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Communiqué and Analysis from the
Narco News Elections Service:

PROJECTION at 10 p.m. ET, Sunday, November 12, 2000:


(Note to working journalists: Your news agencies
will not allow you to run with this projection
yet, but please file it for second review if and when
the scenario presented here occurs.)


Although The Narco News Bulletin does not
endorse candidates, and certainly would never
support either of the hypocritical drug warriors
Al Gore or George W. Bush, we have extensively
covered election fraud matters in Mexico and the
Dominican Republic this year.

As we look upon the recount controversies underway
in the Narco-State of Florida, our analysts
are now prepared to make a projection:

George W. Bush will concede this election to
Al Gore very shortly, perhaps within a week.

The factors weighed in the NarcoNewsroom are
the following:

1. Today's revelation by Authentic Journalists
Robert W. Neill, Jr. and Preston Peet that found
Florida Governor Jeb Bush's signature on a blatant
act of absentee ballot fraud.

2. Tomorrow's Times of London report that the
FBI is already in Florida investigating a massive
case of voter fraud targetted at "black and Jewish"
voters in the Bush controlled state.

Both articles are attached for your review.

Narco News, due to technical problems, has not
posted our projection yet on our web site. However,
this communiqué and analysis may be distributed
or reprinted by others.

What does this story have to do with the narco?

Florida is a state swimming in drug money. Indeed,
99% of all dollar bills in Florida are found to have
traces of cocaine. More importantly, the sheer amount
of money that moves through Florida far surpasses the
amount of money generated legally within its economy.

Florida is the bridge to the Latin American oligarchies
from the Colombian paramilitaries to the former Cuban
upper caste to the super-rich from Venezuela who are now trying
to overthrow elected president Hugo Chávez. These networks
and the US intelligence and other agencies that permeate them
are steeped in narco-money, as a review of US federal
court documents in the Miami district quickly reveals.

Narco News sources say that these networks pumped
major money into the political campaign in Florida and
investigators are already following the narco-money

The US election system, standing naked before all América,
has suffered severe image problems in recent days. But
at the point that the narco-connection to the election
process becomes known, the crisis will explode far beyond
anything that has yet happened.

Both political parties, Democrat and Republican, have
actively recruited narco-money for this campaign. See
Michael C. Ruppert's May 2000 report:


Both parties thus have a vital interest in making
certain that the current crisis does not escalate
to reveal what Mexican columnist Carlos Ramírez wrote
this morning: "That the myth of Democracy in the
United States... is a myth."

Although both major US parties, Democrat and Republican,
are complicit in the drug war and the narco-money
trail, the weight of these facts, for simple geography,
falls more heavily on the incumbent Florida Governor
Jeb Bush, brother of the GOP candidate.

Look for George W. Bush to concede, perhaps by the end of the
week, with the most graceful "the system still works"
speech you ever heard. Both parties have an interest
in making sure the narco-money scandal does not
explode, and the Bush family's advantage in the
election -- having a member as governor of Florida --
now converts to its major disadvantage.

Already documented to have signed an act of absentee
ballot fraud, Jeb Bush faces investigation, subpoena
and possible federal indictment by the Democrat-controlled
Justice Department.

Narco News, with its experience watching how these kinds
of crises are fixed behind the scenes in the nations
of Latin America, makes an educated projection that a
similar fix is already underway in the United States.

You heard it here first;

Narco News Projects Al Gore as the Illigitimate
43rd President of the United States

We furthermore challenge the US Government to
clean up its own house before repeating its
historic and arrogant finger-pointing at Latin
America. Washington has no standing to tell the
people of the rest of América how to run their democracies.

And to the US Media, wrong in its election night
projections on Florida, we suggest the adoption of more
accurate methods of projecting the winner. More
important than exit polls in this era is that
pillar of Authentic Journalism long forgotten
by the commercially driven media: historic memory.

Al Giordano
Narco News Elections Service
The Narco News Bulletin


Attachments 1 and 2:


Internet Resources & News

Campaign Materials Apparently Encouraged Republicans To Vote By Mail Using
Absentee Ballots

by Robert W. Neill, Jr.
WebSiteDaily Editor & Publisher
Sunday, November 12, 2000

Journalist Preston Peet columnist for NewYorkWaste also contributed to this

TALLAHASSEE (WebSiteDaily) - Campaign materials marked as being paid for the
Republican Party Of Florida with a sig promoted the convenience of voting by
mail and used a slogan of "Vote By Mail It's as easy as 1-2-3!". A removable
form was attached to the flyers which could be signed and mailed or
delivered to the county elections office to request an absentee ballot.

