout Indonesia, and economic stagnation, deteriorating social conditions
and weakening “national cohesion” in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

>From the standpoint of Australian capitalism, the single most destabilising
event has been Suharto's demise in Indonesia. Together with the United States,
the Australian establishment supported Suharto's 1965-66 military coup, at the
height of the Vietnam War. Australian governments established a close
relationship with the Indonesian dictatorship, culminating in the Keating Labor
government's signing of a formal defence pact with Suharto at the end of 1995.
This military treaty—which is not even mentioned in the Review —was rapidly
overtaken by events. Washington utilised the 1997 economic crisis to demand the
dismantling of Suharto's system of crony capitalism, which had become a barrier
to global investors.

Although the Review is couched in the cautious and diplomatic language of a
public relations handout, it argues for a new “regional defence orientation” to
replace the “continental defence” doctrine that has prevailed since the
withdrawal of Australian troops from Vietnam in 1972.

“What is clear,” it states, “is that Australia's security is closely tied to
the stability and wellbeing of our broader region.” The “most immediate
strategic interests” lie in an “inner arc” of islands stretching from Indonesia
and East Timor through Papua New Guinea to the islands of the south-west

The Review foreshadows further troop deployments of the “peacekeeping” type
already underway in East Timor, Bougainville and the Solomon Islands:
“Recurrent problems in some South Pacific countries may mean that Australia
will need to deploy forces for operations such as peacekeeping and disaster
relief. Moreover, the political, economic and territorial fragility of these
countries makes them vulnerable. Our planning may need to take account of the
possibility—albeit remote at present—that at some time these countries could be
subject to attempts by non-state actors or potentially hostile countries to
erode their sovereignty.”

The document highlights the expansion of Australian involvement in overseas
operations in recent years. Between 1972 and 1987, there was only one
substantial deployment—in the Sinai. By contrast, over the past 13 years,
troops have been sent to Fiji, Namibia, the Gulf, Somalia, Rwanda, Western
Sahara, Papua New Guinea (including Bougainville), Cambodia, Indonesia, East
Timor and the Sinai.

The Review predicts that such “lower-level military operations” (engagements
short of a full war) “are going to be an important part of our future”. For
this purpose, the Howard government has already decided to increase the number
of full-time army battalions from four to six, at a cost of $500 million a

This “regional defence orientation,” the document notes however, will require
not just expanded troop capacity but the purchase of expensive weapons systems.
“The important thing to note about developing a greater capacity to be involved
in high-level contingencies in the region, is that it could require
substantially increased funding over the longer-term, in keeping with the more
demanding range of possible military tasks.”

This means reversing a protracted decline in military spending since the defeat
in Vietnam. The defence budget, now $13 billion a year, has fallen as a
proportion of Gross Domestic Product from 3.5 percent in the 1950s to 2.5
percent in the mid-1980s to 1.8 percent in 2000. In releasing the discussion
paper, Howard stated: “I believe that in the years ahead Australia will need to
spend more ... on defence than we are currently spending.” Questioned by
reporters, Howard refused to put a figure on the increase but declared that
“defence will need to bulk larger than it has over the past few years”.

The Defence Review says expenditure of $A80-110 billion will be needed over the
next 20 years, just to replace ageing warships and fighter planes. This would
constitute a 50 percent increase on the current equipment budget. One of the
specific difficulties confronting the Australian military is its continued
reliance on the US for access to sophisticated weaponry. The Review notes that
in replacing the air force's 71 F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets, acquiring new
guided missile frigates for the navy and upgrading its submarines, the
equipment will have to be US compatible.

The Labor Party has supported the review of military strategy but criticised
the government for not moving more quickly. Labor leader Kim Beazley, himself a
former defence minister, has advocated an immediate $1 billion boost to
military spending—double the amount proposed by the Howard government for next

Doubts over US alliance

For the first time in its history, Australian capitalism can no longer
automatically rely on a powerful ally. For the first four decades of the
twentieth century, Canberra looked to Britain, the former colonial authority,
for military backing. During World War II this dependence shifted to the United
States. From the 1940s to the early 1990s, the US regarded Australia as an
essential base of support, first against Japan, then, during the Cold War,
against the Soviet Union, China, North Korea and North Vietnam.

As long as the Cold War conflict between the US and the Stalinist-controlled
bloc continued, Australian military strategy was closely tied to the United
States. Australia was regarded as a southern anchor of the US military presence
throughout Asia, with key satellite surveillance and navigation bases
established in remote parts of the country.

Since the end of the 1980s, however, competing interests have emerged. Tensions
have developed between Washington and Canberra over a number of issues,
including US conflicts with China and the IMF-led destabilisation of Suharto.

These tensions were highlighted shortly after the release of the defence
discussion paper when US Defence Secretary William Cohen visited Australia and
issued an unusually blunt call for the government to upgrade its military
capacity in order to remain a reliable partner in the region. Cohen made it
plain that Washington expected Australian support in the event of a conflict
with China over Taiwan.

His remarks have provoked rifts within the Australian political and military
establishment. Some fear that too close a relationship with the US will harm
Australian commercial and diplomatic interests across Asia, particularly in the
two giant markets of China and Japan. Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser
opposed Cohen's suggestion that Australia participate in the mooted US “star
wars” space missile system. “The needs and desires of the United States do not
necessarily conform with what is necessary for the security and integrity of
Australia,” Fraser retorted.

These divisions also came to the surface last year, when Howard, buoyed by the
Australian-led Interfet intervention into East Timor, attempted to enunciate a
new strategic doctrine, referring in a media interview to Australia acting as a
US “deputy” in the region. Howard's suggestion triggered strong criticism in
Beijing and other Asian capitals. After being lambasted in the domestic media,
Howard was forced to abandon his short-lived “Howard Doctrine”.

