-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 22 Tishri 5761/21 October 2000

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"Blessed be the L-rd G-d, the G-d of Israel, Who alone works wonders."
(Psalm 72.18)


> PSALM 83
> ** NOTICE ** Redemption In The End-Times Prophecy Conference

Editor's Note: I encourage all of the followers of the G-d of Israel --
Jews and Christians alike -- to pray for strength for Israel. The nations
are all gathering against her, even as the L-rd foretold through His
prophets. This is a very serious time.

Tuesday afternoon without the actual  signing of a cease fire agreement
between PLO leader Arafat and Prime  Minister Ehud Barak.  The gathering
of regional leaders was convened in the  wake of the nearly three-week old
Rosh Hashanah Arab Assault. After  intense meetings often accompanied by
heavy verbal sparring between summit delegates, US President Bill Clinton
was able to extract an oral cease fire  agreement between Barak and
Arafat. At a short press conference called at  the end of the summit,
Clinton declared that the two sides had agreed to immediately end the
violence of the past several weeks, and that they would cooperate with a
body that would supervise the cease fire arrangements.

In addition, Israel and the Palestinians reached agreement on security
issues at the summit, which will be kept secret, a senior Israeli official
said on Tuesday. Dr. Aaron Lerner or IMRA notes: 'The advantage of secret
deals is that they are not subject to public scrutiny - either to be
criticized for the failure of the deal to cover security issues or for the
failure of the Palestinians to honor the deal.' The importance of this
statement is seen after a review of the full text of the Sharm El-Sheikh
Accord's Three Main  Points. The document reveals that President Clinton
effectively  grandfathered the tens of thousands of illegal Fatah militia
(Tanizm)  forces, illegal weapons and any and all other illegal
Palestinian  activities as long as they existed before the outbreak of the
recent  violence.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian violence has only increased after the
conference, rather than decrease. Rabbi Binyamin Herling was killed
Thursday and four were wounded, among them an IDF (Israel Defense Force)
soldier, from shots fired toward an Israeli group at Mount Ebal north of
Shechem. The shots were fired at the group as they were touring the mount
on foot. An IDF force escorting the group returned fire. According to a
preliminary investigation carried out by Shomron residents with IDF
cooperation, Rabbi Herling was hit  by a bullet at around 3 PM, and no one
was able to approach him for a long while because of the continued
Palestinian firing.  When help finally  arrived, Rabbi Herling had already
died; it is not clear how much time elapsed between the time he was hit
and his death. Participants on the  trip have criticism for the army for
not using the helicopters to fire back at the houses in Askar from where
shots were fired, even though they - the hikers - identified the houses
with certainty and reported as much to the army by cellular phone. The
officers apparently wished to wait for the night hours, partly because
they feared the Palestinians' anti-aircraft weapons. Residents have raised
questions, however, as to  whether the lack of a powerful response by the
IDF was politically-motivated.

ARAFAT VOWS TO CONTINUE INTIFADA: Arafat said Saturday that the uprising
against Israel will continue and vowed that it would achieve victory, in
remarks made at the Arab summit. The Al-Aqsa mosque "intifada [terrorist
uprising] will continue and it will win," the Palestinian leader told
Egyptian television at a summit of Arab leaders called to support the
Palestinians in their conflict with Israel. "Jerusalem will remain [sic]
Arab," he added. The Israeli government reacted to Arafat's statement:
"Yasser Arafat's speech was very extreme with baseless, provocative
allegations towards Israel," government spokesman Nachman Shai told a
press briefing. "He raised some doubts [??] about the readiness of the
Palestinian leadership to take action in order to stop the violence. It
looks now very clear that Arafat is not going to implement the Sharm
el-Sheikh (truce) agreement."

