-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 6 Cheshvan 5761/4 November 2000

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"For the day of the L-rd draws near on all the nations. As you have done,
it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head."
(Obadiah 1.15)



THE TERROR CONTINUES ...: In addition to the daily bombings, shootings,
riots and rock throwings, there were a number of out-right terrorist
attacks this week.

Two people were killed and ten injured in a car bombing attack near the
Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem on Thursday. The two who were killed
were: Chanan Levy, 33, and Ayelet-HaShachar Levy, 28. They were not
related; however, Ayelet-HaShachar Levy was the daughter of National
Religious Party head Rabbi Yitzchak Levy. The Islamic Jihad movement took
responsibility for the attack.

Maryk Gavrielov, whose body was found near Ramallah, was brutally murdered
in the same type of mob-lynching as were the two soldiers three weeks ago.
HAKOL MEHASHETACH NEWS AGENCY reported that three Tanzim [Fatah] agents
forcibly removed Gavrielov from the Ramallah restaurant in which he was
dining. They took him to an area outside the Ramallah Post Office, where a
Palestinian mob tortured him and shot him with dozens of bullets. The
lights in the area were turned off and photographers were banished.
Gavrielov's corpse was mutilated, then burnt. At a press conference, the
Deputy Commander of the Judea-Samaria Police District said that the victim
was tortured before he was killed, and that all signs point to a
particularly brutal lynching carried out for nationalist reasons.

Yet another mutilated body - tied up and with multiple stabbing wounds -
was found Monday in the Beit Jala-Gilo area, and was transferred to Israel
by the Palestinian Authority. The body had Arabic slogans carved into the
victims back. He was later identified as Amos Machluf, 30, who was last
seen on Friday night when he left his home in the southern Jerusalem
neighborhood of Gilo to take out the garbage.

One Israeli was murdered, and another is in very serious condition, after
they were shot in the head Monday by a Palestinian terrorist. Esh-Kodesh
Gilmor, 25, of Mevo Modiin, died of his wounds, while Itai Suissa, 22, of
Jerusalem, is in very serious condition. The terrorist attack occurred as
the two, wearing bulletproof vests, were serving as guards at a National
Insurance Institute building in east Jerusalem.

SECURITY TIGHTENED AROUND SHAS LEADER: Both the police and the General
Security Service have intensified security around Shas spiritual leader
Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef. Police even canceled some of the rabbi's slated
appearances due to the death threats issued Friday by Hamas terrorist
leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. The reason for the death threats: the Shas
decision to provide the Barak government with a parliamentary safety net
for the next few weeks.



Deadline is January 1, 2001

We at Tzemach News Service believe that these are the "last days"
predicted millennia ago by the Hebrew prophets. Therefore, a conference is
being convened by the Tzemach Institute and Fellowship Church to explore
ways of promoting cooperation in the redemption process between leaders of
the faith community of Israel and Christian Zionists in America. Those
Israeli and Christian leaders participating in this conference are
prepared to discuss, in frank terms, real areas of cooperation that have
been tested and proven fruitful over the past several years. We invite you
to come and join us with others in this endeavor. We are sure that you
will return home truly blessed and with a fresh vision for godly
righteousness burning within you.

Conference presentations include:

* The redemptive process as seen from an Israeli perspective and a
Christian perspective.
* The importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the redemption
* International response to the redemption process.
* Spiritual warfare in the midst of the nations.

Conference participants include Gershon Salomon, leader of the Temple
Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement; Yohanan Ramati, Chairman of
the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense; Louis Beres, professor of
political science and international law at Purdue University; Ken
Garrison, Pastor of Fellowship Church and Director of the Tzemach
Institute for Biblical Studies; and a leading rabbi from the settlement

The conference will take place January 31 - February 2, 2001 at the
Sheraton Orlando North Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

Information may be found on our website: http://www.tzemach.org or email

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE? Prime Minister Ehud Barak will meet with US
President Clinton this week if there is no "major escalation" in Judea,
Samaria and Gaza - or "serious" attacks inside "little Israel." So
reported Barak's office Saturday night. IMRA notes that the office did not
provide casualty guidelines to indicate how many dead/wounded is
considered a "serious" attack nor the criteria for what would be
considered a "major escalation" in Yesha. Clinton has called upon PLO
chieftain Yasser Arafat to meet with him on Thursday in Washington, and
sources close to Arafat opined that the invitation would be accepted.

