Sorry, I used the wrong link on my last e-mail.  This is the
page that tells more about what Danny Caselaro was working
on when he was murdered than people want to know.  It is
pretty obvious that the thought of confronting those who
murdered Caselaro puts a damper on the quest for knowledge.
Those unprepared to meet the ultimate evil should go no

What is the bottom line here?  We busted the CIA in big
crime and it even caused ripples in the DOD and the
Washington bureau of the ASSOCIATED PRESS but in the final
analysis everything died down and nothing happened.  The
dope transport business is still going great guns here.

I provided this commentary to document the total corruption
of the community in which I live.  It is a record of
unremitting failure.  There is almost no public official in
Arizona who was not warped by this $10 billion heroin crime.

And so I offer this to the human archive.

Brian Quig

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There were some interesting photos taken recently of the CIA air
base T&G AVIATION in Chandler Arizona capturing tail numbers of 9 C-130's
and 25 DC-6s and DC-7s. Once the photos reached ASSOCIATED PRESS in
D.C. they were shot over to the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE where sparks began
to fly. The next morning the story is out on the AP wire to every newspaper,
TV, and radio station in the country. All Phoenix area newspapers carried
variations of the wire. The MESA TRIBUNE in the article Chandler
Company Leased Planes To Firm Said To Be Drug Cartel Front
for the first time that T&G was involved with the Herrera
drug trial in Chicago
and the
current drug czar in Panama
. The ARIZONA REPUBLIC carried the headline
Plane Probe Turns to CIA.


Three of the multi-million dollar C-130s at T&G were being hidden
from the bankruptcy court in Santa Ana, Ca. for another defendant in Eitel's
suit and a fourth was the very same plane being brokered to the Medelin
Cartel which was part of the issue of the Chicago trial. One of the C-130s
that was sold to an African mining company was loading at a U.S. military
base in Portugal as these photos were taken. These planes were only to
be used to fight forest fires in the United States! Read the first two
articles and see if they do not read like parts from this journal. These
articles mention "billions of dollars of cocaine". They do not mention
the massive runways at T&G --- one which is 8,000 feet and the second
11,000 feet which are both sufficient to land the largest plane in the
world. All this is located on an indian reservation. Remote. No DEA. No
Customs. Not even a control tower --- just lights embedded into the runways.
No public assess. Clandestine.


Looking across the T&G runway 9 C-130s and 25 DC-6s and
DC-7s are seen in the distance, standing alone in a barren remote section
of an indian reservation which is denied to the public.

Sometimes one picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes one picture
is worth a thousand indictments!! I will soon post these photos! So that
everyone has a vivid idea of just what we are talking about below is what
the AIR FORCE has to say about the C-130.


Lockheed C-130A; Hercules Spectre

The C-130 was originally designed as an assault transport capable of operating
from unpaved, hastily prepared airstrips. On Aug. 23, 1954, the Hercules
made its first flight and by 1976, more than 1,200 C-130s had been ordered
including ones equipped for radar weather mapping and reconnaissance, mid-air
space capsule recovery, search and rescue, ambulance service, drone launching
and mid-air refueling of helicopters. The C-130 could transport up to 92
combat troops and their gear or 45,000 pounds of cargo. Where facilities
were inadequate, the Hercules could deliver its cargo by parachute or by
low altitude ground-cable extraction without landing.

Twenty-eight C-130s were converted to side-firing gunships, primarily
for night attacks against ground targets. This C-130 was modified at
AFB as the prototype for the 7.62mm multi-barrel guns, a searchlight, and
target sensors. After testing in Southeast Asia in 1967, it was used as
a test bed for additional armament, sensor and fire control development.
Later, AC-130 gunships mounted improved sensors, a digital fire control
computer, a heavier armament. This aircraft was retired to the museum in
May 1976.


Span: 132 feet, 7 inches
Length: 97 feet, 10 inches
Height: 38 feet, 6 inches
Weight: 124,200 pounds
Armament: Two 7.62 mm miniguns plus two 20mm, two 40mm and one
105 mm cannon
Engines: Four Allison T-56-A-11 turboprops of 4050 equivalent
shaft horsepower
Cost: $5,240,000


Maximum speed: 380 mph.
Cruising speed: 335 mph.
Range: 2,500 miles

Astute film viewers will recognize the plane that General Richard Secord
made famous in the Golden Triangle and Oliver Stone made famous in the
movie thereof --- AIR AMERICA.


Also at T&G!!

Also twenty five DC-6s and DC-7s like these.

Also at T&G!!