The Defence Review casts doubt on the future reliability of the 1951 ANZUS
Treaty, which has been at the core of Canberra's defence policy for half a
century. The Review quotes key clauses in the Treaty, which formally obliges
the US to “act to meet the common danger” in the event of an armed attack on
Australia or its armed forces. But, the Review notes, these undertakings
“looked less reassuring” in the 1970s, following the American withdrawal from

“What would happen if the US was deeply committed elsewhere when we needed
support? Will our interests and perceptions match those of the US closely
enough for us to depend more heavily upon them? Finally, we would need to
consider our sense of ourselves as a nation, and how others' perceptions of us
might be changed by a decision to rely more on the US. And we need to consider
what the US expects of us in return.”

The last Defence White Paper in 1987, following the 1986 Dibb Report, saw the
abandonment of the “forward defence” policy of the Korean and Vietnam wars. A
doctrine of “self-reliance” was adopted, but Australia has remained
substantially dependent on the United States for weaponry and large-scale

Political and ideological problems

During the Cold War, the anticommunism propagated by the government and the
media provided the ideological foundation for involvement in the Korean and
Vietnam wars, as well as the use of troops in Malaya and Borneo during the
“confrontation” with the Sukarno regime of Indonesia in the early 1960s.

By the early 1990s, the authorities in Canberra, like their counterparts in
other Western capitals, claimed that the demise of the Stalinist regimes in
Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union would mean a new period of peace and
prosperity. The end of the Cold War, however, combined with the rapid
globalisation of economic life, has seen the revival of the underlying
struggles between the major power blocs—the US, Japan and the European
Union—for economic and political hegemony in key areas of the globe, including
Asia and the Pacific.

In a revealing comment, Howard said the end of the Cold War had tended to
“bring more, rather than less, uncertainty in our region”. The Defence Review
itself warns that it is possible for “war to break out among major powers in
our region”.

Over the past decade, the imperialist powers have sought to fashion a new
justification for military aggression based on claims to be intervening to
uphold “human rights” or other ethical values. In particular, the Western
leaders have declared the national sovereignty of small countries to be

In the same vein, Australian political leaders are hoping to capitalise on the
precedent set by the ongoing Australian intervention in East Timor, where the
dispatch of 4,500 troops last year was glorified by the mass media, the Labor
Party and radical protest groups as a humanitarian gesture of assistance for
the East Timorese people.

The real concerns in Australian ruling circles are bound up with defending
corporate interests, such as access to the oil and gas beneath the Timor Sea
and the reopening of the giant Panguna copper mine on Bougainville. Australian-
based companies have multibillion-dollar investment—mining, banking,
manufacturing and trading operations—throughout the region, and dominate the
entire economies of countries like PNG, Fiji and the Solomon Islands.

Domestically, the political establishment faces considerable social discontent
after two decades of declining living and working conditions for ordinary
working people. Yet military spending can be increased only by further slashing
social welfare programs. As the Defence Review admits: “An increase in defence
funding must eventually require higher taxes or lower spending on other
socially worthwhile government programs.”

In releasing the document, the government displayed considerable anxiety about
securing public support. It announced a series of 26 “town hall” public
consultations around the country, conducted by former Liberal Party leader and
foreign minister Andrew Peacock. For two months, Peacock travelled to various
parts of the country trying to drum up a political constituency for the
military expansion, accompanied by a former leading Labor MP, Stephen Loosley,
an ex-government MP David McGibbon and a retired general, Major-General Adrian
Clunies Ross.

But the exercise failed to generate any groundswell of enthusiasm. According to
Hugh Smith and Graeme Cheeseman, two academics who studied the consultation
process, “the public meetings attracted only a limited cross-section of the
community”. The small audiences were “predominantly male, over 30 and European
in appearance. Almost half the speakers had either served in the armed forces
or had some kind of present or past defence affiliation.”

Divisions have emerged within the Howard cabinet over aspects of the new
military policy, provoking a furious response from Rupert Murdoch's media
outlets in particular. Aided by leaks at the highest level, the Australian has
published accounts of National Security Committee (NSC) meetings, where key
ministers argued that some of the billions of dollars required for military
hardware—such as Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEWC) surveillance planes,
air-warfare destroyers and upgrades to Collins Class submarines—would be better
spent on expanding the ground forces. An unnamed source described one NSC
meeting on August 21 as a “bloodbath”. One participant reportedly asked: “What
use would AEWCs have been in Timor?”

An Australian editorial thundered: “It would be a national disgrace—as well as
irresponsible—to argue that we can ignore the need to sustain capable military
forces. Australia does need capable air and naval forces, as well as mobile and
effective land forces. Satisfying those demands will not be cheap but, if
Australia has to have new weapons systems, they have to be technologically
capable as well as militarily effective. We do not have our own independent
defence industries capable of designing and building military hardware that can
stand alone from those of our allies. We cannot, in the event of a substantial
conflict, act on our own.”

Such exasperation with the Howard government's dithering cannot hide the fact
that the Australian ruling class as a whole faces a dilemma. No longer
convinced that its interests will coincide with those of the US, particularly
with regard to China and Indonesia, it nevertheless cannot stand alone in
asserting its own sphere of influence in South East Asia and the South Pacific.
In short, the Australian government has been somewhat cut adrift amid growing
global and regional uncertainties.

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>>>For some, the MidEast and Balkans are just too far away ... so they gotta
have something closer to home ... but:  also gotta prepare beforehand.
A<>E<>R <<<

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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