-Caveat Lector-

LSD guru Timothy Leary made fun of abductees
By Paul Davids
Date: 10/27/2000
URL: http://www.alienzoo.com/features/o/200010270001.cfm
Paul Davids
It’s "Smash an Icon Week" here at FLYING SAUCERS OVER HOLLYWOOD, and so
we’re decapitating Timothy Leary again. In 1997, Strand Releasing distributed
a feature-length documentary film I directed (and produced with Todd Easton
Mills) about the "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out" psychedelic 1960s leader that
ended with a notorious scene of post-mortem decapitation for cryogenic
preservation of the brain. That ending has now been video-streamed as a
Halloween spectacular at www.ilooks.com. The film is called TIMOTHY LEARY’S
DEAD, a title that comes from a line in the famous Moody Blues song about
Leary called "Legend of a Mind."

In the last year of Leary’s life, I conducted many hours of videotaped
interviews with him, dressing him up in a stylish and appropriate green Nehru
jacket for the occasion, as well as an elegant white suit. Leary, or "Dr.
Tim" as his friends called him, abandoned a commitment to dressing cool long
before that point, and for 365 days out of the year (and for almost all of
his interviews) he basically wore one rumpled black and white jacket that had
a psychedelic pattern. I changed that. In the interviews, we covered many of
the nooks and crannies of his rabble-rousing life, from his Fighting Irishman
youth and days as Harvard’s most eccentric and risk-taking psychology
professor, through his days leading the League for Spiritual Discovery (LSD)
at a mansion in Millbrook New York. Remember, Dr. Tim was on "the wrong side"
in the Drug War - he advocated the responsible use of Psychedelic Vegetables,
as he referred to them - and Richard Nixon declared him "The Most Dangerous
Man Alive." We journeyed through his magic mushroom days in Mexico, his
incarceration as a political / philosophical prisoner - and in one session we
got around to the subject of flying saucers.

Though Leary had blown his own mind countless times and could imagine
infinite possibilities in our vast universe, he somehow still clung to the
negative attitudes of orthodox, skeptical psychology regarding the subject of
extraterrestrial flying saucers. Like most psychologists of his generation,
he believed that life exists throughout infinite space. However, he stated in
my film that he DOES NOT believe that extraterrestrial beings would "package
alien beings in spaceships and send them hundreds of light years through
space so that they could land in farm pastures and rape little old ladies in
Iowa." That seemed to be the extent of his understanding of the alien
abduction enigma. He was no Dr. John Mack of Harvard, that’s for sure. And
then he took a drag on his cigarette, paused for reflection and added: "But
those little old ladies . . . they’d LIKE to be raped by space aliens,
wouldn’t they? THAT’s the point!" He actually didn’t use the word "rape." He
used another four-letter word for sex that begins with an "F" and ends with a
"K" and which we can’t print here at AlienZoo because we’re PG-13.

TIMOTHY LEARY’S DEAD is a VERY irreverent movie. Timothy lived to blow
people’s minds, and I realized that my film would never be seen by more than
a handful of people if I didn’t blow a few myself. I may have over-done it.
Not only did the movie invite the wrath of the Establishment (the folks who
were SUPPOSED to hate it), that mind-blowing final scene made me persona non
grata with more than a few of Dr. Tim’s most loyal followers. It seems they
decided they loved me about as much as they loved G. Gordon Liddy the night
he invaded Millbrook with a small army of narcs and arrested Leary for
possession of a geranium plant (that Liddy thought might be marijuana). I
took my unpopularity in stride. In the movie business, you learn to take your
licks. And speaking of licks, our movie poster had a star on it that said
LICK THIS POSTER. A few people did, thinking there was acid on it, and in
Berkeley, the police methodically removed every single poster from the
billboards and telephone poles. That is, every poster that was left after the
Aging Hippies and gang-bangers swiped a bunch of them to eat.

Dr. Tim's head
To dramatize Timothy’s statements about alien abductions, I actually rented
an alien costume from Sony Pictures’ Props department and went to the home of
the publisher of UFO Library, who agreed to dress up like a little old lady.
She put her hair up in curlers, powdered her hair gray and climbed into bed,
where she read a UFO magazine. We then filmed a scene of me (as the alien)
jumping on top of her in bed and (CENSORED) as we (CENSORED) up and down, the
camera capturing every lurid instant of (CENSORED), while the bed springs
squeaked and (CENSORED). We then showed me as the alien with the old Iowan
lady in bed after sex, smoking a cigarette. So much for Dr. Leary on the
subject of contact experiences. On to his next favorite controversy. . .

Throughout the interviews, Dr. Tim talked about his plans to have his head
removed and frozen (using cryonics) when he died. He was dying of cancer when
we shot this film and had only about six months to live. Dr. Tim figured
there was one chance in ten million that he could be brought back to life one
day if they froze his head, but he figured the odds were zero if they didn’t.
Dr. Tim explained that if they unfroze his head some day, he didn’t want his
old, sick body back. He wanted a new clone of himself or his brain popped
into the body of a brain-dead person.

The official story is that Leary changed his mind about the deep freeze a
month before he kicked the bucket. This might be true and might not, so don’t
ask me, this is not a press conference. The point is, Timothy Leary finally
announced that he didn’t want his head becoming an icon, and that he
distrusted cryonics labs. So the official story is, he chose another
publicity stunt for his farewell party instead - he was cremated and had some
of his ashes shot into space.

