-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Jim Condit Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Again: Bush-Cheney Will Win the Computer Count!
Date: Friday, October 20, 2000 7:18 AM

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

Go to www.votefraud.org to hear (or read the text) of the Radio Ads which are now 
airing over WLW Radio (which reaches into 38 states at night)and other stations -- 
exposing the easily rigged computerized elections which are about to "elect" the next 
President, and also exposing the coordinated news and censorship of the 5 Big TV 
Networks. Thanks to Ken Lowndes for Congress, the radio stations MUST air these ads. 
They're tough. They're "outrageous" -- and you've never heard anyting like it on TV or 

The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are: Massive coverage of favored 
Candidates, and Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped Public Opinion 
Polls for months before the election; phony exit polls done by joint effort of the Big 
TV Networks on Election Day, and easily rigged computerized vote counting on election 
day -- which make the polls and exit polls come true. (On election day, the people are 
barred from touching or counting their ballots, the election officials are barred from 
knowing what is in the software program that instructs the computers how to count the 

October 18, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Again: Bush-Cheney Will Win the Computer Count!

Way back on August 2, 2000 – many eternities ago according to political
wonks -- this Network e-wire announced that the Ruling Elite had decided
on Bush / Cheney to lead their Giant Corporation, New World Order, Inc.
– for the next four years.

We repeat that prediction WITH EMPHASIS today!

I am re-showcasing this prediction to try and win your confidence – when
the prediction comes true -- for our analysis on things that may seem a
bit far out at first come true.

Our conclusion at Network America comes from analyzing the sophisticated
psycho-war propaganda against the American people spewed forth daily by
ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX --- all clever anti-American,
anti-Christian, anti-God strike forces of the Ruling elite. Ignoring
what these five coordinated  Pravda’s serve up in 150 million homes
daily – would be like ignoring the camel in the living room while
searching for all kinds of other reasons why the house stinks so bad.

Here are some of the factors playing into the choice of Bush-Cheney, and
some indicators we used to make the call; as well as some other factors
at play:

1. Gore is just an obnoxious, arrogant, geekified misfit of a man. He is
painful to watch for any of us who still have an ounce of human
compassion left – as it’s even uncomfortable -- for those of us with a
heart -- to watch an unindicted felon, who needs to be prosecuted and
punished for treason abroad and subversive policies against the
Constitution at home, --  make.an idiot of himself every time he struts
his stuff. Thus Gore is a bad messenger. The Ruling Elite can see that
he will damage their program in the long run. Gore still thinks he has a
chance to win, and he’s going to be bitterly disappointed when he
doesn’t. The establishment has put so much into him, and he’s still only
52, that maybe they’ll let him try to be the Nixon of the left after he
loses this time around. Gore wouldn’t be one of two finalists in this
contrived Media event known as the Presidential race --- unless he had
the full backing of the Networks. He has about as much business running
to be the leader of the United States as Baby Huey from the old Foghorn
Leghorn cartoons.

2. After 8 years of Clinton’s radical, Permanent Revolution subversion,
as well as his degrading of America through his policies and personal
conduct, -- the Ruling Elite needs a calming influence, a good time guy,
someone who makes you feel good when he winks at you. It’s time for a
step back, after two steps forward (yes, the Permanent Revolution is run
by the same Ruling Elite as Communism, and uses the same tactics). It’s
time for Goodtime Winker Bush. (One of the analysts who feeds Network
America observations told me that it would be more accurate to say that
while Clinton went 90 miles an hour during his implementation of the
Permanent Revolution program, Bush will slow down and drive at a what
will seem like a more comfortable 45 miles per hour towards the same
goals. (To understand those goals – new readers should go to our “Best
of Series” at the bottom of the regular homepage at votefraud.org  and
read “What is the Hayfield Research?” and “Six Corporations now own all
Major Media” and “Motive, Opportunity, Votefraud”.) Another observer we
listen to offered this insight: When Castro was seizing power in Cuba in
1959, he needed violent revolutionaries; after he seized power, he
needed conservative policemen to maintain his status quo. The same
applies here. After 8 years of Clinton’s Democratic revolutionaries, the
Ruling Elite needs Bush’s conservative Republican policemen to
consolidate their frightening gains in the last 8 years. As the late
Nord Davis put it, the Ruling Elite plays sophisticated long term chess
– not the clumsy short sighted checkers engaged in by their Democratic
and Republican puppets.