BARAK CHEAPENS JEWISH BLOOD: On October 12, after making a wrong turn into
Ramallah, three Israelis were brutally murdered by a mob of Palestinians
in a blood-thirsty rage. One Israeli was dragged behind a car with a rope;
the wife of another Israeli called her  husband's cell phone during this
time. One of the Palestinians answered and gleefully told her, ""we're
murdering your husband." Yet the most revealing, and perhaps, in the long
haul most horrible  aspect of this business came only when Barak selected
his  response. First, only a censored version of the events was screened
in Israel, to prevent Israelis from drawing the obvious conclusion about
the Palestinians and Oslo. Then Barak gave Arafat three hours advance
warning that a  missile would be fired into the police station. This
allowed Arafat (and  perhaps Barak's own people) to alert international
media who had their  cameras in place when the IDF helicopter duly arrived
and fired a couple of  missiles into the now empty station. This made
Yassir and Bill's day. Thus Barak provided a perfect visual image for the
global compassion  crowd, establishing moral equivalence between the day's
events. Remember: a picturespeaks a thousand words. Thus, that night, an
MSNBC talking head could piously intone, "Palestinian riots and Israeli
escalation in the West Bank." During the Mets-Cardinals game, FOX NEWS
spoke of "riots and missile attacks." Later, for its post-game full-length
show, it improved its characterization of  the day in Ramallah by
referring to "brutal chopper  attacks."Barak's sanitary response to the
savage slaughter of Jews by Arabs was a  win-win situation for the global
forces seeking to internationalize  Israel and a lose-lose proposition for
Israel. At this moment, attacks on Jews around the world, even in the
United States are escalating as the government of Israel behaves like a
guilty party when its citizens are slaughtered by mobs of Arabs taught to
kill Jews. [Excerpts from "Feeding the Media Image of 'Brutal Israel': How
Ehud Barak Cheapens Jewish Blood" by Eugene Narrett, PhD, 16 October 2000,
17 Tishrei 5761]

TEMPLE MOUNT FAITHFUL TURNED BACKED: On Monday, Jerusalem police denied
the Temple Mount Faithful access to the Temple Mount. They also did not
allow the group to march from the Western Wall to the City of David, where
they had planned on anointing the cornerstone in a water libation ceremony
as was done in Biblical times. The group also had planned to bring the
four-and-a-half-ton marble cornerstone on a flatbed truck. The police said
they would not allow the group to move the stone from its  location at the
American Consulate in east Jerusalem. Prior to Monday, the police had
given the Temple Mount Faithful permission to stage the march and
anointing ceremony and had even reconfirmed it as late as Sunday afternoon.

Over 10,000 worshippers arrived at the  Western Wall Monday morning for
the traditional Priestly Blessing ceremony held every Pesach and Sukkot.

MORE PROOF OF PRE-PLANNING: ARUTZ-7's Haggai Huberman reports that the
PLO's Red Crescent (Muslim version of the Red Cross) emergency medical
services are informed in advance of Palestinian attacks on Jewish
targets. Huberman says that defense sources have found that the ambulances
show up at the intended sites several minutes beforehand in order to offer
aid to Palestinians who might be injured. This shows, Huberman  explains,
the extent of the cooperation between the Red Crescent and those who carry
out the attacks.

killed on Friday night when terrorists attempted to enter into northern
Israel to perpetrate a terrorist attack in a northern area community.
According to northern area military commanders, one terrorist was killed
in the exchange of gunfire when IDF forces responded to a break in the
border fence at 8:30 on Friday night. The body of a second terrorist,
along with weaponry, was discovered during the early morning hours on

THE WORTH OF A CHILD: The Israel Defense Forces Hebron area commander Col.
Noam Tivon said that the Palestinian Authority (PLO) is encouraging
children to participate in clashes with the IDF by offering their families
$300 per injury and $2,000 per child killed. Tivon noted that Palestinians
push their children to the forefront of clashes and that the main goal of
the Tanzim, Fatah's paramilitary youth group, is to continue attacks with
the goal of killing soldiers and settlers.

YESHA CONTINUES TO GROW: A new neighborhood - Achuzat Gluck - was
dedicated Monday in Mt. Ya'akov -previously known as Mt. Artis - in Beit
El. Ground for the new  neighborhood was broken by Yoel Tzur in December
1996, in memory of his wife Ita and son Ephraim who were murdered only a
week before by Palestinian terrorists. The intervening years saw
protesting Beit El residents being pulled away from the site by army
soldiers, many hours of negotiations between representatives of the army,
government, and Beit El -  and the construction of 74 housing units. Most
of them are occupied today. A second neighborhood in Beit El, named Maoz
Tzur in memory of Ita and Ephraim Tzur and their Chanukah yahrtzeit
(anniversary of their death), was also recently completed, a mile south of
Mt. Ya'akov.

MURDERERS ARRESTED: Israel arrested eight Palestinians who  were involved
in the lynching of two Israeli soldiers a week ago. The  arrests were
enabled after the General Security Service discovered their  hideouts.
Palestinian sources had earlier said that several of them had been missing
from their homes for the last few days.  One of those arrested include
the Palestinian man who was seen on the video clips [and on our web site]
waving at the mob with  bloodstained hands from the police station window.

