>From Roger Bunn Music Industry Human Rights Association. London.

Dear Dana,

This missive is not really for open publication on the 'net for a while.

Thank you for cutting down on the amount of postings sent to this office. My
role is becoming central to the issue here, but it doesn't need lots of
proof that the laws against cannabis use is one of "facist origin" these days.

                 A new type of pro cannabis campaign?

I join the UK Czar's "think tank" at the end of the month. However, as the 
most "forward thinking" of the "new breed" of "anti drug" consultants, my
role within it may not be easy. Therefore I may need some "local back up"
and it is most important that any of you on this list with knowledge of
people "willing to lay they lives on the line" in the UK. To transfer this
message to them. In that next year, after the elections, I shall be looking
around for people here willing to open coffee shop protests. To openly deal
small quantities.

I am just back from Holland after meetings with coffee shop owners, who have
suggested that this "infiltration into the UK establishment", (with full
knowledge of the establishment) has to be conducted at a reasonable pace and
not instantly. We want to begin to open "coffee shops" in the UK, but at the
correct "tempo". However, in the first instance, and to gain publicity, some
po'souls, protected by this office and a new campaign run from London, must
be prepared to make a sacrifice

I consider this most important as the USA holds thousands of cannabis
criminalised prisoners behind bars and making profits for the "state". And I
also consider that, as the bones of fresh legislation on this subject drifts
to and fro between the UK and the USA. The initial idea for confiscation of
assets, came from Jon Hiseman, famed (but neo "straight" ) jazz drummer
while having dinner with a UK High Court judge, his father-in-law, who then
sent the idea across the Pond, which of course has since been "returned to
the UK".. But the Chancellor Gordon Brown took most of it, (£2,000,000)
sending a lot back to the USA as a reward for "intelligence". 

I believe that IF we can get decriminalisation going in the UK, our
"cousins" in the USA on the Hill could be brought under pressure from
Westminster and beyond.  (And if they were not so busy dealing with the Bush
Gore things, I would be CCing some Members of Congress this message. As they
too need as much help as possible to change laws on the Hill.)

Therefore, while thanking you for cutting down on the Email we get here, I
also have to ask if you are interested in assisting the above come to
fruition and more importantly, if you are willing to work on the UK to bring
"more power" by the time I start to tackle the ADCUnit on its policies and
education processess being "out of line" in a modern society wherein
problems from alcohol and tobacco dominate. And if interested, research and
contact those in the UK and Ireland who would be willing to make a CONCERTED
effort to bring coffee shops to fruition, one way or another, beginning next
year, in the UK.

For something good to happen, sacrifices have to made but concerted ones.
It's a grey Saturday morning here, one wherein I have to get my butt out of
here and collecting donations at the London Welsh V London Irish rugby
match, to keep the Mihra show on the road. 

Things here, although my 69 album with the Dutch National Orchestra and
"funky" rhythm section has been put onto CD for future sales, after the
campaign against the Burmese military junta, are pretty econ-awful. 

(So doo let me know if you want to buy a copy)..


Roger Bunn
ex co-ordinator Anti Apartheid Movement
Hon chief ANC


Dear Constitution,

Please could you no longer consider yourself so sacred, that the will of the
people gets manipulated nor marginalised? Would it be possible for you,
especially during a time of crises, not as today during a "lull" in
America's conflicts abroad. To change. To make up your mind rather quickly
as to installing an electorial system that does not confuse nor dismiss the
will of the populace in neither north nor south. And one that adds lustre to
one of the most worthy democratic processes in the world?  One wherein a
seemingly permanent need to defeat the nations right wing, (is there a
difference?) such as Nader cannot get a decent hearing, even though such
tokenism means that he takes away votes from those to whom he seems closest.

It seems right now that as things are running from out of the Oval Office.
It's current encumbent, one William Clinton, still hanging in there as
husband of Hil. Will have to stay on longer than his term, just to oversee
the drawn out results of an election that the world sees as "flawed"? Maybe
not, but in this case wherein one family member is allowed to po-lice the
voting system in a state or states that are essential to an election of
another member. Isn't such an unofficially Bushed  "institution" tantamount
to having a circus with only clowns and ringmasters in the ring? 

Your nations street gangs must be wondering from whence cometh their next
target of officially "wasted breath" marginalisation. 

With either candidate, I would hate to think as to what this missive would
say if the debate included the "great successes" of the nations "war upon
drugs" and the future of the private prison industry. Reading it would be
just too depressing? But speaking of rings and things. Wouldn't it be far
better to have a king or something instead of all this diablo may care
attitude as to who should get in bed with el diablo (the Pentagon?) himself? 

Question. The Presidency. 
For America.  Is this "election" a lesson in democracy or anarchy or what?

Follow the plea by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and the 
appreciations of HH the Dalai Lama, the Shan 
Democratic Union,  film maker  John  Pilger, the Free 
Burma Coalition,  author Alan Clements,  MPs Dennis 
Skinner, Tony Benn, Ann Clwyd, Maria Fyfe, Mike 
Hancock,  Congress-woman  Maxine Waters,  Dr and 
Welsh rugby star JPR Williams, Hendrix  bassist  Noel 
Redding,  S African jazz pianist Abdullah Ibrahim,  All 
Burma Students Democratic Organisation,  All Burma  
Students Democratic Front, Tasmanian Trades & Labour 
Council,  SACP, COSATU,  Tim Gopsill, editor.  
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and numerous others.  

Supporting a Genuine war upon drugs and human rights abuse.

Music Industry Human Rights Association
http://www.mihra.org / [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sydney 2000 : Burma Out! 
Union Action   http://www.mihra.org/2k/union.htm
Drugs   http://www.mihra.org/2k/drugs.htm
Media   http://www.mihra.org/2k/media.htm
Statements : http://www.mihra.org/2k/Loop.htm

Founded during UN50. Mihra's roots are in music and
anti-racism and  was first in line in calling for a sports 
boycott of Burma for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. 
The report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar
issued on 14 March can be found on the website of 
the UN Commission on Human Rights:  www.unhchr.ch
Mihra also advances protection of creators rights in 
a market, currently 93.8% monopolized by the 
recording   / publishing Grand Cartel. 


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