-Caveat Lector-

So A. Saba and her views this news item printed......was very proud to
see that this small voice, and just plain average citizen, was heard by
many people.

A. Saba

3, 2000, 10:58pm (EST-2) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: GOP News & Views - November 7, 2000

Last Eight Years: RIP
"Here lies honor, decency, morality and integrity July 4, 1776 -
November 2, 1992
Slain by the Clinton/Gore gang"
- Tombstone inscription noticed by a GOPN&V reader in Florida on
Halloween night
We'll Drive Off That Bridge When We Come to It
"The extenuating circumstances surrounding (George W. Bush's) arrest
will likely shield the GOP nominee from the kind of initial damage which
could kill him outright. Nobody was hurt. There was no accident. He was
still young. It never happened again. He gave up drinking and moved on
with his life. Most impressively, he didn't pull strings to avoid
prosecution. His father was a famous man, particularly near his Maine
home: He had already served as chairman of the Republican Party, head of
the CIA and ambassador to China. George W. could have tried to throw his
weight around - as Ted Kennedy did at Chappaquidick, for example. Bush
didn't. He was arrested. He was convicted. He paid his fine. His license
was suspended in Maine."
- Columnist Dick Morris, New York Post, 11/3/00
Timing Stinks Like Yesterday's Diapers

"As November surprises go, news that George W. Bush was busted for drunk
driving a quarter-century ago is pretty weak tea. If that's the best
that Al Gore's dirty tricksters can come up with, Bush is looking
cleaner than ever. ... News of the arrest gurgled up out of the
Clinton-Gore septic system scarcely five full days before the nation
goes to the polls next Tuesday. An accident of timing? A hard-working
investigative reporter who hit pay dirt precisely at the time Americans
are paying such close attention to the two men now seeking to lead them
into a new century? Please. ... (T)he issue that should alarm America -
and which certainly alarms us - is that all this comes to light with
fewer than 120 hours to go before the polls open on the East Coast. Here
are the questions: What did Al Gore know? And when did he know it?"
- New York Post editorial, 11/3/00
Leaker ID'ed As a Major League "Clymer"
"About the timing of the (drunk driving) revelation, Bush says: 'That's
an interesting question--why now, four days before an election? . . . I
got my suspicions.' WPXT airs a story saying that the source of the
report was Tom Connolly, a Portland lawyer who ran unsuccessfully for
governor two years ago and was a Gore delegate to the 2000 Democratic
convention. From the Drudge Report we learn that Connolly is the brains
behind an anti-Bush Web site, wienerboy.org, which offers such elevated
political commentary as this: 'Wiener Boy Bush is 97% filler with 2%
pigs lips and snout along with 1% pure bull coupled with .001% of rodent
feces.' ... For our part, we think Bush should have disclosed his
drunk-driving arrest at the outset of the campaign, precisely to avoid
such a 'November surprise.' But after eight years of finger-wagging
denials, I-didn't-inhale evasions and no-controlling-legal-authority
excuses, we find it refreshing to see a candidate for president candidly
acknowledge a past wrong."
- WSJ.com OpinionJournal, 11/3/00
Failure to Disclose Early a Tactical Mistake
"George W. Bush's Thursday admission that he was arrested in 1976 for
drunken driving (only to be one-upped by vice presidential candidate

Dick Cheney's admission that he was twice arrested for the same crime)
is a classic tactical error, although there's clearly going to be some
raucous parties at the White House if these guys get elected. Bush
should have been the one to disclose this little bit of
presidential-family trivia, and he should have done it long ago.
"Vincent Bugliosi, the former Los Angeles County prosecutor who handled
the Charles Manson case, has written in several of his books --
including 'Outrage,' the single best tome on the O.J. Simpson murder
trial -- that when he was prosecuting a case, if there was information
that hurt his argument, he would bring it out first on direct
examination. The approach not only let him control how the information
got out, but also showed his juries that he had nothing to hide. But
best of all, it left defense attorneys (who had no doubt prepared like
Democratic opposition researchers looking for an 'October surprise')
nowhere to go when it was their turn to cross."
- Columnist Steve Sebelius, Nevada e-Briefing, 11/3/00
Hold Me Closer Ballet Dancer