3. It looks like the Ruling Elite is planning to pull an all nighter – a
contrived photo finish in the Presidential race that will not be
announced till the next morning. Yes, America may wake up on Wednesday
morning with the on screen actors still saying “we don’t know yet who’s
the President.” They probably are reviewing the newsreels of the real
life drama of Nixon vs. Kennedy in 1960 to try and make this upcoming,
scripted “wag the dog” “made for TV movie” seem as realistic as
possible. Take a bow, Readers. We – on this Network America Votefraud
list – now number 989!!! We started at ZERO on January 10, 2000. We will
probably pass 1000 THIS weekend. Now, you have been emailing the Big
Media elite for over a year with messages on how they are warping the
American election process and the future of America. You have been
mailing to thousands of your contacts, and so on. Heavy Internet
hitters, like Linda Muller of buchanan.org and Lloyd Miller of The
Project have used their formidable influence to get out the message that
our right to KNOW our vote is being counted – has been stolen. Do NOT
underestimate your influence. Thanks to many of you, the Ken Lowndes
Radio ads are blasting daily into the Midwest over WLW Radio (that’s 700
AM) – and into 38 states at night. These Radio ads by-pass all the fluff
and go straight for the jugular of these evil Big TV Networks and the
easily rigged computerized vote counting systems they aggressively and
maniacally protect. We have had almost 1500 visitors to votefraud.org in
the last three days – 120 or so in the last two hours. Network America’s
site is up to 27,000+ visitors since January 1, 2000. This can explode
at any time – and with the Radio ads we’re trying to make it do so.
There are 8 NEW RADIO ADS to be released by Monday. Be sure to check at
the votefraud.org site for sound and text. Ad One is being revised; ads
9 through 15 focus on SPECIFICS that will grab the average person. Our
first set of 8 ads were basically general charges – now we’re getting
specific. I believe that the efforts of the readers of this list, the
30,000+ copies of the book “Votescam” that are circulating, the new
Votescam.com website, our own updated and newly rejunenated
votefraud.org website, and the massive audiences being reached by Radio
programs that this writer has been invited on (remember, we’ve been on
Mike Gallagher, Bob Dornan, as well as smaller radio shows) – there is
an underlying buzz in a small minority of the population – BUT IT’s THE
SMALL MINORITY that pays the closest attention and is the most
politically articulate. Therefore, a cliffhanger – maybe replete with
some “we can’t make the call” show case examples in certain states – is
needed to make the election process look “real” again to the vast
majority. Don’t be fooled --- don’t let up until they let us SEE the
vote count.

4. The recent uprisings in the mideast make it virtually impossible to
have a 100% pro-Israeli Jew a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the
USA. The Moslems and Arab World hardliners would have all the evidence
they needed to inflame ever wider circles of the general populations in
those regions against Israel and the USA. The Ruling Elite does NOT want
this type of high adrenaline scenario to develop in the Arab world.
(However, Leiberman was never meant to be on the winning ticket this
year, he is just running to accustom the vast body of Americans to a
Jewish leader being on a major party ticket – this in harmony with the
wishes of AIPAC and the pro-Israeli Jewish lobby’s other dominant

5. The “close race” scenario being contrived by the Big TV Networks --
is also meant to make a paltry showing by Pat Buchanan (less than 5%)
believable. The ONLY hope for the Buchanan campaign to be credited with
5% (thus assuring ballot access and matching funds in 2004) or more on
election night -- is for the campaign to start screaming on the stump,
on TV shows, and on paid campaign ads, that the public opinion polls ARE
rigged, and that the computerized election night results can be EASILY
rigged. If the Buchanan campaign does not do this, they will NOT be
credited with 5% on election night. They might be credited with as
little as 1% OR LESS! The strategy being followed by the Buchanan
campaign at this point towards the mugging it is being given by the Big
Media – reminds me of a crime victim talking shop with his attacker
slips the knife in as both watch the lifeblood flow out of the victim.
The indicators of the phony Big TV polls are many – and we deal with
some in the new Lowndes Radio ads, -- but through it all Buchanan, after
months of attacks and censorship from the Big Media – is still drawing
large enthusiastic crowds such as recently at several Universities. (See
buchanan.org and the “On the Trail” section of buchananreform.com)

6. Cheney, a real Ruling Elite confidant, and a brainy, mature one ---
quit his oil job, cashed in $5 million in stock for spending money, and
was jumped over the 10 or so others he was vetting for George W. –
because the Big Boys at the Fed need a policy adult to help Dubya be
President. As one comedian said, if anything happens to Dick Cheney,
that would mean George W. would be President!

7. In sharp contrast, Senator Joe Lieberman is running for Senator in
Connecticut –as well as running for vice-President. He (this week) sent
word back home he would not even participate in the Senatorial Debate
taking place in Connecticut. That’s confidence! Joe has made provision
to keep his seat in the Senate.

Much more could be said, but the above points make clear the prediction
we wish to emphatically trumpet for the 2000 computer-generated election

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

www.networkamerica.org (you can subscribe to this list by going to this website and 
signing in at the top near the topica logo, then answer confirming message)

www.votefraud.org for a report about the recent Citizens for a Fair Vote Count 
Convention which took place Aug 25-27, 2000 and Action Steps. The Citizens for a Fair 
Vote Count Convention was a great success in launching the beginning of a nationwide 
network to restore honest elections. See special report at updated and improved 
website. Go to: www.votefraud.org

go to votefraud.org to read archived messages from this Network America e-wire in the 
"news" section under "news by month"

Read "Best of" Archives at www.lewisnews.com at "Citizens for a Fair Vote Count" 
section accessed in left hand column of home page. Or see the end of the message to 
read all archives at topica.com

(RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest 
Elections' crash course radio show over the internet at www.sightings.com in the 
archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest)

To contact us, reply to this message or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Asthma? Sinus? Prone to colds? Sore Neck? Back goes out and needs adjustment? You may 
find help in "Electric C" "VIta Matrix" and other products formulated by scientist 
David Elliott -- Go to: http//newlife.electriclife.net -- for a new view of health and 

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

To Subscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To Unsubscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our mailing address: Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 

To read all current messages on the Network America listserve news service, do the 
following: 1) go to www.topica.com  2)if you have not yet done so, log in as a topica 
member which requires your e-mail address and a password you make up (this only need 
be done once)  3) then when you log in to www.topica.com, click on "my topica" at the 
top of the screen; then on 4) Network America, and then 5) click on "Read Current 
Messages" which is the top choice at the left column on that screen. (Note: in some 
cases you may find that you have skipped over the "my topica" screen and have been 
sent straight to the screen with the "Network America" choice.)

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

T O P I C A  The Email You Want. http://www.topica.com/t/16
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