Andrew wrote:

 I certainly hope no *real* dog burnings ever took place "against the
war," but I really don't know.
This legend is based on a press conference
Abbie Hoffman once held on the steps of the
Massachusetts state house in boston. He had
a cute golden retriever, a container of "lighter
fluid" and a box of matches. He announced to
the press that in protest of the war he would
set the dog on fire. People were apparently
stunned as he took the "lighter fluid" (it had
been emptied of flammable material and replaced
with water) doused the dog as he pet it and
commented on how cute it was, and then stepped
back and lit a match.

The reporters started screaming, "No Abbie, don't
do it! Don't!"

Then he confessed it was water in the "lighter
fluid" container, doused the match with it, and
said, "see, you care more about the life of that
dog than about the children in Vietnam."


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