on 10/25/00 8:52 AM, dana redding at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This is really terrific news, just ate Taco Bell for lunch, now they
> tell me.......
     That they're foisting pig-feed on us now?  ‹ Alex
> --------------
> Greenpeace USA Action Alert
> 24 October 2000
> One Scare Too Many: Tell Kellogg's To Stop Using Genetically Engineered
> Corn
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/kelloggsalert-direct.htm (Take
> Action Now!)
> Last week, Kellogg's was forced to shut down production at one of its
> U.S. cereal plants, as the company could not find corn that is
> uncontaminated by StarLink corn. StarLink is the genetically engineered
> variety that has not been approved for human consumption, but has turned
> up in at least three supermarket foods.
> Though the corn is allowed for animal feed, on Friday Tyson Foods, the
> world's largest poultry producer, said it had stopped buying StarLink
> even for its chicken farms.
> In just the past month, Kellogg's has received over 28,000 phone calls
> and letter from Americans who are concerned about GE food. A poll
> commissioned last year by Greenpeace found that only 30% of Americans
> think that Kellogg's would use GE food. But Kellogg's letters to
> American consumers acknowledges that its products are "likely [to]
> include biotechnology-produced grain."
> If Tyson can stop feeding altered grain to chickens, then Kellogg's can
> stop feeding it to our children!
> Email and fax telling them to stop using genetically engineered
> ingredients in our food!
> Take Action Now:
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/kelloggsalert-direct.htm
> Read More about Kellogg's double standard on genetically engineered
> ingredients:
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/features/kelloggs.htm
> Taco Bell or Taco Hell?
> Kraft Pulls Polluted Product on Confirmation of Biotech Contamination
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/features/taco.htm
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Action Alert Update #1
> Say No To Privatizing Our Oceans
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/itq-direct.htm
> ***** You may not know it yet, but corporate interests are about to
> gobble up the rights to species of fish and turn them into private
> property. With privatization we lose our rights to have a say about how
> the oceans - something we all share - are being treated. *****
> Since we first sent out this alert almost 2,900 people have taken action
> to thank Senator Snowe and Rep. Delahunt for their positive actions this
> issue. We still need your help though. Congress has yet to recess for
> the year and your voice on this matter is important.
> Take Action Now:
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/itq-direct.htm
> Learn more about ITQs and Privatization:
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/itq.htm
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Action Alert Update #2
> Prevent extinction of the Steller sea lion
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/stellersealion-nmfs-direct.htm
> (Take Action Immediately!)
> ***** The commercial expansion of fisheries is threatening entire marine
> ecosystems. Huge ships are strip-mining our oceans and depleting fish
> stocks, threatening the existence of species that depend on these fish
> for food.
> Steller sea lion populations in western Alaska were declared endangered
> in 1997 and in need of urgent protection.
> Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) is preparing an anti-environmental rider
> designed to undermine the Endangered Species Act (ESA), National
> Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and recent court rulings that would
> protect the Steller sea lion from extinction. *****
> Over 1,400 people have sent email or a fax to President Clinton urging
> him to veto the Commerce, Justice, and State Department's Appropriations
> Bill if Senator Stevens' anti-environmental rider has been attached.  
> Since we began this online action Senator Stevens' office appears to be
> wavering in the face of public opposition.
> We haven't won yet so it's important that we keep the pressure on! If
> you haven't taken the time to take action on this issue please do so
> now. It only takes a minute online!
> Take Action Now:
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/stellersealion-nmfs-direct.htm
> Learn More:
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/stellersealion-nmfs.htm
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Check out other current actions:
> http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/save/alerts/

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