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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

GOP Popular-Vote Hypocrisy
Fri, 10 Nov 2000

consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com

When Gov. George W. Bush's campaign feared that Vice President Al Gore
might slip in by winning the Electoral College though losing the
popular vote, Republican strategists plotted how to block Gore by
appealing to public outrage over such an injustice.

Now, the shoe is on the other foot. Bush appears to have lost the
vote but could win the Electoral College if he's given Florida.

Suddenly, there's no more Republican talk decrying the antiquated
Electoral College. Nor is there any more stirring rhetoric against the
injustice of a popular-vote loser taking the White House.

For this story, go to Consortiumnews.com at


Fri, 10 Nov 2000


Has an interview with the director of Jimmy Carter's Democracy
program, which
monitors elections in foreign countries.  I found it interesting that
he is
calling for calm over the elections, in light of what you said last


Q: Could the Carter Center ever be called in to monitor this election
would you be willing to do so?

COSTELLO: Some other people have now raised that question about
Carter Center
involvement somehow. As I say, the Carter Center
typically monitors elections overseas. We
didn't do any monitoring of this election. I suppose
we would be available as election experts
for technical comments on questions people might
pose to us. But monitoring or mediating this
election? I doubt it.

Our leader, President Carter, is of course known as
an elder statesman and elections expert from
his work in this field overseas. Obviously, he was a
Democratic president of the United States,
so people would find it hard to accept him in any
role here.

He did make a statement Thursday at the National
Press Club in Washington about the election.
It was basically the same kind of message we give in
similar circumstances overseas. And that
is: Everybody should stay calm, let the people who
are directly involved in it go at it in a
thorough and professional way, and try to keep
political passions from being inflamed by the
kind of public discourse that's used. Also make sure
that this thing is channeled into American
institutions, such as election commissions, the
courts, and a free press, for a full treatment in a
way that keeps this thing done according to the rule
of law, according to proper procedures and
in a civilized and peaceful way.

The fact that the country was so evenly split about
who should control not only the
presidency but also Congress is quite remarkable. In
most countries that we work, that would
create immediate dangers of civil unrest and a
struggle over power.

I think the great good fortune of us here in the
United States is that we have full confidence that
this will be worked out according to election laws.
Therefore, everybody should stay calm and
let this get settled the proper way.


The Elderly Jews of South Florida... and 62 Years Ago Tonight
Fri, 10 Nov 2000
Mike's Message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

November 10, 2000

Dear friends,

There was something about yesterday's demonstration in front of the
courthouse in Palm Beach County that profoundly moved me. Hundreds of
elderly Jewish citizens, many in tears, demanding, begging for
someone to
listen to them. They tried to explain that the ballot they voted on
was so
confusing they feared that they had actually voted for Pat Buchanan
(a man
who once said "Hitler was an individual of great courage") instead
the man
they wanted for president, Al Gore.

Rather than being heard, they have been ridiculed across the country
being "stupid," "ignorant" or "sore losers." They are portrayed as a
of whiners, old people who maybe shouldn't be behind the wheel of a
car, let
alone in the voting booth. Get off the road, you're messing up the
for the rest of us!

This is the tone of much of what I have heard in the media and on the
street:  You had your chance, you idiot, you screwed up your own
ballot, now
shut up.

I find it more than ironic -- actually, downright abhorrent -- that,
addition to the thousands of ballots that have been thrown out, at
least a
few hundred of these senior citizens' votes, through what appears to
be an
illegally constructed ballot, will end up being counted for a right-
anti-Semitic like Mr. Buchanan. South Florida has perhaps the largest
population of Holocaust survivors outside of Israel and New York. Is
it just
me, or do these good people, all of whom have suffered enough in their
lives, deserve not only our respect, but our commitment to see that
vote is counted?

To many of you, World War II and the Holocaust probably seems like
history. The truth is, there are tens of thousands of people who lived
through that horror, escaped the ovens, and are now living out their
years in South Florida. None of us can imagine what they went
through; first
to survive, and then to somehow make it to a country where they
they would be free and their voice would be heard. These immigrants
hard to raise families in America, contribute to our society, and
make this
country a better place for all of us. They took their citizenship
very seriously, to the point where many of us have probably rolled
our eyes
a time or two over their extreme patriotism and love of America.
Silly old

Now they are being told to take a hike. I could understand the
derision if
it were 50 spoiled ballots, or 500 spoiled ballots. But 19,000???


Are we going to just discard these senior citizens with a big shrug
and a
laugh? They were already discarded once in their lives. Being
stripped of
their vote is not the same as being stripped of their life, but then
why are
we remembering our veterans on this Veteran's Day if not for the fact
they risked THEIR lives so that people like these survivors could
have the
right to vote? Are we really going to do this to them?

