-Caveat Lector-

A Gay Man Decries “Gay Rights”
By Justin Raimondo

The gay activists of yesteryear asked government to leave them alone. Their
political program centered on decriminalizing homosexual relations between
consenting adults. But today, as tolerance of homosexuality grows, gay
activists are increasingly turning to government to impose their agenda on
society. Though state power has been used as a bludgeon against gay people
since at least the Middle Ages, suddenly today’s gay leaders seem to be
picking up the club themselves, saying, “Now it’s our turn.” This is a great
irony—and a potential cause of trouble for homosexuals and turmoil for
The birth of the gay liberation movement in America can be dated to the
evening of June 27, 1969, when patrons of the Stonewall Inn, a homosexual
bar in Manhattan, resisted a police attempt to close the place down. For
three days a neighborhood rebellion effectively kept the police from
carrying on the ancient tradition of shaking down gay bars and busting the
ones that didn’t pay up. In the official complaint, the operators of the
Stonewall were cited for not having a liquor license. But even if they had
applied, it is doubtful their request would have been granted: the state
licensing bureau was notoriously hostile to gay establishments. The first
modern gay protesters, then, were rebelling against regulation. Indeed,
liberation from government generally was a central idea of gay liberation.
But something happened to divert the gay movement from this original goal.
Today, the so-called gay rights movement sees government as the agency, not
the enemy, of liberty. From socialized medicine to anti-discrimination
legislation to mandatory “tolerance” lessons in the schools, there is no
scheme to increase the power of government these alleged freedom fighters do
not endorse.
As long as homosexual acts between consenting adults are illegal in some
states, I believe organizations dedicated to their repeal have a legitimate
place in the constellation of human rights causes. Beyond this strictly
limited goal, however, a political movement based on sexual orientation is a
grotesque aberration. The fact that the gay rights movement has taken on an
increasingly authoritarian style is the inevitable result of basing
political allegiances on clan loyalties instead of philosophical principles.
In a free society there are no gay rights, only individual rights. For
homosexuals and heterosexuals alike, these rights boil down to a single
principle: the right to be let alone. Politically, the gay rights movement
must return to its early libertarian roots. This would begin the vital
process of depoliticizing homosexuality and defusing a dangerous culture war
the gay minority can never win.
Even the state “neutrality” that gay “centrists” like Andrew Sullivan
advocate would force government treatment of homosexuality as on a par with
heterosexuality, as seen in Sullivan’s demands for gay pseudo-“marriage” and
open gays in the military. True neutrality, however, would involve not
recognition but indifference, inattention, inaction. A neutral state would
neither penalize nor reward homosexual behavior. It would neither forbid nor
would it grant legal status to homosexual marriage. In a military setting, a
neutral state would subject all sexuality to the same rigorous regulation.
Gays must reject the nonsensical idea that they’re oppressed by
“heterosexism,” a vile ideology that subordinates and denigrates homosexuals
by insisting on the centrality of heterosexuality in human culture. There is
no escaping human biology, however much such a project entrances cloistered
academics who imagine that human sexuality is a “social construction” to be
altered at will. Homosexuals are and always will be a rarity, a tiny
minority necessarily outside of the traditional family. The heterosexual
“bias” of social institutions is not something that needs to be imposed on a
reluctant society by an oppressive state, but a predilection that comes
quite naturally and inevitably. If this is “homophobia,” then nature is a
bigot. If gays use the power of the state to correct this historic
“injustice,” they are engaged in an act of belligerence which will rightly
be seen as a challenge to the primacy of the traditional family.
Even many gay liberals recognize that the gay rights model has outlived
whatever usefulness it may once have had. The idea of gay people,
particularly gay men, as a victim group is so contrary to reality it is no
longer sustainable. In economic, political, and cultural clout, gays wield
influence way out of proportion to their numbers, a fact which has spawned
numerous conspiracy theories. From the medieval Knights of Malta to the
mysterious “Homintern” of more modern times, the idea of a powerful
homosexual cabal is a persistent theme in conspiracy literature, one that
mimics the form and style of anti-Semitic lore.
Overlaid with the victim propaganda of the past 20 years, this image of
