"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

November 12, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

ABC Orders Votescam Book! Cong. Tauzin Calls for Hearings on VNS!

Talk about progress! Read this e-wire. It’s short and sweet.

Someone unknown at ABC TV Network – one of our 5 favorite targets – has
ordered the book, “Votescam: The Stealing of America” through the
votescam.com website. Victoria Collier informed me of this on a Friday
night phone call. The unknown person or persons at ABC ordered that the
book be OVERNIGHTED to their New York City Headquarters. Vicky Collier
has already sent it by Federal Express.

Also, Congressman Billy Tauzin (Rep) of Louisiana has announced he is
holding hearings in the US Congress on Voter News Service and the recent
role played by that entity and the TV Networks on Election Night, 2000.

Some reports say the hearings will begin Tuesday. But, in his appearance
during the Brian Williams news hour on CNBC on November 10, 2000, Tauzin
said he would convene hearings in January when everyone returned to
Washington D.C.

The suave propagandist, Brian Williams, asked him if the Democrats were
behind him. Tauzin basically said he thought everyone wants to get to
the bottom of the turmoil caused by the premature exit poll projections.

Next, the probing Williams, clearly on a fact finding mission for the
Big Media, asked Congressman Tauzin if he planned to call TV executives.
Sure, said Tauzin, and we intend to call TV Anchors and reporters too
--- we want you to tell us all about the process of how these exit polls
get on the air – he said.  Wwwwoooowwwwwzzzzyyyy! That’s a fast ball
right down the middle.

If anyone knows anyone who knows Congressman Tauzin or anyone on his
Committee or staff, please help us get our experts put on the agenda to
testify before that committee. This is an opportunity we MUST NOT MISS.

Experts who should be testifying at this committee are: Devvy Kidd
(nationally known lecturer and author), Victoria Collier (distributor of
Jim Collier’s Votescam book), Dan Gutenkauf (Legal researcher of Phoenix
Arizona), your writer (humble but lovable, like Underdog), Phillip
O’Halloran (author of the Relevance article), Christopher Bollyn,
investigative reporter for the Spotlight, and Chuck Geshlider,
co-founder of PACE (Patriots Assuring Clean Elections). Perhaps I’m
forgetting others, but the truth must be put ON THE RECORD before these
Congressional hearings.

Other relevant breaking news:

Both the New York Times and Washington Post have lectured Al Gore on
this “bad attitude” about this election. The warning was basically: get
ready to concede, Al, and do it gracefully. This further supports our
Network America e-wire prediction going back to August 2, 2000 that the
Ruling Elite wants Bush and Cheney.

However, the hard core second tier leftists in the Democratic Party are
trying to find a way to locate enough votes to “win” this election.
These efforts will be short circuited as soon as Al gets “talked to” at
the proper moment, and gives up the ghost on this election.
Nevertheless, on Friday, Senator Joseph Leiberman announced that he
expects 50,000 absentee votes to arrive from Israel soon!

Also, we must note that the “recount” war seems to be escalating around
the country, not diminishing. Wisconsin, New Mexico, and Washington
State, and Iowa are – more or less -- being moved into the disputed
states, as of Friday.

Some people I respect are telling me that both sides will escalate the
dispute, and, combined with a precipitated grave crisis, a State of
Emergency will be declared, thus allowing Clinton to stay in office
while the 2000 Election deadlock drones on.

I do not subscribe to this view, as I believe it would unnecessarily
upset the sleeping majority in middle America. However, my friends
counter that no less an Insider than Albert Pike, the high poobah of
Freemasonry circa 1860, and reputedly in the upper, upper echelons of
the Ruling Elite --- stated in his book, Morals and Dogmas, that it
would take three World Wars to bring about world government. My friends,
who I respect, think the Ruling Elite is ready to make that move. It’s a
scary thought, although I don’t subscribe to that view at this time.
However, the case was put to me as a possibility so convincingly today
in light of the escalated confusion regarding the 2000 Presidential
Election, that I thought I would pass it along.

Ora et Labora. (Work and Pray, the Benedictine Motto.)

“All things work together for good for those who love God.” (From Holy

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks, AP wire service, and
two major papers, the New York Times and Washington Post, are making peaceful
change impossible at the ballot box, --  via Vote Fraud, Media Censorship,
and Poll Fraud, and the flood of illegal aliens who are becoming registered
voters . . . President Kennedy talked about this:

"If you make peaceful change impossible..... you make violent revolution
inevitable." President John F Kennedy

Go to www.votefraud.org to hear (or read the text) of the Radio Ads which are
now airing over WLW Radio (which reaches into 38 states at night)and other
stations -- exposing the easily rigged computerized elections which are about
to "elect" the next President, and also exposing the coordinated news and
censorship of the 5 Big TV Networks. Thanks to Ken Lowndes for Congress, the
radio stations MUST air these ads. They're tough. They're "outrageous" -- and
you've never heard anyting like it on TV or Radio.

The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are: Massive coverage of
favored Candidates, and Censorship of all other candidates -- including
warped Public Opinion Polls for months before the election; phony exit polls
done by joint effort of the Big TV Networks on Election Day, and easily
rigged computerized vote counting on election day -- which make the polls and
exit polls come true. (On election day, the people are barred from touching
or counting their ballots, the election officials are barred from knowing
what is in the software program that instructs the computers how to count the

www.networkamerica.org (you can subscribe to this list by going to this
website and signing in at the top near the topica logo, then answer
confirming message)

www.votefraud.org for a report about the recent Citizens for a Fair Vote
Count Convention which took place Aug 25-27, 2000 and Action Steps. The
Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention was a great success in launching
the beginning of a nationwide network to restore honest elections. See
special report at updated and improved website. Go to: www.votefraud.org

go to votefraud.org to read archived messages from this Network America
e-wire in the "news" section under "news by month"

Read "Best of" Archives at www.lewisnews.com at "Citizens for a Fair Vote
Count" section accessed in left hand column of home page. Or see the end of
the message to read all archives at topica.com

(RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest
Elections' crash course radio show over the internet at www.sightings.com in
the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest)

To contact us, reply to this message or send e-mail to:

Asthma? Sinus? Prone to colds? Sore Neck? Back goes out and needs adjustment?
You may find help in "Electric C" "VIta Matrix" and other products formulated
by scientist David Elliott -- Go to: http//newlife.electriclife.net -- for a
new view of health and nutrtion.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the
newsmedia know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless
paper ballots with citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at
the local precinct level.

To Subscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To Unsubscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our mailing address: Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To read all current messages on the Network America listserve news service,
do the following: 1) go to www.topica.com  2)if you have not yet done so, log
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straight to the screen with the "Network America" choice.)

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000
Presidential Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World
Order Ruling Elite and restore honest elections with citizens checks and
balances, true Freedom and true Free Enterprise in America.

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