-Caveat Lector-

Georgetown certainly makes no secret that it was founded by the Jesuits and
they act as administrators till this day.  As for its being 'a subversive
instrument of the Vatican' I think you might be being a bit dramatic there.
could you give some examples of how this is done?  Maybe cite a few courses
or sources.  I also do not think the Jesuits wrote the Protocols but that
has been debated both on this list and elsewhere to the point I am exhausted
on that one.  This is your opinion and you are entitled to it but I do not
think anything so sinister is going on at a major university with such a
diversity of students.  I also thought Clinton was the victim of a "vast
right-wing conspiracy."  At least this is what Hillary claimed.  I do not
understand your post as it seems to contradict itself.  Every religion
claims exemption from secular laws.

Maybe having a son attend this institution has given me a different slant on
this but I do not see how the Vatican can exert such control over such a
diversity of people.  Also attending the School of Foreign Service were his
roommates, a Jewish kid from Manhattan, a bona fide member of Arabian
royalty and two Asians(from India and Taiwan).  None of these seemed likely
candidates for the type of brainwashing you refer to in your post.  They
were all rather bright and seemed perfectly capable of thinking for
themselves and retaining their original beliefs upon completion of the

But then that's what those Jesuits want us to think, isn't it? :)  And they
appear to be a harmless bunch of elderly priests just to fool us, I guess.
Well, since half of them get lost going from one side of campus to the other
they are so advanced in years,  I don't loose much sleep over it.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:46 PM

> -Caveat Lector-
> Actually, Quigley was a Vatican sycophant - from JESUIT Georgetown
> University, whose School of Foreign Service at is a subversive instrument
> the Vatican.
> Quigley produced 'Tragedy and Hope' to continue the politics of
> Theory," on behalf of his Jesuit superiors, who similarly produced the
> "Protocols of Zion," and other earlier "Conspiracy" style literature for
> propaganda purposes, attacking the perceived enemies of the Vatican.
> Quigley and Jesuitism were also instrumental in Bill Clintons Globalist
> political outlook, and also his application of Catholic "moral theology,"
> which enabled him to "conscientiously" lie, by the application
> and "mental reservation," indicative of his mental indoctrination he
> in this Vatican institution - and for which Jesuitism is synonymous with.
> The US CONGRESSIONAL OATH OF OFFICE makes allusion contra to such
> "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of
> United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear
> true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely,
> and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to
> enter. So help me, God."
> BILL CLINTON, IN HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEECH at the Democratic convention also
> mentioned that his mentor at Georgetown University was professor Carroll
> Quigley.
> This is significant because the late Carroll Quigley, professor of
> and history at Georgetown, was deeply promulgated, and was himself a
> wing conspiracy theorist." Carroll Quigley's 1350-page tome 'Tragedy and
> Hope' is taught to the diplomatic corps at Jesuit Georgetown University.
> we suppose that Bill Clinton, too, might be infected with the virus of
> "right-wing conspiracy thinking."
> The first US president to come from Georgetown-a graduate of the School of
> Foreign Service-was a Baptist, also the product of an ecumenical education

> rooted in "Jesuit values."
> In addition, and as long-suspected, much of the so-called "responsible
> conservative movement," (esp. Pat Buchanan), and most of the conspiracy
> "exposure" movements is consciously, or unconsciously under the sway of
> Vatican, i.e.. that "conspiracy theory" is essentially a covert
> Vatican-Jesuit project.
> Recall also in this project,  that promoter of "Liberation Theology," the
> "Black Pope" Pedro Arrupe, is quoted in the mega best seller "None Dare
> It Conspiracy," as the INSPIRATION for Gary Allen's theories, Arrupe was
> general of the Jesuit Order. And, as already mentioned, add to this,
> Catholic Quigley from Jesuit Georgetown University and his every
> conspirators bible-like tome, "Tragedy and Hope,"  or say nothing of
> "Fathers," Couglin and Fahey and their conspiracy propaganda.
> The N.W.O. initiative is Rome to the core, which has long desired a One
> World Religion liased with a One World Political, Economic, Statist
> Government, with the Roman pope as its head and the, "supreme ruler of the
> world." The Vatican, according to its own LAW, is not subject to any
> RULER or any secular STATE, but that, and conversely, all MUST inexorably
> become subject to its laws and decrees. The N.W.O. is merely a secular
> initiative, in that aeons held hope of the papacy for world dominion, in
> this case, designed to appeal to certain secular minded intellectuals,
> politicos and technocrats, some who genuinely perceive such a "One World"
> system, not so much in utopian terms, but again in the realm of casuistry,
> the "lesser of two evils."

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