hidden homosexual power combines to produce a quite unappealing character: a
creature of privilege constantly whining about his plight. If the gay
political leadership is so concerned about the alleged rise of anti-gay
bigotry, perhaps they will take care to project a less bash-able image.
As a specialized contingent of an army dedicated to ramming “multicultural”
socialism down the throats of the American people, the gay lobby capitalizes
on the worst insecurities of its constituents. Holding up the bogeyman of
the “Religious Right” to keep the troops in line, the gay politicos point to
Jesse Helms and say, “Without us, you wouldn’t have a chance against him.”
But in fact no major religious conservative has called for legal measures
against homosexuals. The Christian Coalition, the Eagle Forum, and other
grassroots conservative activists only involved themselves in supposedly
“anti-gay” political activities defensively, in working to overturn gay
rights legislation that attacked their most deeply held beliefs.
The leadership of the gay movement is playing with fire. The great tragedy
is that they will not be the only ones burned. The volatility of the issues
they are raising—which involve religion, family, and the most basic
assumptions of what it is to be human—risks a social explosion for which
they must be held accountable. The boldness of the attempt to introduce a
“gay positive” curriculum into the public schools, the militant victim
stance that brooks no questioning, the blunt intolerance once they gain
power in urban ghettos like San Francisco–all this, combined with the fact
that the gay rights paradigm itself represents an intolerable invasion of
liberty, is bound to produce a reaction from the majority.
It’s time to challenge the fiction that the “gay rights” movement speaks for
all or even most gay people. It does not. Gay rights legislation violates
the principles of authentic liberalism, and homosexuals should speak out
against it—to distance themselves from the excesses of a militantly
destructive movement, to help avert societal damage, and to right some grave
wrongs. Those wrongs are the political assault being waged on the
heterosexual family by the theoreticians of the gay rights revolution; the
endless ridicule of religion that suffuses the gay press; and the limitless
contempt for all tradition and “bourgeois values” that permeates the
homosexual subculture.
And the search for a gay “ethnicity” is as much a dead-end as the effort to
forge a gay political movement. In no sense is homosexuality comparable to
being, say, Armenian. There is no gay culture separate from the culture in
general, and in spite of pseudoscientific claims to the contrary, there is
no genetically encoded gay race. There is only behavior engaged in by a
diverse range of individuals, each acting from his or her own motives and
Efforts to sanctify such behavior, or to explain it in such a way that it
has no moral content, are counterproductive as well as unconvincing.
Attempting to somehow reconcile homosexuality with the customs and religious
beliefs of the majority is to concede the one right that people, gay and
straight, really do have–the right not to have to justify one’s existence.
The obsession with “coming out,” and the essentially feminine
self-centeredness such a ritual implies, is surely another aspect of the gay
movement that has to go. Do we really need to know the sexual proclivities
of our neighbors and co-workers, or even our brothers and sisters, aunts and
To expect approval or official sanction for so personal a matter as
sexuality is a sign of weak character. To unblushingly ask (nay, demand)
such approval in the form of some act of government is an act of
unparalleled bad taste. It is also a confession of such a devastating lack
of self-esteem, of inner emptiness, that its public expression is hard to
fathom. Self-esteem is not a quality to be sought from others, nor can it be
legislated into existence.
The history of the gay movement reveals that ideology and Eros are
antipodes. Politics, said Orwell, is “sex gone sour,” and sour certainly
describes the worldview of gay rights dogmatists. This is evident just by
looking at them: Beleaguered on every side by a “heterosexist” society, and
usually too homely to get a date, these poor souls have so politicized their
sexuality it can hardly be said to exist.
Instead of the preening moralism of gay “visibility,” a  sensible resolution
of the Gay Question would call for a return to the joys of private life, the
rediscovery of discretion and even anonymity. The politicization of everyday
life–of sex and the core institutions of the culture–is a trend to be
fiercely resisted, not just by gay people but by lovers of liberty in every
sphere of human endeavor.
Justin Raimondo is a San Francisco writer. His book Enemy of the State: The
Life of Murray N. Rothbard will be published in June.

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