-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/18/2000 10:01:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Wow ... and with this silly attempt at equivocation NONE
 of those purported 'avoiders' wrote their congresscritter
 explaining how he LOATHED the military.

 Go Figure. >>

I think you're not interpreting the words "I hate the military" in the way
they are actually meant.  It is a phrase normally used by people who are or
have been in the military and who have decided the life is unpleasant in the
extreme.  Being around the military for donkeys' years, I can assure you I
have heard it a million times.  In fact I've probably said it.   One does not
mean that one would like to shut down the armed forces.  One means that the
life of the average member of the military can be described as something to
be borne when the safety of our nation is at stake, but at any other time, an
individual who is little more than a  pawn, whose wishes, welfare and safety
are never considered by those in power would have to be judged a fool were he
to say "I love the military."  The wives and often the children of those
caught in the miiltary web, often say the very same "I hate the military."
Truly it is a rather dreadful life, and I'm not referring to the possibility
of being sent into combat.  I put up with my husband's career choice, but I
would never had wished our children to follow in his footsteps.  Apparently
neither does anyone else.  President George Herbert Walker Bush served in the
military, but it appears that none of his sons were anxious to grab that
baton.   And one does not have to serve in the military to learn to hate
it--one need only observe.  I do encourage any of you who have such deep
appreciation of the military to enlist for just one hitch.  It will then be
interesting to hear how you feel about it all.  Prudy

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