The Palestinian media and police played important roles in the lynching.
The day before the lynch an official Palestinian Authority (PLO)
Television broadcast a clip demonstrating  the tying of a mannequin -
representing a body - to the back of a car. This was confirmed the next
day by Israeli Army operations commander Maj.-Gen. Giora Eiland.
Furthermore, contrary to a HA'ARETZ report that "Israeli  security sources
confirmed over the weekend that the Palestinian police had tried to save
the soldiers and that no policemen had been involved in the  lynching," an
Italian Television video of the attack shows Palestinian  policemen
joining in the mob violence - as reported by HA'ARETZ itself a  few days

JUST A 'TYPICAL' DAY IN THE INTIFADA: October 17 [This is condensed]:
Gunfire was sprayed at the Gilo neighborhood in Jerusalem. IDF tanks
responded with machine gun fire. Gunfire was shot in the afternoon towards
the Shadma IDF base, near the Jewish settlement of Beit Sahur (southeast
of Bethlehem). In addition, shots were fired in the evening towards Mt
Ebal near Shechem. Stones and gas bombs were thrown towards Rachel's Tomb
and tires burned nearby. Gas bombs and stones were thrown towards an IDF
post near the Erez cross point, as well as Netzarim In the afternoon,
stones were thrown toward an IDF patrol, as well as bombs being thrown
Gaza in general. In addition, gas bombs were thrown towards IDF patrols
adjacent to Neve Dekalim and in the Katif Region.

A psalm of Asaph

O G-d, do not remain quiet; Do not be silent and, O G-d, do not be still.
For, behold, Thine enemies make an uproar; And
those who hate Thee have exalted themselves.
     They make shrewd plans against Thy people, and conspire together
against Thy treasured ones. They have said, "Come,
and let us wipe them out 1as a nation, that the name of Israel be
remembered no more."
      For they have conspired together with one mind; Against Thee do they
make a covenant: The tents of Edom and the
Ishmaelites; Moab, and the Hagrites;
      Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of
Tyre; Assyria also has joined with them; They have
become a help to the children of Lot. Selah.
      Deal with them as with Midian, as with Sisera and Jabin, at the
torrent of Kishon, Who were destroyed at En-dor, who
became as dung for the ground.
      Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb, and all their princes like
Zebah and Zalmunna, Who said, "Let us possess for
ourselves the pastures of G-d."
      O my G-d, make them like the whirling dust; Like chaff before the
wind. Like fire that burns the forest, and like a
flame that sets the mountains on fire,
      So pursue them with Thy tempest, and terrify them with Thy storm.
Fill their faces with dishonor, that they may seek
Thy name, O L-rd.
      Let them be ashamed and dismayed forever; and let them be humiliated
and perish, That they may know that Thou
alone, whose name is the L-rd, art the Most High over all the earth



We at Tzemach News Service believe that these are the "last days"
predicted millennia ago by the Hebrew prophets. Therefore, a conference is
being convened by the Tzemach Institute and Fellowship Church to explore
ways of promoting cooperation in the redemption process between leaders of
the faith community of Israel and Christian Zionists in America. Those
Israeli and Christian leaders participating in this conference are
prepared to discuss, in frank terms, real areas of cooperation that have
been tested and proven fruitful over the past several years. We invite you
to come and join us with others in this endeavor. We are sure that you
will return home truly blessed and with a fresh vision for godly
righteousness burning within you.

Conference presentations include:

* The redemptive process as seen from an Israeli perspective and a
Christian perspective.
* The importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the redemption
* International response to the redemption process.
* Spiritual warfare in the midst of the nations.

Conference participants include Gershon Salomon, leader of the Temple
Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement; Yohanan Ramati, Chairman of
the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense; Ken Garrison, Pastor of
Fellowship Church and Director of the Tzemach Institute for Biblical
Studies; and a leading rabbi from the settlement movement to be announced

The conference will take place January 31 - February 2, 2001 at the
Sheraton Orlando North Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

Information may be found on our website: http://www.tzemach.org or email


"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will
not rest." Isaiah 62.1

Tzemach News Service (TNS) is a ministry of Tzemach Institute for Biblical
Studies (http://www.tzemach.org)

 to Lee Underwood

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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