Implant/Mindcontrol  Victim Poiltical Views


As a first hand vicitm of Mindcontrol and most likely implants,
where in the United States I was legally implanted
with electrodes into my skull brain or ears as
in (Involuntary Human medical Experimentation).

I was then legally experimented on intentionally to
cause Emotional  Physical pain and Bodily damage by a group
of people who stalked me legally, interfered and intergere
with my education destroyed my Economic condition in
life, tried and try to damage my reputation by spreading
false reasons or excuses as to why this is being
done to me and being done to me.

I have been encouraged to break the law Under physical torture
but have not. Serving as a Judge of Election I was spied
on and was not able to vote in a private ballot as my tortures
insulted me as I made my choice.
Locally a handgun was taken away from me while I served as a security
guard and two repeat felons who attacked me to the point of bleeding
caused a $200 hundred dollar medical bill for which I am charged by
acollection agency.

Another Collection agency wants to garnish wages after I bought medical
supplies from a vetrinary supply house on a credit card  in order to perform
surgurey on
severe secondary infections from burns I recieved from implanted electrodes.

Before I did the surgurey I was denied any medical assistance and was
suggested to agree I had a mental
problem which I did not have. I was denied disability from Social Security
and told although I had cysts dripping yellow fluid requiring active Drainage
from these wounds and had to engage in Razor surgurey I had no disabling
physical condition.

At the time I was unable find any employment. In 1996 people were hired to
torture and broadcast insults to me 24 hours a day which they continue to
do at this time. They have caused physical damage to the point my ears
dripped blood
on at least two occasions and have hemmoragged my vans Defrans.
Via a radio implant in my skull this group electroshocked me and told me that
the girl
who I was making love to was going to have her ovaries exploded, by a
thru-the wall radar
or other directed energy system.

I wrote the White house via Email regarding this issue and informing them of
other occurences of
this type of crime refering to an online database of the testimony and
medical evidence of other
vicitms of a similar process. I wrote a local Congress Woman who wrote a
ltter back and refered
me to her local office for food or medical supplies which did nothing
when I contacted them twice.

Local Police knowing of this situation of repeated first hand torture have
done nothing but instead
use my body as a public bugging device and encourage me to drop out of
school become a gang memeber
or drug dealer so they can spy on criminals. They do not and have not
compensated me. Instead they recruit
or allow local gang members to broadcast insults into the transmitter embeed
in my body. One group also
spends the day following me around trying to make me deficate or urinate via

It is for these reasons that there should be a Politcal Change in the what is
now a Police State where
Politicians do nothing to stop Human rights abuses on U.S. soil. These events
can happen to anyone
and there are no laws, I think its time to vote irresponsbile people out of
office. If the voting process  even works.
If youre a politician perhpas you can do something today, if your not perhaps
you can tell a politician unless theres a new law that removes your tongue
and hands if you disagree with something such as your children being
experimented on
and paid by tax dollars.

Project Freedom

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