"The important thing here with George Bush, he faced the DUI as a man -
he did not try to use his father, his plea was guilty but without a
doubt he could have had the charge reduced, he paid the same fine and
served the same sentence of suspension as another other citizen. For you
see, he above all knows No Man Is Above the Law........and the man who
sets himself above the law is an enemy to our country and to our
children. George Bush is a real man. Big Al, well - he is no gentleman
and is uncouth as well, with the too tight pants like a ballet dancer -
he looks stupid and a little sick.
  - GOP

N&V reader A. Saba, 11/3/00
Who Da Man Behind WhoDB?
Donald Dunn ... a weasly-looking, whiny-sounding 29-year-old "Clymer"
... is the Democrat candidate going up against Utah Republican Rep.
Chris Cannon ... a member of our "Top Ten" list and one of the heroic
House impeachment managers.
In the campaign, Dunn has been touting his experience as a former White
House intern (coincidentally around the same time as "that woman") and
has been attacking Cannon with reckless abandon in the press. He's also
been airing some of the most ridiculous, childish commercials you'll
ever want to see in a political campaign. (In one, he actually tries to
interview a cow ... only to be shown the cow's backside as it walks away
from this moron.)
Anyway, it turns out that smart-aleck Dunn has been keeping a secret
from the 3rd District Utah voters all during the campaign ... and it
wasn't some DUI from 24 years ago. Do you remember Clinton scandal #137
... the one where the private, taxpayer-funded White House database
(WhoDB) was unlawfully shared with the Democrat National Committee? Well
it just so happens that the White House "point man" who was in charge of
WhoDB at the time of the scandal was ... drum roll, please ... Donald
Dunn! Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
Clintonite Dunn was grilled over his role in the scandal in an 82-page
that has him invoking the phrase "I don't remember" some 27 times and
actually dickering with the lead attorney over the meaning of the word
"source." Holy cow! Shades of his Bill Clinton.
Dunn ... nicknamed "Information Central" ... was up to his ears in this
Clinton scandal. Hmmm. Wonder how the voters in the 3rd will react to
this new revelation, concealed for all these months by a lackey of the
Cover-up King. Not that this Clinton-clone had much of a shot in the
race anyway, but now that his little secret has been exposed, let's just
say Donald's political campaign is ... Dunn.
GOP's "Top Ten Most Wanted"
Our top recommended candidates for Campaign 2000:
* Rep. Jim Rogan (U.S. House - California): http://www.jimrogan.org
* Jennifer Carrol (U.S House - Florida):
* George Allen (Virginia U.S. Senate):
* James Dan (Nevada State Assembly - District 28):
* Rep. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp (Texas House of Representatives - District
54): 106 West Avenue B, Lampassas, Texas, 76550.
* Rep. Ron Paul (U.S. House - Texas): http://www.ronpaulforcongress.com
* Bill Federer (U.S. House - challenging Democrat Minority leader Rep.
Dick Gephardt in Missouri): http://www.federer.org
* Rep. Chris Cannon (U.S. House - Utah): http://www.chriscannon.com
* Bob Franks (U.S. Senate - New Jersey against "The Human ATM Machine"
and socialist Jon Corzine): http://www.bobfranks.com
* Rick Lazio (U.S. Senate vs. HILLARY! in New York):
Campaign Hot Tips - FREE!
For those of you in the trenches - as candidates, campaign managers,
volunteers, consultants, party leaders, etc. - we're now publishing a
new FREE e-newsletter called "Campaign Hot Tips." This short
e-newsletter will go out just a couple times each week and will include
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"Campaign Hot Tips," just go to: http://www.CampaignTraining.com and
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Published by:
C-Four Communications
Chuck Muth, Editor
3549 N. University, Suite 300
Provo, UT 84604
Phone: (702) 454-0350
Fax: (702) 454-7798
The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of
the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
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# # #

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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