Also at T&G is this French Experimental plane which excites
the imaginations of those doing clandestine work.

bdq 12-8-97

 Several highly credible web sites are putting forward definitive
proofs of the knowing involvement at the highest levels of the U.S. Federal
government with trafficking as much as 50% of the heroin and cocaine into
the UNITED STATES. If there is a single reader who does not believe that
Oliver North, John Poindexter, Robert McFarland, Bill Casey, George Bush
and Ronald Reagan knew about the cocaine coming by way of the Contras,
that reader should take one hour to review a site presented by GEORGE
This scholar's site presents far more original declassified
NATIONAL SECURITY documents than are required to indict all of the above
many times over.

 The best summary statement about the Gary Webb SAN JOSE MERCURY
Dark Alliance series is made by Dr. Peter Dale Scott on the FREE
SPEECH TV web site.
Look out Rupert Murdock, this signals the end of
you and your kind. Readers can download for free the REAL VIDEO software
needed to run the Peter Dale Scott interview (which is first on their page).

 Dr. Scott says in this interview that "Meneces and Blandon were
not the largest traffickers --- neither were the Costa Ricans. It was the
Honduran Army that was supplying 1/3 to 1/2 the cocaine reaching America.
In the final days of the Contras the Honduran Army got busted with more
than 6 tons of cocaine headed for the UNITED STATES. Now what we are talking
about here is Carl Lindner and UNITED BRANDS when we speak of Honduras.

 The best archive of the media response to the DARK ALLIANCE series
is presented at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY Northridge. The
DCIA site will also be mirrored there for safety. Set your bookmarks for
this location to prevent obstruction.

bdq 11-29-97

 Reading through the local media coverage of the Temple Murders,
which is all included on this site. I happened to notice an article about
a federal indictment of General Khun Sa. The
general had monopolized the poppy fields of the Golden Triangle for 20
years until the day he offered to sell the U.S. government the entire year's
crop of Golden Triangle opium for 1/10 of the drug suppression fund that
the U.S. gives the CORRUPT Burmese communists. Suddenly our DEA notices
Khun Sa and trys to kill him. Our government is supposed to not like
but it likes the Burmese communists so much that it supports them against
the democratically elected president that the communists have held under
house arrest for 6 years!! Check out the web site
. These people may be the most dedicated liberation activists
on the web. This article is one year before the Temple Murders. The
weight of this shipment is only 3 off
the weight mentioned in the note
left at the murder scene. The Asians know who is running the drug trade
in their countries. It is Americans. The wealthiest families in the world
have reserved the most lucrative business for themselves.

The Asians are quick to recognize in their cartoons the China/American
role in the heroin trade.

to Free Burma

The country of Burma is lush, rich
in natural resources and home to dozens of peoples and cultures.

But due to a military government
of isolationist economic mismanagement, the 45 million people there live
without their
and in extreme poverty.

The country of Burma has been under military
dictatorship since 1962.

the SOLAR becomes more desperate, the threat to Aung San Suu Kyi’s life
grows greater


are no compulsions or obligation for any country to sign the U.N Convention
on Human Rights. Like some other countries in Asia, we have to take into
consideration our culture, ethos and the standards of development before
accepting these declaration."

SLORC Foreign Minister Ohn Gyaw 

would like [the west] to see us not as a country rather far away whose
sufferings do not matter, but as fellow human beings in need of human rights
and who could do so much for the world, if we were allowed."

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi 



Recent slideshow fron
CNN (750k).
These images of peaceful protesters running from baton
weilding soldiers and sitting before blasting water cannons are from a
video taken in late 1996, smuggled out, and shown on CNN. Reporters are
now routinely denied visas by the military authorities so that you cannot
see things like this. Thanks to the Burma
Song Page
for collecting them.

bdq 11-26-97

The PORTLAND FREE PRESS is now providing the full coverage of
the Gary Eitel civil law suit that Arizona journalists know would lead
to their dismissal. Just imagine this. The CIA air operation known as T&G
Aviation named in this suit, which used Senator John McCain to obtain 3
C-130s from the DOD via Roy Reagan, is located at the old Chandler (Arizona)
Municipal Airport which is conveniently on an indian reservation where
the customs and DEA have no jurisdiction. When I covered the AMERICA
WEST AIRLINES drug trafficking trial
one of the defendants, Bill Russell,
was working for T&G flying guns to Kuwait for the CIA during the trial!
It is little wonder the defendants laughed so hard after they were sentenced.

