-Caveat Lector-

[note: I found the following information posted at alt.conspiracy. I think
it demands a *serious* investigation.]

MARtin F. ABErnathy    [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]        10/22/00


Subject: Why Pataki *AND* Giuliani Are Desperately Embracing Lazio
Date: 10/18/00 9:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <8sk8c7$ns9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

New York Governor George Pataki was just on T.V. vigorously (frenzied
and foaming at the mouth, if you ask me) supporting Rick Lazio for the
U.S. Senate, and Pataki fiercely castigated Lazio's opponent, Hillary
Clinton, at the same time.  Was Pataki sincere?  I think not!  After
all, Lazio is no great prize! What Pataki was really displaying was
desperation!  But why?

Also, recently New York City Mayor Giuliani was seen heartily hugging
Rick Lazio and (I think) even kissing him in support.  Again, it seems
Giuliani, too, was motivated by desperation.  But why?

I think that Pataki and Giuliani are acting out of fear... fear that
Lazio, who has been apprised of the scandal herein, will use this
scandal against his opponent, Hillary Clinton, should Lazio start to
lose ground in the Senate race to Clinton.  If that eventuality
materializes, then Pataki AND Giuliani will be hit with the fallout BIG
TIME!!  (Note: from my standpoint there has been a whole lot of
obstruction of justice in this case compounded and multiplied many times
over.  Obstruction of justice, particularly in a major criminal case
such as this one, is an extremely egregious felony offense.)

Additionally, you have that putz known as New York State Senator Guy
Velella who has been notified about this scandal and who has been asked
to intervene for justice, but HE HAS CHOSEN TO DO NOTHING ABOUT THIS (as
was the case with Pataki and Giuliani).  Well, Guy Velella is a partner
with his father in the law firm which represented the DiTomasso and
Solari families in a court case which was so irregular (to put it very
mildly) that it prompted complaints to the state disciplinary agencies
against Vincent Velella, two other lawyers, the judge, and the Bronx
County Clerk's Office (for falsification and backdating of a hefty
judgment/order).  Of course, all of the complaints were flushed, due, no
doubt, to intervention by highly placed politicos.

Well, as luck will have it, Guy Velella is up for reelection this year,
and his opponent Lorraine Coyle Koppell has been apprised of the scandal
herein.  It will be interesting to see if Koppell and/or Lazio will use
the scandal against their opponents if they get antsy in their
respective bids for office.

And there is more.  The George W. Bush camp was also apprised of the
scandal.  Who knows?  Maybe, just maybe, there is an angle in the
scandal about which I am unaware and which will serve as a handle for
Bush to use against Al Gore (who seems to be a bit morose lately) in the
Presidential race.

And now the scandal:

IMPEACH GOVERNOR GEORGE PATAKI for complicity in environmental crimes
(drug lab operations) near N.Y.C.'s Public School No. 83 which is just a
few hundred feet down the block from 1814 Bogart Avenue, Bronx, NY!!

Governor Pataki had been placed on notice on more than one occasion that
there were egregious irregularities at the following New York State
agencies, yet Governor Pataki, over a long haul of time, apparently has
chosen to do nothing - NADDA, ZERO, ZILCH - about those irregularties.
Pataki's dereliction of duty, in my book, not only constitutes his
lending accomplice services to the felonious activities detailed herein,
but also constitutes guilt ON A PAR WITH THE PRINCIPLE PARTICIPANTS in
those felonious activities, all adding up to more than sufficient
grounds for Pataki's impeachment.  (And you really have to wonder
exactly who was actively behind all of those irregularities at the state
agencies to begin with!)

The list of agencies:

1. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation;
2. The New York State Supreme Court, Bronx County;
3. The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct;
4. The New York State Unified Court System, Office of Court
5. The Departmental Disciplinary Committee, First Judicial
   Department in New York City;
6. The state agency which oversees New York City's Human Resources
   Administration/Protective Services for Adults.