The materials were apparently distributed to an unknown number of Florida
voters and did not require voters to give any reason for requesting an
absentee ballot nor did it require voters to provide information required to
properly confirm their identity. The office of Secretary of State Katherine
Harris specifically lists the requirements needed to obtain an absentee
ballot which includes"...last four digits of your Social Security Number,
your name, residence address, date of birth, and voter identification
number" and it further states "your request for an absentee ballot may be
denied if you do not provide the required information".

Some Florida counties limit absentee voting to residents who are unable to
vote because of specific and legitimate reasons and require voters
requesting absentee ballots to cite the reason when they sign a request for
an absentee ballot. The office of Secretary Harris further instructs voters
on the official state web site to contact their county elections office "to
ask about an absentee ballot as soon as you know that you will be unable to
go to the polls on Election Day".

The form distributed under the name of Gov. Jeb Bush and identified as being
paid for by the Republican Party Of Florida provided an option box which
could be checked which would allow the county elections office to mail the
absentee ballot to an address other than the address of the registered

Absentee ballots apparently have a recent history of being used for voter
fraud in Florida elections. A 1998 report on voter fraud after an
investigation by the Florida Department Of Law Enforcement identified a wide
variety of types of voter fraud that have been historically used in Florida.

The reports stated "it appears that the elderly voter or elderly witness to
another's absentee ballot are often targeted for use in fraud schemes,
perhaps because some of these voters may be easily manipulated or influenced
by those in whom they have previously placed their trust." The 1998 law
enforcement investigative report also indicated that "the absentee ballot is
the "tool of choice" for those who are engaging in election fraud" and
provided a review of past voter fraud cases from Dade, Volusia, Hardee,
Dixie, Baker, and Lafayette counties.

Florida Voter Fraud Issues
Florida Department Of Law Enforcement

Secretary of State Katherine Harris
Division Of Elections Voting Information

Alachua County Florida Elections Office Requirement For Absentee Voting

-- Cannot attend the polls without another's help.
--May not be in the precinct where he/she lives when the polls are open
-- Is an election worker who works outside the precinct where he/she lives
-- Religious beliefs do not allow to attend the polls on this election day
-- Moved to another Florida county when the books were closed for this
-- This voter can only vote on national offices and statewide offices and
-- Moved to another state and cannot vote in the general election because of
the laws of that state.
-- This voter can only vote for President and Vice-President.
-- Cannot attend the polls on election day and votes in the office of the
county Supervisor of Elections.

St. Johns County, Florida Absentee Ballot Request Form

Copy Of Republican Campaign Materials Encouraging "Vote By Mail"

© 2000 WebSiteDaily All Rights Reserved.
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed.
>From tomorrow's Times of London



Gore camp demands FBI inquiry


THE FBI is being asked to investigate how thousands of mainly black
supporters of Al Gore were given ballot papers that had allegedly already
been marked for rival candidates.

Yesterday Democrat officials were examining claims that up to 17,000 ballot
papers in the Miami area had been tampered with in what they described as
“organised corruption”.

Lawyers from across the United States descended on Miami and were busy
taking statements from those complaining that they had been cheated or
intimidated out of voting for Mr Gore. A senior Democrat official in Miami,
who has hired a team of 20 investigators to carry out an inquiry, told The
Times: “Until now in Florida, we have been arguing foul-ups, human error and
stupidity. But this is deliberate corruption to spoil votes for Gore and
that must be a matter for the FBI.

“We don’t want to be seen as playing the race card here, but the areas where
this happened are in poorer precincts, which are predominantly black areas
that would be expected to vote almost unanimously for Vice-President Gore.
We are not accusing the Republican Party or any other ethnic groups for
being behind this. All we are saying is the vote was corrupted. There are
just too many double-punched papers.”

Jewish leaders in staunch Democrat areas of the city claimed that they, too,
had evidence of voting slips being marked before they reached polling
stations in areas populated by retired Jewish couples. At a rally in a Miami
synagogue, Lisa Versaci, Florida director of People for the American Way,
said: “There can be no innocent explanation for a pre-punched ballot sheet.”

Republican leaders in Miami dismissed the allegations as “dirty-trick
claims”. A spokesman said: “A spoiled ballot is not uncommon. There is no
dark plot here.”
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