> Conspiracy Fact vs. Government Fabrication
> http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb1075995
> Conspiracy Fact vs. Government Fabrication
> by Ian Williams Goddard
> The question was recently put to me in the course of an
> internet dialog regarding conspiracy theories, "Ian, can you
> give examples of conspiracy theories which have been proven
> true?" Toward the satisfaction of this question I offered
> the following:
> IAN: If we define "proven true" as "that which is accepted
> by the GovtMedia," and thus by the majority of people, I'd be
> hard-pressed to point to a conspiracy "proven true."
> If we define "proven true" as "consistent with facts," then
> there are many conspiracy theories proven true, such as:
> CONSPIRACY THEORY 1: Attica prison guards killed all the
> prisoners and hostages during the 1971 Attica prison riot.
> FACT: The GovtMedia reported that the prisoners cut the
> hostage's throats. Headlines even read "I Saw The Slit
> Thoughts." Recently, 25 years later, the man who did the
> autopsies, Dr. Baden, said on the HBO series "Autopsy" that
> the guards shot everyone and the stories to the contrary
> were a Big Lie. Yet the media line is still the govt line. It
> becomes clear after a little research that the media serves
> the State.
> CONSPIRACY THEORY 2: Many people who died during the
> final assault on the Branch Davidian community in Waco, TX,
> were killed by the FBI, not at the hands of Davidian members
> as reported. The GovtMedia con- spires to cover-up and
> censor facts proving this.
> FACT 1: In November of '93, pathologist Dr. Rodney Crowe,
> who did autopsies on surviving bodies from the Waco fire,
> said on the Maury Povich Show that the children who died of
> blunt-force trauma were in fact * crushed to death after a
> tank collapsed a concrete wall on them. * The children and
> their mothers -- over 40 women and children -- were in this
> concrete room ( which the govt called "the bunker" ) trying
> to survive, not to kill themselves as the GovtMedia would
> have us think. They were all killed. The GovtMedia told us
> that these children were "beaten to death by their parents
> in the final moments." Dr. Crowe was irate about this gross
> example of GovtMedia disinformation.
> FACT 2: Medical examiner Nizaam Peerwani testified at the
> Davidian's trial that three women and six children in that
> concrete room died of suffocation *before* the fire. He
> suspects it was due to CS gas (Trial transcripts: 5979,
> 6029). Did you hear about that on the news? Nope. Ms. Reno
> said she does not think CS can be lethal to children, yet the
> label on all CS canisters says that CS used indoors can be
> fatal to children. Before the fire, a tank shot several *
> exploding * CS rounds point- blank into that small room filled
> with women and children. Mt Carmel was heavily bugged, so
> they had to know where the women and children were.
> Notice how these *facts* are censored from all news
> coverage. That is itself proof of conspiracy to cover-up
> mass murder. More:
> FACT 3: According to former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark, infra-red (FLIR) video taken from the FBI's own
> helicopter proves that the FBI fired heavily with
> full-auto-machine-guns into the Mt Carmel center just as the
> fire started, which was when people would most likely try to
> exit. The FLIR video also proves that Davidians did NOT fire
> out at the tanks on that day as reported by the GovtMedia.
> That bit of disinformation was a key pretext to speeding up
> the demolition of the building. Ramsey Clark will be using
> this FLIR video in upcoming wrongful death suits against the
> so-called "Department of Justice." Ramsey Clark spoke about
> this FLIR video footage at the April 19, 1996 memorial
> gathering in Waco, TX.
> FACT 4: Toxicologist Dr. William Marcus, testified at the
> Congressional Hearings on Waco that the CS molecule
> contains a "cyanide radical" that could have been
> transdermally absorbed by the children due to their thin skin.
> CS also converts to hydrogen cyanide when burned. In fact,
> surviving bodies where found to contain very high levels of
> cyanide. Dr. Marcus also observed that CS is a heavy particle
> that was suspended in the air like a gas only for a brief
> period, carried by the flammable and toxic agent methyl
> chloride, thus CS particles fall quickly to the ground.
> The FBI calculated that if spread evenly over the known sq.
> feet of indoor space, the tons of CS pumped in should not
> have exceeded safe levels. But this is a deception because,
> as CS quickly falls, very high concentrations would be found
> toward the floor along with the children and fallen adults,
> in fact, 10 to 100x higher than if uniformly distributed.
> I believe that these facts prove the conspiracy theory that
> the govt killed many or most of the people who died on April
> 19, 1993 at Waco, TX. The facts also strongly suggest, to
> say the least, that the govt killed with intent. They also
> prove that the media censors all those facts that indicate
> govt culpability in favor of false claims that demonize the
> victims of govt abuse, thereby rendering the media a willing
> accessory to mass murder and to the obstruction of justice.