NOTE: Countless requests were made directly to the above agencies for
them to set the irregularities right, but they steadfastly refused to do
so.  On the contrary, they still insist upon playing me for a fool by
sending me correspondence which bears no resemblance to the truth.

Also, on numerous occasions, the environmental crimes were reported to
NYC School's Chancellor Rudy Crew's office, apparently for naught!

The following explains:



In 1993, Vito DiTomasso of the Bronx, N.Y. was convicted along with a
long list of co-defendants of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government
by filing false claims. This was due to the defendants' abuse of the
Rapid Refund System at H&R Block using false names, employment
information, and Social Security numbers to obtain fraudulent tax

While other defendants received significant jail time in this case, Vito
DiTomasso received none.

This message, which also goes by the title, "U.S. Dept. of Justice Leaks
on Hillary's Fat Ankles," explains.

If you wish to fast forward to the most pertinent paragraph here, do a
Find function on the keyword "slip" as in the phrase: "U.S. Justice
Department let slip an indication."

The following is a bit lengthy, so please read it completely through to
the designation of "THE END."

Subtopic Header: Non-Responsiveness by the NYPD?  Well, Read This!

      [Pro-prologue: Marie DiTomasso was outside her house
      and screaming that she was going to kill me. She said
      that she did not care if she went to jail, she was going
      to kill me.

      Two NYPD officers were on the scene at that time, and
      they did not so much as warn Marie DiTomasso that she
      was a disorderly person.

      Those two did, however, relay a message to me that she
      was going to kill me, all right.

      On a prior occasion, Stephen DiTomasso was outside, and
      in anger, told two other NYPD officers that he was going
      to put my head through a brick wall.

      Those two NYPD officers did not bat an eyelash over this.
      However, within seconds, one of those officers, without
      any justification whatsoever, turned on me, went ballistic;
      and I swear that I came within a hairsbreath of being
      brutalized by that maniac.

      Later, after those two officers left the scene, Stephen
      DiTomasso was heard screaming outside that the garage
      was going to be my grave and that I would be sexually

      I called the police department well over one dozen times
      regarding the criminal activities discussed herein, so
      you can be sure that I can be writing even MORE about
      the NYPD.

      I must have called the U.S. Drug Enforcement Adminis-
      tration fifty times regarding this case.  The last time
      I called, I literally begged for action to be taken.
      I even told the duty agent explicitly that I was begging.

      His callous response was "Go away!  We don't handle your
      type of case.  If you have problems with police in the
      drug trade, go to police headquarters.  Do not come
      here. WE WILL NOT HELP YOU!"

      The funny thing is that I did not mention the police
      department in that telephone conversation with the D.E.A.
      agent.  As a matter of fact, in all of my prior calls
      to the D.E.A., I never mentioned police participation in
      the drug trade!

      Don't you think it's interesting that the D.E.A. duty
      agent reported police participation in drugs to me?

      Not only that, but on another occasion, I was given a
      strong indication that the telephone line of Connecticut
      businessman Jerry Porricelli was being wiretapped.
      Jerry Porricelli, now deceased, was the founder of
      Porricelli's FoodMart Stores in Greenwich and Cos Cob
      and was related to the DiTomasso/Solari families through
      marriage thereby making Stephen DiTomasso and Michael
      Porricelli first cousins.  These two are both stock-
      brokers, Stephen being with Dreyfus Financial in
      Manhattan and Michael being with First Union in Wilton,
      Connecticut.  Stephen had been seen with his father
      getting into luxury cars carrying stereotypical Sicilian
      types, so maybe, just maybe Stephen and Michael may
      be in positions to offer comments on the big stock
      fraud ring which was just busted by the feds - you
      know, the bust that impacted upon all five crime
      families in New York City. And one more thing:
      rumor has it that Stephen recently became the new
      son-in-law of a Connecticut State legislator.

      BUT THE REALLY BIG THING is that the higher-ups in the
      U.S. Justice Department let slip an indication that
      would be consistent with an assumption that an
      indictment was coming down for the Hon. ----------,
      an eventuality which would have pleased Al Sharpton and
      the Dorismond family to no end.  But as you know, it
      never happened!]

