-Caveat Lector-

The Games People Plan Now - White Knight vs. Black Knights - here they
are, the whole tribe and lot of them - see how treacherous they are -
Albright playing innocent, but George Schultz is one who realized what
Jonathan Pollard, the Navy Top Secret Emp;loyee, when he sold secrets to
Israelies and prevented peace with Sadaam Hussein and as a resut how
many children have died

Can anyone honestly believe that Barak, Ehud the Thug (aka Ehud Brug the
Thug( and Arafat and Sharon, whom they call the "fat slob" now, and Gore
and Clinton and all the rest of these people with the exception of those
who really tried to keep the peace - can you honestly say they are

Billions of dollars being spent on munitions, submarines, uzzies,
nuclear weapons - and Sadaam Hussein and the PLO is to sit back and just
let their boots wall on them - say like the boots of Waco and Littleton
and Ruby Ridge.....these killers from Ruby Ridge to Waco to the Holy
Land all using same war tactics.

Ashkenazi (love that nazi ending) European Jews?   It was King Faisal
and his son young Prince Turki Faisal who in 1967 warned of
Zionism.....the young prince told me that the Zionist was causing all he
trouble in the Holy Land for the arabs and jews wanted to live in peace,
for both are semites.......but the
Ashke-Nazi Jews of European decent of which Ehud the Brug Thug Barak is
one - these people will not let them live in peace, for they want the

Nice story here.......Rogues Gallery......Gallery of the slaughterers of
the innocents ....


[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: "Experts Aghast at Gore's Russia Deal"

"...and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them,
and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him....but Jesus said unto him, Judas
betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"   Luke 22

<< NewsMax.com: Article ArchivesNewsMax.com

  Experts Aghast at Gore's Russia Deal
   Thursday, Oct. 26, 2000

  Former American defense, national security and diplomatic
officials have combined to express alarm over Al Gore's secret agreement
allowing Russia to slip arms to Iran.
  It is unprecedented that a high-level bipartisan critique of a
sitting vice president, involving such a delicate national security
development, would be made publicly.
  According to the Washington Times, which uncovered the furtive
back-channel 1995 deal Gore made with his close friend, Viktor
Chernomyrdin, then the Russian prime minister:
  A bipartisan group of 11 leading national security officials and
former secretaries of defense and state has issued a scathing report
denouncing the agreement Gore made in secret with Chernomyrdin to keep
Russia's arming of Iran from being revealed to Congress and the American
  In their joint statement, issued through the office of former
Secretary of State George P. Shultz, the American experts said:
  "The military balance in regions of vital interest to America and
her allies â€" including the Persian Gulf, which is a critical
source of the world's energy supplies â€" is the essential
underpinning for a strong foreign policy.
  "That is why we are deeply disturbed by the agreement made between
Vice President Gore and then-Russian Premier Chernomyrdin in which
America acquiesced in the sale by Russia to Iran of highly threatening
military equipment such as modern submarines, fighter planes and
wake-homing torpedoes.
  "We also find incomprehensible that this agreement was not fully
disclosed even to those committees of Congress charged with receiving
highly classified briefings â€" apparently at the request of the
Russian premier.
  "But agreement to his request is even more disturbing since the
Russian sales could have brought sanctions against Russia in accordance
with a 1992 U.S. law sponsored by Sen. John McCain and then-Sen. Al
  In addition to Shultz, the signers included former defense
secretaries Caspar Weinberger, James R. Schlesinger, Donald Rumsfeld and
Frank C. Carlucci; former national security advisers Zbigniew Bzezinski
and Brent Scowcroft; former secretaries of state James A. Baker III,
Henry Kissinger and Lawrence S. Eagleburger, and former CIA Director R.
James Woolsey.
  Those men, coming from both the Democratic and Republican parties,
served in the highest levels of leadership positions dating from the
current Clinton-Gore administration as far back as that of President
Richard M. Nixon.
  Their statement was issued shortly before a Senate hearing
Thursday on Gore's covert agreements with Chernomyrdin that made it
possible for Russia to sell conventional arms as well as nuclear weapons
technology to Iran in secret, thus avoiding American sanctions.
  The Clinton-Gore administration tried, without success, to get the
Senate to hold this hearing behind closed doors.
  Under the secret agreement with Chernomyrdin, Gore committed the
United States not to impose on Russia the sanctions required by the
United States law, which he had co-authored, on nations that sell
advanced conventional arms or lethal aid to terrorist nations.
  The State Department has long designated Iran as a sponsor of
terrorism, terming it a "rogue state."
  In a secret letter to Gore, Chernomyrdin said he was "counting" on
the vice president's cooperation in keeping Congress in the dark.
  Chernomyrdin has since been driven from public office in disgrace,
accused of having corrupt dealings with various business interests in
  In a Jan. 13 "Dear Igor" letter to Russian Foreign Minister Igor
Ivanov, labeled "secret," Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
acknowledged that "without [Gore's agreement in secret with
Chernomyrdin] Russia's conventional arms sales to Iran would have been
subject to sanctions based on various provisions of our laws."

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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