 The PORTLAND FREE PRESS does not pull any punches with Arizona's
U.S. Attorney, Janet Napolitano, who gave 11 130s
back to one CIA broker
--- planes that Roy Reagan and Fred Fuchs were
convicted of stealing in a recent criminal action in Tucson District Court!!
Napolitano resigned saying she was going to run for governor. That office
is a big step down. So is the Attorney General's office. How was she SPOOKED?
That is a good question. There is a large stack of court records, thanks
to Eitel, implicating the CIA in massive cocaine trafficking. These will
soon be posted. Until then check out this other cocaine story from this
same paper.

 "Yet another CIA-Mafia drug connection: Richard Brenneke puts
mob boss John Gotti and CIA boss Donald Gregg in the middle of contra drug
operations at Mena Airport." Be sure to check out the links below.

New York
Mob at Mena
by Ace R. Hayes
Free Press

January/February 1997

Just two more hard hitting articles. If anyone thinks the Thai
government is full of angels, take a look at the CHRISTIAN
SCIENCE MONITOR calling the current Thai Prime Minister "Mr. White Powder"
And check out this
C-130 civil suit related article from the NEW YORK TIMES.
. With this
information fresh in your mind, read the indictment
of this "air cargo company in Chicago in 1994 which trafficked the greatest
volume of cocaine for both the Medelin and Cali cartels --- more than 20
tons!! Now the U.S. Attorney was polite enough to leave Aleman out of the
indictment, and all the American companies like T&G, a professional
courtesy for Hall of Fame drug traffickers. It did not escape the public
back in Panama that Aleman was the principal of this Air Cargo company
and the drug bank. Readers will find these drug traffickers inspecting
T&G's air strip in Chandler Arizona. Pretty nice when you can get help
from senators and U.S. attorneys when you are hauling tons of white powder.

bdq 11-20-97

 How do we know that all this rhetoric in the House and the Senate
about campaign finance scandal is just insincere flim flam for the uninformed
voters back home? Has anyone noticed that not a single blow hard senator
has pointed a finger at Bob Dole for "using" Carl Lindner's UNITED BRANDS
corporate jet for his campaign? Lindner had 7 S&Ls that failed but
he was unmentioned in the scandal.

Remember Charles Keating was never anything more
than Lindner's attorney
. Readers can learn a great deal about Lindner
by reading all the pages in the JOURNAL section.


Candidate Bob Dole arrives in Phoenix in style aboard Carl Lindner's
UNITED BRANDS corporate jet.

There is one web site that lists 635 failed White Water type developements
in George Bush's Texas alone!!. A hundred billion dollars worth of looting
took place in Houston!!


"Restoring The Bill of Rights
One Website at a Time"

The Great Texas Bank

Campaign Finance Corruption
and a Whole Lot More

Looting of Savings & Loans and Banks in Texas

"The Senate, Congressional, Injustice Department,FBI
and State Cover Up Exposed"

Go now to this
web site
. It is also worth reading this site
author's recent e-mail

I believe that I can state with some authority the last word in campaign
reform. It is implied in the very concept of voting.

 1) Elected officials represent only individual citizens. No donations
from corporations, unions, PACs, foundations or non-profits. Voters can
give through any organization they wish, but only once to any candidate.

 2) Only an individual qualified to vote for a candidate can donate
to that candidate.

Now that may not sound like much but in fact 50% of the money in most
campaigns comes from outside the district being represented. This eliminates
half the problem of bought elections.

bdq 11-14-97

 TV news viewers will find it hard to miss HARVARD LAW professor
Alan Dershewitz lamenting the miscarriage of justice for the British 19
year old in the au pair trial. Readers will find it peculiar that Dershewitz
remains silent about the abortion of justice regarding his 16 year old
appeals client, Jonathan Doody. In the ill fated appeal Dershewitz
placed his client at the crime scene
when his mother and brother say
he was home with them. Nice guy. The HARVARD law professor never protested
the many breaks in the chain of evidence with
the alleged murder weapon or the the heavy handed
treatment of the teens by the OSI intelligence officers
FORCE BASE. The fact that none of the muddy footprints at the murder scene
matched Doody's or Garcia's was unmentioned in the appeal. The testimony
of Doody's friend that Doody was at the movies with him until 11:00 PM
should have been sufficient alone to impeach the forced confession.

 What is Dershewitz teaching his law students? Clearly Justice
in the court room can not be purchased. The really BIG MONEY is paid for
reverse justice. In the practice of law it is not whether you win or lose
that counts but how much you get paid.

 After 50 years, thanks to a suit by the
, the American public finally gets
to know how much they are spending each year for the CIA. It is $26 billion!!!
NASA sent 8 missions to the moon and did a great deal more for little more
than $5 billion a year.

 bdq 11-6-97

Go Now to the first entries of the journal



P.O. Box 58,
Tempe, Arizona 85280
(602) 212-0735

(C) 1996 Intelligence Connection

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