> CONSPIRACY THEORY 3: The FBI facilitated and allowed the
> World Trade Center bombing to happen when they could have
> stopped it.
> FACTS: As reported by The New York Times (10/28/93) and
> CNN, Mr. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer,
> was used by the FBI to infiltrate the terrorists later
> charged in the Trade Center bombing. The original plan told to Mr.
> Salem was that his job was to see to it that fake explosives
> were used, then the bombers would be busted for planting
> what they thought was a real bomb with no possibility of
> anybody getting hurt. A good plan. Mr. Salem secretly
> tape-recorded hundreds of hours of his telephonic
> communications with authorities without their knowledge.
> The recordings reveal that the FBI changed the original plan
> and told Mr. Salem NOT to use the fake explosives but to use
> REAL explosives. The FBI agent who told him to use real
> explosives was adamant about this. I saw and heard this on
> CNN in '93 and could not believe my eyes and ears, I
> thought, "We'll never hear the end of this." Boy was I
> wrong, it totally disappeared. Alas, there is an excerpt of some
> of this that was printed in The New York Times (10/28/93)
> available at:
> <a href="http://www.netwrk2000.com/okbomnws.html"
> http://www.netwrk2000.com/okbomnws.html</a>
> While these recordings were played in preliminary court
> hearings, they were barred from the actual trial because Mr.
> Salem made them without the permission of the FBI agents.
> The govt can bug you without your permission, but the
> opposite is not also true -- that's tyranny. The tapes
> exist, and they prove that the FBI de facto orchestrated the
> bombing of the World Trade Center, an act that would result
> in massive new police powers for the FBI. However, because
> the tapes were barred from court, the media simply pretends
> they don't exist and the truth is forever nullified from the
> official GovtMedia story, exiled to the dark allies of seedy
> conspiracy theory.
> They say that tens of thousands would have died if the
> truck-bomb had been able to park in the spot the bombers
> had reserved, right next to a key column, but when they got
> there a car had taken their spot. I'd like to think someone
> knew about this and parked the car there to save the lives
> of thousands of people.
> CONSPIRACY THEORY 4: The FBI fabricated evidence in the
> Oklahoma bombing investigation.
> FACT: Associated Press 04/10/96 reports that (emphasis
> added):
> Prosecutors agreed to turn over letters from FBI agent
> Frederic Whitehurts, who tested Mr. McVeigh's cloths for
> traces of explosives. Mr. Whitehurst has claimed that
> investigators FAKED evidence in the bombing case. ^^^^^
> CONSPIRACY THEORY 5: The Govt was both involved in the
> April 19, 1993 Oklahoma City bombing and had foreknowledge
> of it, and both the govt and the media are covering this up.
> FACT 1: Former Grand Juror Hoppy Heidelberg, in charge of
> evidence in the Oklahoma City bombing case, told the press
> that, "No one who saw McVeigh with other suspects [ such
> as John Doe #2 ], was ever allowed to testify before the
> Federal Grand Jury." Mr. Heidelberg was eventually thrown
> off the jury after he refused to stop asking questions about
> John Doe 2. His review of the best available evidence lead him to
> conclude, as was reported in both the USA Today (10/19/95)
> and the AP:
> "I think they [the govt] know who John Doe 2 is, and they
> are protecting him. This is because John Doe 2 was either a
> government agent or a government informant. Either way
> they [the govt] had... prior knowledge to the bombing and
> that's what they can't afford to come out."
> After this single report in the media, Mr. Heidelburg's story is
> for all intents and purposes gone with the wind -- no longer
> part of the picture.
> FACT 2: The Portland newspaper the OREGONIAN (4/20/95),
> states that Judge Wayne Alley, whose office sits across from
> the Murrah building, was warned several days prior to the
> blast by "security specialists" to take "special precautions."
> This story never resurfaced.
> FACT 3: The USA Today (4/20/95) reported that Harvy
> Weathers, of the Oklahoma City Fire Department, said that
> the fire dept. had received a call from the FBI prior to the
> bombing stating that there would be "some people entering
> the city over the weekend." Weathers did not explain what
> this meant, but obviously an army of FBI were to enter the
> city after the bombing later the next week. "Over the
> weekend" would have been a few days before the bombing.
> Then consider that:
> FACT 4: Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key says
> that he knows of two witnesses who overheard ATF
> employees state that they were warned not to come to work
> that day, indeed, even as the ATF was the supposed target
> of the bombing, no ATF agents were killed, and few if any
> showed up for work that day. Representative Key also points
> out that bomb squad employees were seen in front of the
> building at 7:15 am, about two hours prior to the blast. Rep.