When Al Gore named Joe Lieberman as his running mate -- the first Jew
to run
on a national ticket for a major party -- it created a wonderful rush
pride within the Jewish community. If there had been any doubt that
they, as
Jewish Americans, were not fully welcomed at the table, this one act
Gore's part made that doubt virtually disappear. I remember watching
on the
news that day a story about Lieberman's wife, Hadassah. She is the
child of
two Holocaust survivors -- her father, an inmate in a Nazi slave
labor camp,
and her mother, who miraculously survived Auschwitz.

As I watched Hadassah's story, I paused to think of those in her
family who
did not survive the camps to live to see this momentous day. I
thought, if
only it had been possible, in the final moments before their deaths,
someone to whisper to them that this madness will indeed end, that the
Jewish people will not only survive but see the day when a child of
is married to the man running for vice president of the United States!
Whatever small comfort that could have given them to alleviate their
and suffering before their lives were exterminated, I wish... I
wish... they
just could have known that their death was not in vain.

These elderly survivors and relatives of survivors in Palm Beach
deserve our fight for their voice to be heard. This is a national
shame and
dishonor. Everyone knows the truth here: 19,000 people could not read
ballot. I don't care that the local Democrats had approved the
ballot. Like
most Democratic party hacks, they blew it. So what. Does that mean
elderly have to pay the price? The Republicans have now resorted to
incredible lies, such as the "same number of ballots were spoiled in
1996." That is a bald face lie. The number of spoiled ballots was
HALF what
it was this year, and I have been told that voters in the '96
election DID
complain but no one listened because the spoiled ballots did not
effect the

Look, I personally did not vote for either Gore or Bush. I think
politics and campaign contributions are appalling. But I and others
made these points throughout the election -- and the majority of
have chosen to dismiss them for now. That is their right. But if the
campaign for Ralph Nader was nothing, it was, at its very core, about
to stop the disenfranchisement of the American people. For us not to
up now -- even though OUR will did not prevail -- would make
everything we
stand for lack credibility.

I am asking all who read this -- Nader supporters, Gore voters,
with a conscience -- to stand up and resist this theft of our
Someone has set up a website calling for spontaneous demonstrations in
numerous cities at 1pm tomorrow, Saturday, November 11 (click here
for the
list: http://geocities.com/countercoup/). Take one hour, just one
hour, of
your time tomorrow and go down to where the rally is happening in
your town.
Do not listen to those who are saying we have to put this behind us
and get
on with it. Get on with what? A democracy that does not respect its
basic and cherished right, the right to have your vote counted?

If the person who got fewer votes is installed as president, it will
so much cynicism amongst the citizenry that I fear even MORE people
than the
100 million who chose not to vote will sit out the next election.
They will
just say, "What's the use? It's all rigged!" Progressives and Greens
everyone must understand this danger -- and how much more difficult
it will
be to organize if more of our fellow Americans just give up.

Please, do this for the sake of our country. Do it because it is
right. Do
it because those senior citizens in Florida deserve our respect and
our help
in their time of need.

Sixty-two years ago tonight, the Holocaust began in full force on
what was
called Kristallnacht. The German government sent goon squads
throughout the
country to trash and burn the homes, stores and temples of its Jewish
citizens. Seven years and 6 million slaughtered lives later, the
people of Europe were virtually extinct. A few survived. I will not
those who survived to come here to this "land of the free" be abused
They are our fellow citizens in our great democracy, and their voice,
if I
have anything to say about it, will never be snuffed out.


Michael Moore


Don Hazen
Executive Director
Independent Media Institute


I always wanted to write the line that Robert Sterling writes at the
start of
each Konformist posting (paraphrased from memory):

"Please spread this as widely as possible." :)


Ben Austin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Friday, November 10, 2000
My mother, Palm Beach County precinct clerk

Dear friends,

I don't normally send long emails like this to a large
block of people, certainly when it comes to my family,
and certainly when the import of the issue makes it
seem like the letter might travel far and wide.  But
so many people have asked about this story that it
seems important to send it out.  This is the true
story of my mother, precinct clerk in Palm Beach
county, Florida.

My mother was a precinct clerk in Palm Beach county,
Florida, election day of 2000.  Mom's very good friend
Leah was a precinct clerk as well.  Both of them were
incredibly upset during and after election day, before
anyone knew the import of these specific voters.  And
my mother was convinced there were serious
irregularities long before they gained national
prominence, and she called me to say so.

I note this because some Republicans are now asking
"if there were these irregularities, how come they
were not raised until after the election?"  In fact,
my mother and the other precinct clerks raised these
issues from the moment that the polls opened in the
morning - the problem is that the person they intially
called on was Theresa LePore, elections supervisor of
Palm Beach county.  She was the source of the ballot
confusion, and was uninterested in the issue.

First, the paper ballot was extremely confusing to
these voters.  Although both major parties got a
chance to review the card layout, it is not clear if
any had a chance to put the actual ballot in an actual
machine and punch the holes.  The card is laid
horizontally as you vote, and it is hard to see the
holes as you punch them.  And my mother, who
supervised the precinct she was in (this is a paid
position, and she reported directly to Ms. LePore)
said the card did not even fit correctly in the ballot
machine, so the holes in the card did not line up with
the ballot.

