-Caveat Lector-

Alquds Intefada UPDATE every 30 min.

Time: 21:00
The number of casualties in Siela Al-Dahir reached 60 caused by live and
rubber bullets fired by Israeli soldiers. The confrontations are still going
on. Confrontations in Tubass town with Israeli occupation soldiers. They
opened heavy fire on the Palestinian demonstrators. Three Palestinians were
hit one of them was injured in the head.
Time: 20: 30
Violent confrontations reported going on till this time at Kefel Haris
village district of Salfiet between the Palestinian farmers and Jewish
settlers who are cutting olive trees.
Time: 20: 00
Martyrdom of the youth Tariq Ismail Abed Al-Rahman Hantoly aged 19, from
Siela Al-Daher village as a result of settlers assault on the village. 20
youth were injured in the assault and snipers were used in the attack.
Israeli settlers with occupation soldiers' help are building a military post
between Homesh settlement and Salfiet city. The Israeli army is deploying 3
armored tanks in the area. Jewish settlers continue their attacks on
Palestinian farmers and prevent them from reaching their fields.
Time: 19: 30
Martyrdom of the youth Majed Ibrahim Hawamda aged 15 from Al-Terra village,
district of Ramallah. He was shot in the head. The confrontations are still
continued at the northern entrance of Ramallah. One critical case is
reported. Martyrdom of the boy Ismail Al-Najar aged 13years. He was in a
state of clinical death as a result of the confrontations near Dier Al-Balah
area. Violent confrontations reported at northern entrance of Salfiet
resulted in 7 casualties so far.
Time: 19: 00
Martyrdom of the youth Fayz Mohammed Husain Al-Qamary aged 32, in Hebron. He
was shot directly in the head. Martyrdom of the youth Omar Ismail Al-Buhasy
aged 16, from Dier Al-Balah. He was shot in the head from a direct bullet.
Israeli soldiers shot a French journalist in the chest. He was covering the
confrontations at northern entrance of Ramallah. The number of casualties
totaled 50 as a result of confrontations in Jenin. The confrontations are
still continued in Jenin area.
Time: 2:00PM ·
Angry masses in Ramallah marched towards the northern entrance of the city,
following the funeral procession of Alamary camp martyr. Confrontations
renewed in the area.
Time: 1:30PM
In the wake of the funeral procession of Tulkarem's martyr confrontations
between angry masses and the Israeli occupation soldiers escalated violently
in the western part of Tulkarem district.
Violent confrontations have just broken out at Bab Alzawya area, Hebron.
A large number of demonstrators in Jenin marched towards Aljalama checkpoint,
as confrontations with the occupation forces renewed.
Violent confrontations and clashes are taking place at Sailat Aldaher town
near Jenin district.

Time: 12:00PM, 12:30PM, 13:00PM
The Islamic and national forces in Qalqilia district organized, in
cooperation with the Education Directorate, a demonstration, which involved
more than 3,000 children. The demonstration started at Martyr Abu-Ali Eyad
Square and wandered in the main streets of Qalqilia demanding all concerned
bodies to ensure protection for Palestinian children from the Israeli

Time: 11:30AM
A child was seriously wounded in Gaza Strip.
A Lebanese was killed on the Lebanese-Israeli borders while attempting to
infiltrate through the borders, Israeli sources reported.
The number of injuries at Altofah checkpoint, Khanyoniss reached 32. The
Israeli occupation forces used soundless bullets.

Time: 10:00AM
The Arab High Follow-up Committee declared to all Palestinian public
leaderships an open food strike in the Palestinian territories.
Large mass demonstrations started shortly in Gaza in anger and mourning for
Palestinian martyrs. Demonstrators are wandering in Gaza streets.
All West Bank Governorates witness a state of mourning. Masses are waiting
for the funeral processions of yesterday's martyrs, which are due to start at
Hebron witnesses a state of cautious calm at all flashpoints and
confrontation sites in the city.
A group of Israeli soldiers, disguised in Arabian uniforms, entered
Khanyoniss city and caused a state of horror among citizens by shooting sound

Time: 9:30AM
The Palestinian national and Islamic forces declare a general strike today,
in mourning of Palestinian martyrs.
The youth Elyas Alshanti, who was seriously wounded late yesterday night, was
transferred to the UNRWA hospital in Qalqilia, West Bank.

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