DAY OF PRAYER: The Ichud HaRabbanim (Rabbis Union), led by former Chief
Rabbi Avraham Shapira, has set next as a special day of prayer in
synagogues all over the world. At a gathering this past week, the rabbis
declared, "The rights and obligations of the Nation of Israel to
sovereignty over the Land of Israel and to the settlement of the Land are
an eternal command by the Creator to the entire Nation, for the entire
Land, throughout all the generations. The weakening of this faith and
vision that has taken root among some of our people has led to the
abandonment of this way of truth, and to the abandonment of parts of the
Land of our Life in the hands of foreigners - which has brought danger and
catastrophe upon the entire nation." [Editor's note: I would like to
invite all of our Christian brothers and sisters to join in this time of
prayer. This is where G-d's heart is - Israel, even the Temple Mount in

WHAT ABOUT ISRAELI RELIEF? The United Nations says it will ask donors for
about fifty million dollars in emergency humanitarian aid for
Palestinians. The head of the UN Palestinian Relief Agency Peter Hansen
said the money was needed to buy food and medicine and to help
Palestinians barred from getting to work in Israel. He told a news
conference in New York that thirty million dollars was needed for Gaza and
another twenty million for Judea and Samaria. Due to the violence
perpetrated by Arafat and the PLO, thousands of Israelis are not able to
leave there houses for supplies. For instance, the lives of inhabitants of
the Jordan Valley town of Vered Yericho have turned into a nightmare since
the beginning of the violence a month ago. they barely leave their homes,
and food and other deliveries are irregular; their electricity - the
regular supply of which is still awaiting a repair by the Israel Electric
Company - is cut off intermittently by the Palestinians who temporarily
control it. There has been great economic damage, as the army refuses to
grant protection to the farmers who are working the fields there. In
northern Jerusalem's industrial zone of Atarot, the situation is not much
better. Some 150 factories and businesses there are in danger of imminent
collapse, as the only road to the area that has not been closed off by the
Palestinian violence is one that has not yet been fully paved. Many of the
4,000 workers simply have not shown up for work over the past weeks.
Arsons, burglaries, and rock-throwings at company vehicles are some of the
problems the companies face. In addition, Palestinian customers are simply
not paying their bills, and the PA/PLO has now declared a boycott of
Atarot goods. Atarot business-owners are demanding that Atarot be
recognized as a "confrontation line" area, similar to the northern towns
during the Lebanese hostilities.

reported Tuesday evening that for the first time the Palestinians have
used anti-tank rockets in battle against Israel. The Palestinians fired
the anti-tank rockets along with heavy machine gun fire at an IDF convoy
on the Karnei Netzarim road. The IDF returned fire. Television and news
reports after the incident declined to explore the possible implications
of the introduction of this equipement by the Palestinians into the battle.

HATRED BUILDING AGAINST JEWS WORLDWIDE: Anti-Semitic incidents worldwide
have increased as much as 20-fold since the current violence erupted five
weeks ago, according to an Israeli cabinet minister. The current "hatred
campaign" throughout the world was characterized in some countries by the
issuing of fatwas (religious edicts) by Muslim leaders saying it was a
"religious duty to kill as many Jews as possible," he said. More than 300
assaults on synagogues and Jews have been reported worldwide during the
past month, compared to an average of 10-15 attacks a month in normal
times. Attacks have included attempts to burn down synagogues, the
throwing of molotov cocktails and physical attacks on Jews. They have
occurred in the US, Canada, South America, Europe, South Africa, Morocco
and Uzbekistan. Normally, threats against Jews are included in the tally
of recorded anti-Semitic incidents. But these have become so commonplace
they can not practically be registered now. The internet has also become a
"new and vicious vehicle" for disseminating anti-Semitic sentiments.

QUOTES OF THE WEEK: "There is no room for compromising ... Israel's days
are numbered." (Ikrimi Sabri, the Arafat-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem,
quoted in AL-HAYAT AL-JADIDA, 05 October 2000)

"When I watch CNN and BBC, I think that we're being punished for being
strong because they never explain why we have to protect ourselves, and
they make it sound like we just like shooting Arabs. And they never seem
to show the Israelis who have been killed and hurt very badly by bombs,
gunfire and even rocks thrown at them." (Gavy Friedson, an 11-year-old
American boy who lives with his family in Jerusalem.)

