-Caveat Lector-


New York Times | 21 Oct. 2000

Woman Guilty in Triplets' Deaths

     KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) -- A woman who said her multiple
     personalities were responsible for the deaths of two of her
     8-year-old triplet sons was convicted of two counts of
     second-degree murder Saturday.

     Mary Bass, 32, had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. Her
     lawyers and defense experts said she had severe psychosis and a
     personality named ``Sharon'' who controlled her actions.

     Police said Bass locked Gary and Larry Bass in a room and deprived
     them of food and dipped their feet in scalding water as punishment.
     The boys died in October 1999.

     Bass' other triplet, and two other children are in foster care.

     Besides murder, she was convicted of 10 other charges, including
     various child abuse charges. Jurors recommended eight life
     sentences, plus 32 years in prison. She was acquitted on a 13th
     charge of child abuse.

     After the verdict was read, Bass leaned over and whispered to her
     defense counsel. Later, after one of her lawyers headed to the
     bench, Bass was seen smiling and appeared to be laughing softly.

     At trial, Bass was erratic. At one point, a prosecutor asked a
     defense expert about ``Sharon,'' described as a cruel alternate

     Bass yelled, ``Well, what you don't understand? Gee!'' and was
     quieted by her lawyer. She then tore at her hand with a pen, which
     was taken away, and then used her fingers to scratch her wrist
     until she bled.

     On Friday, she was removed from the courtroom after she cursed a
     prosecutor and yelled, ``No, no, no, no -- I'd rather kill myself
     than kill my kids.'' She later laughed to herself as a prosecutor
     asked jurors to send her to prison.

     Psychologist Marilyn Anne Hutchinson said Bass developed multiple
     personalities to cope with sexual and physical abuse as a child.
     Prosecutors agreed Bass had mental problems but rejected the
     multiple-personality diagnosis and insisted she knew right from

     Bass' boyfriend, Tony Dixon, 37, is also charged with child abuse
     and endangering a child in the case. His court date has not been

     Medical experts called the case one of the worst they had seen.

     When police arrived at the Bass home after a 911 call from one of
     the Bass children, Larry was found dead of malnutrition. Gary was
     found upstairs lying on a filthy mattress, emaciated and so badly
     infected that his burned toes and part of his empty stomach had
     gangrene; he died two days later.

     Records recently made public showed social workers thought the
     children had been abused repeatedly, but didn't recommend removing
     them before the two boys died. Officials at Missouri's Division of
     Family Services said the state has since changed its procedures.

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