But within a few months of Timothy Leary’s death, our movie came out with an
ending scene that showed Dr. Tim’s demise, decapitation, and the storage of
his frozen head. That’s when the LSD guru’s most serious-minded devotees got
VERY upset with me and threatened to banish me if I ever showed up at one of
their raves. Apparently, they kicked me out of Hippie-Land forever, and never
again would I show up in San Francisco with flowers in my hair. Many of the
former leaders of the Psychedelic Revolution denounced me because I had the
audacity to do something UNTHINKABLE. They forgot that the very lesson
Timothy taught us was that NOTHING is UNTHINKABLE, so do it (as long as it
doesn’t hurt anybody).

As I said at the outset, you can see the controversial ending to TIMOTHY
LEARY’S DEAD right now, today, as a Halloween Spectacular at www.ilooks.com,
a site I would recommend to you anyway, whether Timothy Leary was playing
there or not. Finish reading this article and then click over to ilooks and
get grossed out. (One patron barfed in the theater where this film showed in
Berkeley and our theatrical playdates were then cut very short in the Bay
Area). You may even want to order a VHS copy of the whole movie while you’re
there, and I hope you will because only a fraction of you probably saw it.
With the www.ilooks.com connection, which I authorize, you’ll promptly
receive your copy.

The critics were evenly divided over the authenticity of the decapitation
scene. A study of the news articles adds up to unique research in
journalistic sociology. For the New York Times, the scene was real. Their
review stated that Leary was now a "Headless Body in Topless Orbit." Ed
Guthman, of the San Francisco Chronicle, decided it was real, and he
denounced the film on the day it opened because the ending was done in
unspeakably bad taste. At the New York Post, Michael Medved also concluded it
was real. Like many other critics, he warned all "decent" people everywhere
to avoid it at all costs. "Turn on, tune in, DON’T GO" he shouted. But he
didn’t like Timothy Leary alive or dead.

But love him or hate him, all free-thinking people have to admit that Timothy
Leary started a revolution that has been helping Republicans get elected ever
since. Dr. Tim was certainly not a Republican. He ran for Governor of
California against a Republican named Ronald Reagan, and they threw him in
jail during the campaign. In fact, one of Dr. Tim’s greatest fears about
cryonics was that he might be resuscitated during a Republican

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY gave the film a "B," a higher grade than they gave to
STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE, but they decided the ending was an
egregiously clever put-on. I don’t mind anybody thinking that. Dr. Tim
realized that if the Establishment thought that his frozen head, suitable for
cloning, DID exist, it was only a matter of time until authorities would find
an excuse to search every cryonics lab in the world until they found his head
so they could pull the plug. The Establishment would do anything to prevent
Timothy Leary from returning from the dead, quite possibly to the point of
making door to door searches for the head, perhaps at the same future time
they go door to door to confiscate guns. "Excuse me, ma’am, do you have any
unregistered handguns? And we’ll just take a quick look in your freezer while
we’re here, step aside, please."

The Toronto Star declared: "He’s dead, but where’s his head? TIMOTHY LEARY’S
DEAD purports to show the severing of the Acid King’s head from his body,
soon after his death from prostate cancer. But is it really Leary’s head on
screen, or just a mask? Davids considers this his biggest mystery." It goes
on to say: "Davids is convinced the anti-Leary forces are out there, waiting
to interrupt Leary’s final experiment."

>From Silicon Valley, Steve Rhodes Reviews says: "It seems that Leary, with
his inflated view of the power of his brain, wanted his head frozen so his
brain could be preserved for future generations. We get to witness the actual
decapitation. And it is as horrific as it sounds." Steve Rhodes is definitely
in the camp that believes Leary lives in a freezer.

Newsweek described the ending as "The most shocking scene in a movie . . .
sure to cause a furor."

THE Izine DECLARES: "For any scholar or keen observer of the ‘60s and ‘70s
this visual mantra will fulfill your wildest fantasies, and for those who
seek a portal into eccentricity, then this will blow your mind. An
exceptional piece of documentary film-making for an exceptional pioneer."

Reviewer Andrea Chase said: "The last scenes of TIMOTHY LEARY’S DEAD show his
head being removed and frozen. But can we believe our eyes? Considering his
relationship with reality, it’s the perfect Leary-esque parting shot."

>From the New York Underground Film Festival: "Even post-mortem, Leary makes
sure to shock audiences: graphic footage of his head being severed from his
body for cryogenic storage will be sure to wake up even the most burnt-out
Hippie devotee."

ON SCREEN rates films giving them between one and four eyeballs, with four
being the best. They said: "Any movie in which the hero weighs the
possibilities of expiring live on the net, having his head cryogenically
frozen, or shooting his cremated remains into space, is good for at least
three eyeballs in my book."

So what’s actually going on here? Could the Leary loyalists be lying when
they claim the ending of our movie was nothing but a cosmic wink, a parting
joke? Are they guilty of a coverup, to secretly work for the success of
Leary’s future biological return? Time and space do not permit me to make a
full reply to those complex questions today, but if you don’t believe it,
consider this: Timothy Leary signed one of his books to me, writing the
So how do you think he expects me to direct him in the sequel, if he didn’t
freeze his head intending to be resuscitated within two decades?

See you next week at FLYING SAUCERS OVER HOLLYWOOD, as we continue our
endless search for THE TRUTH, wherever we can find it. In the meantime, maybe
a bit of the truth is lurking over at www.ilooks.com. Happy Halloween.

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