BOLD LIES BROADCAST BY VOP: For the third time in a day, a news bulletin
interrupted the Arabic music on the VOICE OF 'PALESTINE' radio: Israeli
jets had just bombed the 'West Bank' town of Bethlehem, the report said.
"'The Israeli criminals have fired missiles into the homes of innocent
Palestinians,'" a breathless correspondent said. "'Palestinian blood is
flowing in the streets! Oh god, god, how can the criminals kill our
innocent children?" A trip to the town immediately after the report,
however, found no evidence of an attack. An hour earlier, another
breathless VOICE OF 'PALESTINE' correspondent had reported that Hebron was
"'under siege" by armed Jewish settlers who were "'shooting Palestinian
women and children." A visit to Hebron found calm and quiet there, too.
Same thing in the town of Shechem, where the correspondent reported that
Israeli troops were "'burning homes." No such thing, residents there said.
Despite Israeli demands that it stop inciting the public, the VOICE OF
'PALESTINE' radio, controlled by Arafat's PLO, is delivering a daily diet
of news, commentary and propaganda aimed at rallying the Palestinian
masses into a confrontation with Israel. Nationalistic songs, anti-Israeli
commentary and flowery tributes to Palestinians killed in clashes with
Israelis are being broadcast around the clock, and they appear to be more
popular than ever. [Editor's note: Question for consideration: A few years
ago, 'Christian' broadcaster Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) stated it
had made a contract with the PA/PLO to equip three PA/PLO TV stations in
Ramallah, Jericho and Gaza. Is the PLO station in Ramallah the same one
that is owned by TBN? TBN owner Paul Crouch has stated "... And some folks
got out of sorts with me a little bit because we went and shook hands with
Mr. Yasser Arafat. Listen, I'll shake hands with anybody that let me built
a TV station. O.K.? ... If the devil got a TV station and he'll let me put
a program on it, I'll do it! Yes, sir. And take it over ..."]

the phenomenon of Palestinian firing at Israeli targets from within Red
Crescent medical buildings and ambulances. The IDF spokesman noted that
the Palestinians shot from within both the Ramallah Red Crescent building
and an ambulance in Wednesday night's attack on Psagot. The Zionist
Organization of America released a series of press reports this week
showing that Palestinian Authority ambulances are being used to carry
weapons to Arab rioters attacking Israelis. On October 30, Red Crescent
ambulances were used to ferry Palestinians to protests with the IDF near
the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip.On October 27, a Red Crescent
ambulance arrived in the midst of a gun battle between IDF soldiers and
Palestinian gunmen near the village of Kafr Klil near Nablus bringing
armed Palestinians  who joined the fight.

ISRAEL RADIO correspondent Nissim Keinan reported recently that he
observed the situation at the Carni checkpoint. "At one point Israeli
forces shot straight up into the air to scare away the mob. Now even
though the soldiers shot straight up in the air, hitting no one, four
Palestinain ambulances came up to the crowd with sirens wailing for the
benefit of the cameras and proceeded to evacuate a few fake wounded."

CYBER TERRORISM INCREASES: The security situation in Israel continues to
shake up the high-tech business community, as conferences are being put on
hold and websites are being moved out of the country. Web development firm
Webstyle Internet Solutions said it is moving all of its Israeli-based
hosting to the United States due to what it called "the serious threat" of
"cyber-terrorism" now affecting Israeli-based server sites. Last week,
attacks shut down several corporate and government sites in Israel,
including the Israeli Foreign Ministry site and Israeli ISP Netvision.
Online terrorism can be the bombardment of requests to a specific site
resulting in denial of service and causing the site to crash.

Ken Garrison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Pastor - Fellowship Church, Director -
Tzemach Institute for Biblical Studies

Q: Does the outbreak of violence in Israel indicate an end to the Oslo
Peace Accords?
A: The Oslo Peace Accords were a fantasy from the very beginning. This
fantasy was woven by Clinton, Arafat and the apostate leaders of Israel
like Rabin, Perez and Barak. These "so-called leaders" wove their fantasy
around the intentions of Yassar Arafat and his band of thugs. Mr. Arafat
is probably the more honest of the group. At least in Moslem lands, he has
always been candid and truthful about his intentions. He has consistently
announced his intentions of gaining control of Israel step-by-step in the
sequence of (1) the Temple Mount, (2) Jerusalem, (3) Biblically
significant areas of Israel and (4) finally, all of Israel. He also
announced repeatedly that he would use diplomacy as long as that advanced
his aims and then he would turn to war. The present outbreak of violence
just indicates that he has made that inevitable turn. His "peace partner"
repeatedly chose to ignore his true aspirations.

Anyone who now speaks of the "peace process" has to be a complete fool.
All anyone has to witness is the enormous, vile hatred manifested in the
aroused crowds of Moslems in Ramallah, Nazareth, Gaza, Shechem or
Jerusalem to understand that they will never, of their own volition,
embrace peace with Israel. The only thing that have kept them involved
thus far has been the continual surrender of real territory by the
Israelis. They always knew, of course, that there would be a limit to what
Israel was willing to forfeit.