      [Prologue: I find it astounding that the U.S. Justice
      Department would pursue antitrust violations against
      organizations like Visa, MasterCard, and Microsoft,
      all the while allowing the felonious activity described
      herein to go on and on seemingly without end nor

      The last time I saw the DiTomasso's was about 14 months
      ago, and at that time you would not believe the hubris
      that they displayed.  It was as if they were let
      *completely* off the hook for all of their malfeasance,
      as if they were the Lords of the Universe, and as if
      they answered to no one and feared nothing!

      You would not believe the governmental rigging that was
      done on behalf of the DiTomasso's at a long list of
      government agencies.  You could only imagine that highly
      placed person(s) in government were pulling the strings
      for them!]

The following is an email message which was sent recently to... the
appropriate recipient(s), and I trust that you will find it interesting:

Dear [appropriate recipient]:

It may turn out that you will be seeking the disbarment of Hillary, too!

The following email message has been sent to many U.S. Senators and
Representatives, and I'd like to stress the Clinton/Giuliani angle. You
know, I sent just one standard issue USPS postcard to First Deputy
Police Commissioner Kelleher at NYPD headquarters on this matter roughly
a year ago.  On the bottom of that postcard, I wrote the following
postscript: "It is not outside the realm of possibilities that Hillary
will use this case as a basis for embarrassment for Rudy."  Even though
at that point in time NYPD Internal Affairs had my telephone number for
well over one year, and even though I did not previously hear from the
police department, the people at police headquarters jumped on the
postcard and called me *twice* in one day.  They were more interested in
what I may have known that had scandal-making potential than in anything
else.  I immediately foresaw that Rudy Giuliani was going to be forced
out of the U.S. Senate race in New York.  I think that he dropped out
when he did in order to give the Republican party time to conduct a
viable campaign with a substitute candidate.

A Questionable Dropping Out by Giuliani


A Call For Investigation of Justice Dept.

Dear United States Congressman:

I really do believe that a Congressional investigation of the U.S.
Justice Department (particularly of Janet Reno, of the applicable U.S.
Attorneys, of the F.B.I., and of the Drug Enforcement Administration) is
in order in the DiTomasso/Solari case at 1814 Bogart Avenue, 2nd (i.e.,
top) floor, Bronx, N.Y. 10462.

>From my standpoint, there have been a whole lot of dirty doin's in this
case, and I can't help but think that these doin's are in some way
related to the U.S. Senate race between Clinton and Giuliani in New York

Note well: there is every reason to believe that there is significant
participation by members of the New York City Police Department and
other city workers in a major international drug cartel which is no
small part of this case.

I was assured more than 15 months ago by higher-ups in the Justice
Department that this case would be broken very, very soon, but so far:

And it certainly looks like the DiTomasso's and Solari's are going to
get away with a long list of egregious felonies including but not
limited to: narcotics manufacturing and distribution, massive credit
card fraud, bank fraud, toxic waste dumping, destruction of the New York
City sewer line, perjury, bankruptcy fraud, obstruction of justice,
Medicaid fraud, etc.

One may reasonably assume that the DiTomasso's and Solari's had cut an
informant deal with the government, but as I understand such deals, no
continued criminal activity is allowed on the part of the informants,
yet the DiTomasso's and Solari's have very brazenly resumed their
activities *after* I started to suspect that they were informants.

The following is an email letter which I recently sent to most New York
State legislators.  There is, of course, much more to this story, but I
really cannot devote my entire life to it.

DiTomasso/Solari Case, Why No Response?

I have sent two versions of the following email message to scores of
state legislators, and I haven't received a single response. Not one!

While you are tending to this matter, please see to it that Jason A.
Turner, Commissioner of New York City's Human Resources
Administration/Protective Services for Adults and his overseeing state
agency handle the case of Eleanor Peters properly this time!  The case
has already been mishandled and re-mishandled too frequently.