> Key has conducted his own investigation and was so shocked
> with the evidence he uncovered, he compiled it into a video
> presentation, to be found at a site also promoting the
> bible:
> <a href="http://teaminfinity.com/ookkcc.html"
> http://teaminfinity.com/ookkcc.html</a>
> FACT 5: As reported by the Associated Press, the McVeigh
> defense team is in possession of a tape of a call made by the
> FBI to Oklahoma City officials warning of a possible terrorist
> event in the next few days made several days prior to the
> blast.
> FACT 6: As reported widely on CNN and TV stations across
> the nation, up to four primed bombs were found and defused
> inside what remained of the Murrah Center Federal Building on
> April 19, 1995. I have much of this on tape. How could bombs
> have been placed inside a large govt building without inside
> govt connections ?
> FACT 7: According to CNN, the bombs were found by bomb
> sniffing dogs. The ATF later said they were dummy bombs
> used for bomb training in the busy downtown office building.
> If true, then, containing no explosives, explosives detecting
> dogs would not had tracked them down as they did, nor
> would munitions technicians have spent so much time
> defusing them as they did, for, training bombs are always
> clearly labeled as such. The ATF's "dummy bomb" story, is at
> odds with the facts.
> FACT 8: KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City reported on the 19th that
> two or more of the bombs found inside were "far larger in
> magnitude than the fist that went off INSIDE the building"
> (seismic recorders at two locations, University of Oklahoma
> and the Omniplex Science Center, both recorded TWO
> blasts). A terrorist expert, Dr. Randall Heather, on KFOR-TV
> said, "We have both of the bombs that were defused at the
> site and they are being taken apart." KFOR-TV news
> coverage went on to say that another bomb was found
> strapped to a column next to the day-care center. Up to four
> unexploded bombs where found inside by the end of the day.
> FACT 9: Brigadier General Partin (USAF, Air Force Armament
> Technology Laboratory, ret.), one of the top munitions
> experts in the world, says that blast damage patterns are
> NOT consistent with an ANFO truck bomb. He says that
> demolition charges had to be placed on the columns, and
> sure enough, one was found attached to a column that failed
> to go off. Important excerpts of Partin's report along with
> many photographs may be found at (very large page, select
> no graphics for speed):
> <a href="http://www.tncnet.com/~rsears/oak/explode.html"
> http://www.tncnet.com/~rsears/oak/explode.html</a>
> FACT 10: The publication Veritas (5/9/95) states that bomb
> technicians inside the building on the 19th who were finding
> the unexploded bombs inside the building were heard to say
> over police radio:
> First voice: Boy your not going to believe this! Second voice:
> Believe what? First voice: I can't believe it... this is a
> military bomb!
> Fed Implicated in OKC Bombing
> <a href="http://www.apfn.org/apfn/fed.htm"
> http://www.apfn.org/apfn/fed.htm</a>
> Oklahoma City Bombing
> <a href="http://www.apfn.org/apfn/oklahoma.htm"
> http://www.apfn.org/apfn/oklahoma.htm</a>
> <a href="http://members.aol.com/bardsquill/truck.htm"
> http://members.aol.com/bardsquill/truck.htm</A>
> Thirty Oklahoma City Bombing Questions That Demand an Answer NOW!
> <A HREF="http://www.parascope.com/articles/0697/30quest.htm"
> http://www.parascope.com/articles/0697/30quest.htm</A>
> At <a href="http://www.erols.com/igoddard/okbook.htm"
> http://www.erols.com/igoddard/okbook.htm</a> you can find
> an order form for a book written by Michele Marie Moore, an
> investigator in Oklahoma City who recorded hundreds of hours
> of local TV, Police, Fire and EMT broadcasts that reveal the
> shocking untold truth about what really happened in OK City.
> The result of the bombing was that the police forces of the
> federal govt were given massive new powers granted by the
> "Anti-terrorist Bill" signed at a large White House ceremony
> exactly one year after the OK bombing.
> You can also purchase the book "OKBOMB, Conspiracy and
> Cover-up," from A-albionic Research, P.O. Box 20273,
> Ferndale, MI 48220, for $18.90.
> The above listing of facts is but a drop in the bucket of all
> facts that support and/or prove conspiracy on the part of
> the govt in only the few cases cited above. Needless to say
> there are many other cases with significant evidence to
> suggest govt conspiracy, such as the assassinations of
> President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and civil
> rights leader Martin Luther King, the Jonestown atrocity, the
> running of drugs,... All largely or entirely censored by the
> major media, except as the stories are breaking, prior,
> evidence dictates, to an organized effort to suppress.
> A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the
> facts, who refuse to believe that their govt and their media
> will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to
> verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the
> Police State Dictatorship it's going to get.
> =====================================================================
> The spirits of our forefathers cry out!
> http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb1075995
> CIA weather modification
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> http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb1075995
> Why Waco?
> http://www.apfn.org/apfn/apfncont.htm
> "It takes two to speak the truth: one to speak, and another to hear."
>           -Henry David Thoreau

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