> -----Original Message-----
> From: lynx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 4:47 PM
> Subject: [starcgrassroots] Urgent ACTION ALERT - SEED LAW
> October 24, 2000
> In May of 2000 the Minister of Agriculture and
> Livestock presented the Seed Law bill to the
> Legislative Assembly which would replace the existing 
> Certification of  Seeds and Plants Law.  The new law
> would allow the "free circulation" of genetically
> engineered foods into the country without any
> restriction, safeguarding or certification process. 
> This would be a green light for transnational
> corporations to experiment, produce, import and
> commercialize transgenetic organisms without having to
> worry about the effects to the local economy, health,
> or environment.
> According to the CDC (Center of Defense of the
> Consumer), Monsanto and it's local subsidiary Semillas
> SA, which ex- president Christiani owns, are the
> financial interests behind the law.  The financial
> interests of this company, which has unsurpassed
> control over the seed industry, and the Seed Law would
> create disastrous social effects.
> Genetically engineered products are usually advertised
> as a way of ending world hunger, but in reality have
> been used to control world food production.  This
> phenomenon must be placed within the context of
> neo-liberal globalization.  Large transnational
> companies utilize patents or Trade Related
> Intellectual Property Rights to further control the
> production of food.  Patenting and property rights are
> an essential ingredient in the biotechnology
> industry.  By patenting plants and seeds, once the
> modified seeds are introduced into a community the
> traditional communal way of farming by collecting
> seeds and replanting the next year will be illegal. 
> Through the TRIPs agreement, which was established at
> the Uruguay Round Agreement, foreign corporations can
> also appropriate valuable agricultural and medicinal
> biodiversity from "developing countries".  The TRIPs
> agreement states that all members of the WTO (World
> Trade Organization) must allow patenting or another
> "effective" system.  Anything that can be genetically
> manipulated can be patented as private property by
> transnational corporations.  The TRIPs agreement was
> conceived by the Intellectual Property Committee which
> was made up of powerful companies with global
> financial interests.  At the time they were Bristol
> Meyers, Dupont, General Electric, General Motors,
> Hewlett Packard, IBM, Johnson and Johnson, Merck,
> Monsanto, Pfizer, Rockwell and Time-Warner.  Any
> country that violates "international standards" of
> property rights can face the wrath of sanctions,
> fines, or other means of inflicting damage upon
> non-abiding nations.
> In order to gain world control of food production,
> local and traditional producers must be driven out. 
> The new market for the transnationals must be "opened
> up".  There are various ways in which this done. 
> Often, the World Bank and the IMF encourage or demand
> that countries not only buy genetically engineered
> seeds but also that they plant non- traditional crops
> for export instead of producing for their needs (often
> times the "owner" of the exports is a private
> transnational). This practice often ends in disaster
> such as in Mexico and Zimbabwe where both countries
> were "advised" to halt production of the local food
> staple. Another way of displacing the local producers
> is by "dumping".  Dumping is the practice of "dumping"
> mass quantities of certain foreign staple food
> products on a community with the goal of stopping
> local food production which is meant to be consumed by
> the local communities and opening the "new market".
> Such is the case right now in El Salvador.  According
> to the CDC, free genetically engineered seeds are
> being distributed to farmers in order to create
> dependency.  In the case of El Salvador, this law
> would exacerbate the already grave situation which
> confronts the small and medium size farmers in this
> country.
> Finally, without any required testing or protocols in
> place "developing" countries turn into laboratories
> for genetic experiments which result in health hazards
> and environmental devastation.  Studies have shown
> that genetically modified foods are already on the
> shelves in the supermarkets of El Salvador without
> having followed the appropriate norms and
> regulations.  If a country has too high of standards a
> dispute can be brought to the World Trade
> Organization.  The committee is made up of "trade
> experts" not scientists or doctors who study the
> social effects.  In the end the determining factor is
> if its good for "trade" not if its good for the
> people.
> On October 16, the CDC placed a resolution in the
> Legislative Assembly  which includes 6 basic measures
> to try to ensure the safety of the people of El
> Salvador.  The measures are: all decisions including
> the use of transgenetic organisms should be consulted
> with the citizenry first, opening up spaces for
> participation and discussion about the risks and
> impacts
> the Seed Law should not be signed until the Cartagena
> Protocol and the Biodiversity Law are ratified
> declare a moratorium on the entrance of transgenetic
> organisms until it is proven that they are completely
> safe for the population
> the center theme of all biosecurity policies should be
> the application of the Caution Principal
> before approving any related initiative to genetic
> manipulation an institutional norm must be established
> to assure the control and the regulation of such
> organisms in order to protect health, the environment,
> and life itself.
> that the Ministers of Agriculture and Livestock,
> Economy, Public Health, Social Security, Environment
> and Natural Resources explain the considerations and
> economic, social and political impacts.
> The resolution will be sent to a special commission to
> analyze the bill and the resolution.  In this case,
> the Commission of Agriculture and Economy will be in
> charge of investigating the issue.
> WHAT YOU CAN DO: Write the special commission and
> demand that they follow all the requests presented by
> the CDC in their resolution
> Comisión de Economía y Agricultura
>      Asamblea Legislative
>      Centro de Gobierno
>      San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A.
>      Fax: (503) 281-9526 Sample Letter Follows
> Comisión de Economía y Agricultura
> Asamblea Legislativa
> Centro de Gobierno
> San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A.
> Dear Distinguished Members of the Commission,
> I write you today as a concerned world food consumer
> and as an individual who cares for the safety and well
> being of the people of El Salvador. As a result, I
> urge you to seriously study the Seed Law as presented
> by the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock along
> with the bill presented by the Centro para la Defensa
> del Comsumidor (CDC).  I also urge you to implement
> the 6 measures included in the bill presented by the
> CDC.  Failure to do so will lead to health and
> environmental risks for the people of El Salvador.  In
> addition, this new law would help to eradicate
> traditional farming done by small and medium sized
> farms and would further exacerbate the agricultural
> crisis.
> Sincerely,
> Comisión de Economía y Agricultura
> Asamblea Legislativa
> Centro de Gobierno
> San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A.
> Estimados miembros de la Comisión de Agricultura y
> Economía,
> Les deseo éxito en su trabajo y espero que esta carta
> les encuentre bien.
> Les escribo como consumidor de alimentos mundiales y
> como persona preocupado(a) sobre la salud y el
> bienestar del pueblo Salvadoreño.  En ese sentido, por
> este medio les solicito atentamente que examinen
> detenida y profundamente, la Ley de Semillas
> presentada por el Ministerio de Agricultura y
> Ganadería.  De igual forma, que lo hagan con las
> solicitudes contenidas dentro de la pieza de
> correspondencia entregada por el Centro de la Defensa
> del Consumidor (CDC) el d ía 16 de Octubre de 2000. 
> Esta pieza de correspondencia, junto con las
> solicitudes, están directamente vinculadas con la
> aprobación de la Ley.  Además, les pido que respondan
> satisfactoriamente a dichas solicitudes, que son seis,
> ya que de lo contrario, la salud del pueblo
> Salvadoreño y el medio ambiente estarán en peligro. 
> La crisis agropecuaria también se profundizaría si se
> aprueba la Ley sin tomar en cuenta las solicitudes del
> CDC.
> Sinceramente,
> ______________________________________
> Sent by Bay Area CISPES,
> Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
> 3382 26th Street
> San Francisco, CA 94110
> Phone: (415)648-8222
> Fax:   (415)648-6529
> www.cispes.org
> CISPES meets on the 1st Wednesday of
> every month at 7:00pm at above address.
> __________________________________________________
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