Ms. Peters is well over 90 years old.  Even though she is too blind to
read a credit card application let alone fill one out, upwards of five
dozen accounts had been opened in her name.  The accounts apparently
were abandoned with at least one card issuer left with the impression
that Eleanor Peters had died, an "independent investigation having been
done."  There were other credit card accounts opened in the names of
dead relatives of Eleanor Peters plus a bad business loan that was taken
out under her name and the name of her long dead husband, Robert Gerard
Peters.  Title to her home was transferred out of her name to the names
of her greatnephews in 1994 at a time when she was most definitely
mentally incapacitated and unqualified to sign a contract or deed

Michael Mulqueen an inspector for the N.Y. State Dept. of Environmental
Conservation was allowed into Ms. Peters' apartment and was allowed to
view the damage that was done to the ceiling of her rear bathroom
presumably caused by toxic waste dumping from above.  He was also shown
evidence of damage to the house's mainline sewerage connector pipe and
damage to the city's sewer line out in the middle of Bogart Avenue,
Bronx, NY in front of #1814.  Mr. Mulqueen returned to his office and
quietly and secretly closed the case without notification to me stating
"lack of jurisdiction," a boldfaced lie.

The city ultimately spent upwards of $100,000+ to fix that damaged sewer

Dr. Goreham from Bronx Protective Services for Adults visited Eleanor
Peters to investigate the case for her agency.  She was heard at that
time shouting that "everyone [in the DiTomasso/Solari households] was
going to jail."  Yet she quietly and secretly went back to her office
and closed the case without notification to me stating "Mrs. Peters has
loving relatives to care for her."

The original email message to the state legislators follows:

Dear New York State Legislator:

Please ask Governor Pataki, the law enforcement section of the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation, Mayor Giuliani, the New
York City Police Department Internal Affairs Bureau, the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, the
Secret Service, the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental
Protection Agency, et al to properly and expeditiously prosecute the
DiTomasso/Solari case at 1814 Bogart Ave, Bronx, New York per the
highest standards of law and ethics.

Please ask the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation, and the New York City
Department of Environmental Protection to see to it that the house at
that Bronx address is lifted off its foundation or even demolished to
facilitate digging and cleanup of any contamination which may have
leaked out of the house's breached mainline sewage connector pipe.

Please ask Gerald Stern of the New York State Commission on Judicial
Conduct in New York City to properly and expeditiously handle my
complaint against Judge Anne E. Targum of the Bronx for assorted
incidents of gross judicial misconduct.

Please ask Jonathan Lippman, Chief Administrative Judge, Office of Court
Administration, Unified Court System in New York City to properly
investigate Bronx order/judgment #31717/98 for evidence of prior
abandonment, falsification, and backdating of entry.  This
order/judgment includes the name of Vincent Velella, father of New York
State Senator Guy Velella.

Please ask Denis Mc Inerney, Esq. and Chair, Departmental Disciplinary
Committee, First Judicial Department in New York City to properly and
expeditiously handle complaints numbered 99.0720 thru 99.0723 against
attorneys S. Cottler, G. Ricketts, M. Pena, and Vincent Velella, father
of New York State Senator Guy Velella.

The DiTomasso/Solari family is heavy on the Sicilian genes, and
approximately 2 1/2 years ago, they conducted a garden party for many
other Sicilian types plus stereotypical actor types, the likes of which
you see in movies such as "Easy Rider" and "Police Academy."

Revised Paragraph:  Vito DiTomasso was the admitted mastermind and
go-between in the murder-for-hire killing of Dobb Ferry's Dorothy
DeTore, an innocent victim (circa 1968).  Vito DiTomasso turned state's
evidence in this case, and he walked scott free.  Footnote: Rat mob
turncoat Sammy, the "Bull," Gravano recently was quoted as having
stated: "Does a tiger ever change its stripes?"

Vincent Velella, father of New York State Senator Guy Velella,
represented the DiTomasso's and Solari's in the court action which
prompted the complaints noted above.


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