-Caveat Lector-


Experts fear Russia to blackmail Gore

VP 'owes his personal fortune to a fully recruited Soviet agent'

By Charles Thompson and Tony Hays
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Russian intelligence operatives have fanned out across America
hoping to dig up the same kind of dirt on George W. Bush and his
aides that they have apparently used to influence President Bill
Clinton and Vice President Al Gore in the past, according to
several Russia experts in the nation's capital.

"The Russians apparently haven't found anything, but it's their
standard operating procedure," said J. Michael Waller, vice
president of the American Foreign Policy Council. Waller, who is
also editor of the Russia Reform Monitor, an executive editor of
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization and
a contributor to Insight magazine, holds a Ph.D. in international
security affairs from Boston University.

In fact, Waller revealed that a Russian diplomat recently had
lunch with him and asked him probing questions about Gov. Bush
and his closest advisers.

"The Russian wasn't making idle conversation, and I fed him
mostly disinformation," Waller said. "I wasn't shocked, because I
knew that's how the Russians do business."

According to Waller and other intelligence specialists, the
Russians are primarily interested in defeating Bush, because they
already have a wealth of derogatory information about Clinton and

For example, in early 1996, when Clinton was in the midst of his
affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, he warned
Lewinsky that they had to use code words when they engaged in
phone sex since foreign embassies, most likely the Russians, were
bugging their conversations. This was a year before Lewinsky
began spilling her secrets to Linda Tripp, who secretly taped
their conversations.

In his book, "Sellout," David Schippers, chief investigative
counsel for the Clinton impeachment, wrote, "Another issue with
possible security implications was the president's reported phone
sex. Almost every phone line in the White House is totally
secure. But as Lewinsky testified under oath, the president was
engaging in tawdry phone sex, on an unsecure line, opening the
question of whether a foreign power might have intercepted and
recorded these calls which was a chilling possibility given the
potential for blackmail."

A top former CIA intelligence analyst, who has advised several
presidents, including Clinton, told WorldNetDaily that the
Russians were the ones who did the bugging. They proved they had
the capability in 1998 when Russian diplomat and intelligence
office Stanislav Borisovich Gusev placed a sophisticated bugging
and transmission device in the wooden molding of a wall of a
conference room inside the U.S. State Department. Fifty to 100
meetings were held in the conference room before the device was
discovered. Gusev was expelled.

According to former White House FBI agent Gary Aldrich, who was
assigned to conduct background investigations for Clinton White
House appointees, as late as two years into the Clinton
administration the General Accounting Office found that only 24
White House employees had been cleared to handle thousands and
thousands of pages of classified material. The other employees
told the FBI that they could not be bothered with getting a
clearance from the FBI.

Aldrich notes that his partner, agent Dennis Sculimbrene, once
complained to him that "'I'm having a heck of a time getting
these Clinton people to grant interviews. I call people up, tell
them who I am and what I need to do, and they tell me they're too
busy to talk to the FBI!'"

Kenneth Timmerman, another expert on Russian espionage methods,
said that compared with the State Department, the White House was
packed with amateurs who weren't interested in security.
Timmerman and Waller both pointed to the case of a woman from the
Dominican Republic who was assigned to the White House by Hillary
Clinton, even though she was a dedicated Cuban intelligence
officer. She rebuffed all attempts at getting her to submit to a
background investigation, saying she was a close friend of Mrs.
Clinton and shouldn't be bothered. She was later nominated to be
ambassador to the Dominican Republic, but had her nomination
blocked by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee due to her
subversive background.

"Bugging the White House wouldn't cause the Russians to break a
sweat," Timmerman said.

In his recent book, "Midnight Diaries," former Russian president
Boris Yeltsin revealed that Russian intelligence sent him a coded
report in 1996 that Clinton was embroiled in an affair with a
young woman and that the Republican Party was going to use that
weakness of the flesh to destroy the president's reputation.
Yeltsin said he considered giving Clinton a copy of the coded
dispatch, but thought better of it.

Yeltsin amended this account during an Oct. 9 interview with the
The Times of London, after he was asked by reporter Giles Wittell
if he knew the woman in question was Monica Lewinsky.

"I know," Yeltsin replied.

Why did he not tell Clinton about it?

"He had enough problems already," Yeltsin answered. "But it was
not only because of that. I decided not to mention it because I
didn't fully believe it, and because we are very sensitive to
such issues in Russia. I was also convinced that he would
overcome the problem himself, which in the end he did."

Waller and Timmerman and other intelligence experts raised the
following questions:

Did knowledge of Clinton's and Gore's misdeeds and associations
exert extraordinary pressure on our policy in the years 1996
through 98, especially on the billions of U.S. dollars that were
funneled into Russia?

If the Russians were able to obtain this kind of blackmail
information, what other sensitive information did they receive?

What happened to U.S. counterintelligence information about the
possibility of this exposure, especially during President
Clinton's impeachment hearing? According to Waller and Timmerman,
this was a terrible failure if the government didn't know -- and
a terrible abuse of power if it knew and did nothing.

If anything, Russian intelligence experts say, Gore's security
problems date back even further and are more serious than
Clinton's. Gore began his relationship with his father's close
friend and employer, Armand Hammer, when he was a small boy.