Anyone who thinks this was minor voter confusion has
never dealt with retirees in a West Palm Beach
retirement village in Florida, I promise you.

My mother, following the rules, said the poll workers
had been told not to help people with the cards, as it
might bias the voters.  My mother witnessed many, many
people who voted incorrectly.  Some stayed on a second
line and had their cards re-done, some punched the
second hole (and thus were probably thrown out), and
some found out they voted for Buchanan after they had
deposited their cards in the ballot box, and there was
thus nothing they could do.

Mom called me up to complain about this after the
elction, and she called me up again on Thursday, very
upset after reading a story in the New York Times
(Nov. 9 2000, p. B6).  The Times story states:

After numerous complaints were received on Tuesday
morning, Ms. LePore issued this directive to the
county's 106 precincts: "Attention all poll workers.
Please remind all voters coming in that they are to
vote only for one (1) presidential candidate and that
they are to punch the hole next to the arrow next to
the number next to the candidate they wish to vote

Mom never received this directive, and she believes
that if anyone knew they could have helped people vote
their preference, the outcome would have been very
different.  Instead, my mother and the others were
trying to do the right thing, and they felt that
helping explain the ballot to these people would have
been helping them to vote for Gore, something she
didn't feel was proper.  These women are honest to a

Leah did receive the directive, but not until 4pm on
election day, and only by accident - someone was
coming to visit from the main office and told her
about it.  In the mean time, my mother and Leah (and
most of the precinct clerks) had been desperately
trying to call the county office.  They had been given
a phone number by Ms. LePore and told that the phone
line would be staffed throughout the day.  They were
told to call if there were any problems.

Mom tried to call starting at 7:30am, calling straight
through when polls closed, but she got a busy signal
the entire time.  But mom was at a polling station
with only a pay phone, so she had to deposit coins
each time, and with long lines waiting for her, she
was becoming increasingly frustrated.

Leah was precinct chief at the retirement village
where they live, and ran a polling station at the
clubhouse.  Having a more modern facility, Leah tried
on the phone as well, and when she couldn't get
through, she called the operator to ask her why the
phone was busy.  Leah had the presence of mind to get
the operator's number (history is made by people like
Leah) when the operator told her the phone was off the
hook, meaning nobody was on the line the entire day.
Evidently, the supervisor's office just didn;t want to
hear the complaints.

Leah then faxed the supervisor's office with her
concerns at noon and again at 2pm.  Nobody called Leah
back until 5pm, when she heard from Ms. LePore, with
the following words "don't bother me."

So as this news starts to be spun and re-spun, let me
tell you a few things I am certain to be true:

-I can't argue intent either way, but the supervisor's
office in Palm Beach county is at the very least
unable to carry out an election in which these people
have their say.

-These people started trying to fix the problem from
the moment polls opened, and were fought along the
way.  This is not about crying about the election once
it is over.

It pains me to see the issue being politicized by both
sides.  Gore has no place having his advisor Daley
make statements that after a recount, Gore will emerge
victorious; and Bush has no place saying that he is
the victor, or setting up a transition team.  In fact,
the idea that Bush and his brother were together on
election night, with Jeb Bush promising to "deliver
Florida" draws a picture at least to me with the
semblance of impropriety, especially now that we have
seen the results so askew.  I hope everyone will pay
attention to the facts here, and let the people of
South Florida have the same opportunity to vote that
the rest of us had.

You are free to send this to anyone you wish.

Ben Austin


Electoral Observers
Fri, 10 Nov 2000
Brian Doohan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been running a fiction/nonfiction humor webserial on the 2004
election, thus, a mention of the URL would be welcome along with
using the
signature of the principle, Jack "Catfish" Parnell (there is no real
Congressman of that name running for president, so you need not fear
your lawyers). The op-ed piece may be published without charge
again... a credit and URL referral would be nice. If various
legalities are
involved, however, use the name "Brian Doohan" which is real, at
least to
my most recent knowledge. You may check/verify the site at:
Brian Doohan
Since legitimacy and objectivity cannot be expected from any as count
disputed and absentee Florida ballots, and since both candidates have
fealty to globalism... the main beneficiaries, in fact, to an Al Gore
victory being the Chinese, with OPEC pulling for the junior Bush...
why not
invite foreign observers in to certify the recount and choose our next
Having a Haitian, an Indonesian and a Serb, for example, adjudicate
present crisis would be only fair in light of our own history of
intervention. However humiliating to be treated as a banana republic,
would still be preferable to national devolution towards a banana
Jack "Catfish" Parnell
U.S. Representative (ret.)
Candidate for President, 2004
(Congressman Parnell is, fortunately, fictitious... a character in the
webnovel "Black Helicopters" whose own manifesto, "Entropy and
can also be found at
Attachment (op-ed column)

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