The shameful withdrawal from Lebanon, made earlier this year by Barak,
convinced the Palestinians that the Israelis were no longer willing to pay
the price of the struggle. The great victory of the Hizb'allah inspired
the Palestinians to make the decision to attempt to achieve ultimate
victory by the same means.

Q: Did Ariel Sharon Provoke the Moslem Response by His Visit to the Temple
A: Perhaps we should ask just exactly what Ariel Sharon did on the Temple
Mount. Did he purposely enter and defile the mosque or shrine? He did not.
Did he cause physical harm or did he verbally assault any Moslem there? He
did not. What he did was expose the hypocrisy of the position of the
Israeli government in their pursuit of the "peace process". The Barak
government proclaimed that they maintained sovereignty over the Temple
Mount while gradually relinquishing that sovereignty to the Moslem
authority, i.e., Yassar Arafat. In fact, the previous government of
Netanyahu had done the same thing. By his presence on the Temple Mount,
Ariel Sharon demonstrated Israeli sovereignty there. The Moslems who had
already concluded that Israel had long since relinquished sovereignty
there were infuriated and they unleashed their fury on the Israelis
worshiping below.

Q: Why Do the Moslems Feel so strongly about the Temple Mount?
A: This is an important question that few have bothered to investigate.
The answer is simple. The Temple Mount is important to Moslems only
because it is important to Bible believing Jews and Christians. This is
true because one of the most important tenets of Islam is that it must be
demonstrated "superior" to any other religion. The mosque and the shrine
coupled with Moslem sovereignty on the Temple Mount demonstrate that Islam
is superior to Judaism and Christianity. The Moslem cry is "Allah Akbar".
Most naive reporters translate this as "God is Great". Actually, the term
means "Allah is greater" - Greater than the God of Israel, Greater than
the God of Christianity.

No geographical site in the world has the Biblical significance of the
Temple Mount. Indeed, it is virtually the only real "holy" site. Abraham
called it the place where God will see (Genesis 22:14). David saw it as
the site of house of the Lord and the altar of burnt offering for Israel
(1 Chronicles 22:1). The first and second temples were built here. God
declared that His name would be established at this site forever (2
Chronicles 7:16). It is the site where Jesus worshiped. It is the site of
His death, resurrection, ascension and of His promised return. It will be
the site of His reign in the age to come. We must conclude that this site
has enormous significance for any Bible believer. Obviously, Moslems
understand this better than most Jews and Christian do. Only by control of
this site can Allah be demonstrated "superior" to the God of the Bible.
Again we must establish the crucial point, the Temple Mount is important
to Moslems only because it is important to Bible believing Jews and

Q: Is this Conflict the Preparation for Armageddon?
A: The leadership of the United States is in one of its most uncomfortable
positions when faced with this issue? Righteousness demands that the
United States should be squarely allied with Israel in this conflict.
However, this nation has allowed itself to become more and more dependent
on OPEC oil. We received a wake-up call through the oil embargo following
the "Yom Kippur" war of 1973. We failed to heed that call. Instead of
developing energy independence, this nation has become increasingly
dependent on Moslem controlled oil. The lure of short term, economic
growth and prosperity is more than any U.S. administration can resist. As
a result, policy will be determined not on the basis of righteousness but
on the basis of whatever is necessary for the promise of continued
economic prosperity. We may hear empty official statements which appear to
support Israel, but in reality, the nation will act in response to Moslem
demands. The major media sources of this country will follow suit, and
together with government sources, will deceive the American people.

It is in this way that I believe God is calling the United States down
into the valley of Judgment (Joel 3:1-2). It is happening now. You will
have to exercise great discernment to avoid being drawn into this
judgment. It is your sons and daughters that will fill up that military
array marching up to Har Megiddo (Armageddon). Believers must take a stand
on a solid Biblical position and clearly announce that position now.


* Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE -- 2,000 years before the rise of
* Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a
Palestinian people in 1967.

* The Jews have had dominion over the land for 1,000 years, with a
continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.
* The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 CE lasted no more than
22 years.

* For over 3,000 years, Jerusalem has always been the Jewish capital.
* Jerusalem has never once been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity.

* Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Jewish Bible.
* Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.

* King David founded the city of Jerusalem 3,000 years ago.
* Mohammed never came to Jerusalem.

* Jews pray facing Jerusalem, wherever they are in the world.
* Moslems pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.

This material has been adapted from www.facts4peace.com


"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will
not rest." Isaiah 62.1

Tzemach News Service (TNS) is a ministry of Tzemach Institute for Biblical
Studies (http://www.tzemach.org)

Lee Underwood

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without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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