Correction:  First line of my letter re the above, I said "George" was
stuffing his trousers and it was not George, but GORE.....then it is
getting close to Thanksgiving, however......maybe that is what they
meant.    He is overplaying the sex angle because he thinks it worked
for Clinton?

That might be true if you want support of the prostitutes and floosies.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

So it is alleged George is "stuffing" his trousers, and I wonder with is all too obvious this man is sick.....this article is
disigusting and Clinton's picture on Esquire is disgusting....they act
like a couple of degenerates - come to think of it....well forget that
one.   This item is revolting but then I did not rite it, however the
subject line will pull up a lot of good stuff on conditions in Israel
and Sharon wanting to bounce Barak - wonder who will get whom?


So here we go - the man Tipper Gore said was "sexy" to which I thought,
about as sexy as Quasimoto the Bell Ringer and a Vampire Bat.

Happy All Souls Day, You all  and Nessie Get Well were

PS"  Gore was on TV stupid talk show with this black woman who asked him
if he ever wore leather pants......that guy is uncouth.

 Front Page
 Election 2000

November 1, 2000
Liar, liar
Tony Blankley
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for daily election news and analysis
     Steak or lasagna; red wine or white; paper or plastic;
George W. Bush or Al Gore?
     With a week to go, some voters — about one in six —
are still struggling with what they apparently believe is one of life's
annoying little decisions — who they want as president. As I chatted
with various strangers last weekend who told me they were still
undecided, I was struck by how many of them had fallen victim to the
confusions inflicted on the public by the media.
     Perhaps the most persistent and outrageous media conceit
that has increased the indecision of the public is that Mr. Bush is not
smart enough to be president, while Mr. Gore is one of the nation's
better minds. Reporters who are graduates of Palooka College make fun of
Mr. Bush, who not only graduated from Yale, but gained a masters from
Harvard Business School, while Mr. Gore flunked out of divinity school
and dropped out of law school. These media types, perhaps
understandably, confuse loquacity with intelligence.
     More to the point, it has apparently missed these wise
guys' attention that Mr. Bush has crafted one of the most brilliantly
successful careers in recent American political history. It is not by
chance that he is only the second son of a president in American history
to gain the nomination of a major party for president (the other one,
John Quincy Adams, won his election.)
     As to the second part of the equation — what is the
evidence that Mr. Gore is particularly smart? I've been in a few
meetings with him, and my assessment is that he was spotting both Bill
Clinton and my old boss Newt Gingrich about 25 IQ points. He struck me
as a pretentious, intellectual poseur of the second rank. I'll give him
only this: His successes have been a tribute to good work habits. He
memorizes a myriad of details, but he lacks the intelligence to
synthesis diverse data or to risk spontaneity in an intellectual give
and take. Where Mr. Clinton would respond to Mr. Gingrich's arguments
with adroit and responsive rebuttal, Mr. Gore invariably fell back on
canned talking points, which he would regurgitate on command.
     The most compelling evidence of Mr. Gore's lack of
useable political intelligence is, of course, his election campaign. He
has masterminded (and micro-managed, if one can believe the reports in
The Washington Post and New York Times) what should have been an easy
double-digit victory into what looks like a probable loss. He has
consistently shown bad judgment.
     Worst of all, whatever knowledge Mr. Gore has acquired in
his life, he has utterly failed to acquire the self-knowledge and
self-confidence that is the prime requisite for the presidency. The last
thing this country needs is another president whose self-doubt and
psychological confusion may lead him and the country down dangerous
paths. This psychological confusion has most recently manifested itself
in Mr. Gore's appalling cover photograph on Rolling Stone magazine. What
inner demon or sense of sexual inadequacy could have driven Mr. Gore to
pose for that photograph in a pair of pants so tight that his
masculinity (or a surreptitiously placed substitute) caused an
unbecoming bulge? Is this part of some competitive psychodrama Mr. Gore
and his boss are engaged in?
     Which brings me to the ultimate reason to defeat Mr.
Gore: We must put an end to Clintonism before it sends down its tainted
roots any deeper into the soil of our republic. By Clintonism I mean the
use of the lie, not as an occasional defense mechanism, but as the prime
agent of its statecraft. Both Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore not only lie
about their opponents, they lie about their own programs and intentions.
     The most recent example is Mr. Gore's mendacious claim
last week that he is the candidate of smaller, more limited government.
When I was Newt Gingrich's press secretary I experienced firsthand how
the calculated lie makes honest debate impossible. If a president is
willing to lie about the most basic governmental and political facts,
civic debate becomes impossible, and the public becomes incapable of
informed judgment. Because of the great weight that any president's
words have with the public, the president of the United States must not
be a liar. One of the grounds correctly included in Richard Nixon's
articles of impeachment was that he lied to the American public. It is a
measure of how far we have fallen in just eight years, that such a
charge today would sound quaint.
     If you agreed with none of George Bush's proposals, it
would still be your civic duty to vote for him — an honest man — and
thereby end the grievous reign of Clintonism.
Tony Blankley is a columnist for The Washington Times. His column
appears on Wednesdays.
 Visit our Election 2000 page
for daily election news and analysis
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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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