Hammer, a Soviet paymaster and super-spy, went into the
bull-breeding business with Gore Sr., placing the Tennessee
senator on his payroll in 1950 when Gore was still in Congress.
In return for Hammer's generosity, Gore Sr. bailed his mentor, a
stock swindler and art forger, out of his frequent brushes with
the law. He also attempted to convince several U.S presidential
administrations to cut deals that favored Hammer and his Russian

Hammer further rewarded the senator's efforts with an insider
deal consisting of thousands of shares of Hooker Chemical Co.
stock, which Hammer's Occidental Petroleum was about to acquire.
Hooker made things like fertilizers and metal-coating chemicals.

One of Hooker's plants was located on Grand Island, N.Y., which
disposed of its waste and other harmful byproducts into an
adjacent waterway called the "Love Canal."

"Al Gore [who currently controls his late father's stock in the
company] takes credit for helping cure the 'Love Canal'
pollution. He should! He helped cause it!" said Dan Schaitberger,
a former Hooker employee.

Hammer made Gore Sr. executive vice president of Occidental
Petroleum after Bill Brock soundly defeated Gore in his
reelection bid in 1970. And Hammer subsequently named Gore to a
similar position in Island Creek Coal Co. after Gore managed to
get the fuel company out of a long-term contract with the
Tennessee Valley Authority and to substitute another contract
much more favorable to Island Creek. The former senator also
helped paper over a number of toxic waste spills by the company.

Hammer also showered his favors on Albert Jr., helping underwrite
his successful run for Congress in 1976 as well as all of his
subsequent races. During young Gore's abortive 1988 presidential
bid, Hammer unsuccessfully attempted to persuade Democrat Sen.
Paul Simon of Illinois to drop out of his home-state's primary in
favor of Gore. Hammer promised Simon a cabinet position in the
Gore administration if he did. Shocked, Simon remained in the
primary and trounced Gore.

Gore accompanied Hammer to Moscow where Hammer received a peace
prize from an international group of anti-nuclear scientists.
Gore later praised Hammer at a reception in New York for his

But as bad as Gore's compromise with Hammer was, it was even
worse with former Russian premier Viktor Chernomyrdin. The two
served on a joint commission that was supposed to smooth out
relations between the U.S. and Russia. The commission was also
supposed to come to the assistance of American businessmen who
were threatened with death or beaten by members of the Russian
mafia. But as WorldNetDaily has reported, Gore and his staff
largely ignored pleas of Americans who were subjected to such
brutal treatment.

Between 1993 and 1999, billions of dollars of foreign aid
intended to help ordinary Russians was instead diverted to the
pockets of high-ranking officials who ruled Russia and members of
the Russian mob, or siphoned off and deposited in offshore bank
accounts to be laundered.

It has also recently come to light that, in 1995, Gore and
Chernomyrdin signed a secret deal for Russia to build a nuclear
reactor for Iran. This deal, which has been widely reported, also
specified that Russia could sell a diesel-powered submarine, T-72
tanks and other arms to Iran. Arms sent to Iran from Russia since
the early 1990s include advanced Kilo-class submarines,
torpedoes, anti-ship mines, and hundreds of tanks and armored
personnel carriers.

"How in the world can this country trust a man like Al Gore who
owes his personal fortune to a fully recruited Soviet agent,
Armand Hammer?" Michael Waller asked. "Al Gore Jr. grew up with a
Soviet agent, and if he (Gore) were to be nominated as an
assistant secretary for some department, he couldn't be
nominated, because he is a security risk," he added.

In her forthcoming book, "The Betrayal of Liberty," veteran
journalist Anne Williamson recounts an encounter she had with
Moscow's assistant chief of the KGB during Christmas of 1994.
Williamson, an expert on Soviet-Russian affairs who has written
for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, asked the
security official whether it was true the KGB had picked up the
tab for Gore Jr.'s room service orders at the high-toned Fairfax
Hotel in Washington (where he spent his formative years) and his
Harvard tuition.

"After a thoughtful pause, the man responded, 'He's not our first
Harvard graduate, of course, but I do believe he's our first St.
Albans' (a Washington prep school) boy,'" Williamson wrote.

As bad security risks as Waller and Timmerman believe Clinton and
Gore are, they have another prize candidate, Strobe Talbott, the
State Department's number two man and Clinton's Oxford roommate.
Talbott made his journalistic bones by tagging along with a
well-known KGB agent named Victor Louis. Louis leaked Nikita
Khruschev's diaries and insisted that Talbott, a young employee
in Time's Moscow bureau, go along with the deal. Talbott thus
became a member of the magazine's inner circle.

Timmerman testified last year to the House International
Relations Committee that Talbott's support of Russia and Boris
Yeltsin was unwavering and uncritical in the face of mounting
evidence of organized corruption. He also said that Iran's Shahad
and Kosar missile programs would not exist without Talbott. The
Shahad-3 missiles are now deployed in southwestern Iran and are
capable of targeting Israel with nuclear, chemical or biological

The editor of Middle East Defense News, Timmerman said, "Despite
having detailed intelligence on Russia's involvement with the
Iranian missile programs, the U.S. government failed to press the
Russians in any meaningful or effective way. And the official who
played the greatest role in this disaster was Deputy Secretary of
State Strobe Talbott. If we had intervened with the Russians when
the Israelis first came to us in late 1996, the Shahab missile
would never have been tested successfully two years later."

Timmerman, Waller and other Russia intelligence experts
interviewed by WND, while not labeling Clinton, Gore and Talbot
out-and-out agents, accused the trio of being unduly influenced
by Russia and her policies.

"It's not a healthy situation, and I hope the country has enough
sense to avoid something like this in the future," Waller said.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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