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Date: Friday, November 03, 2000 7:56 PM

by William Dean Ross © 2000

The majority of people worldwide do not know what the terms Black Operations
and Black Sciences mean or how they are used.

Black Operations were developed after World War I; but, really flourished
World War II during the Cold War. Congress allocated money to the Pentagon,
the CIA and other Defense Department sectors to make the United States
military as
strong as possible, but certain projects became more secret than others did.
more secret projects were funded by the civilian sector at first -such as
"pet peeve" defense contractors already in the loop.

As time went on, the "privy" developed into a real clique of not only
specially screened corporations but also choice individuals found by federal
talent hunts. A new sub-culture was born with a new personality and belief
system -separate from mainstream Americans.

Cutting-edge technology such as stealth aircraft, invisible hovercraft,
extremely low frequency mind control and weather control and cloning or
reproduction of identical species became secret sciences. The new knowledge
was and still is not available to the regular Army, to Congress, or to any
University. The most secret of the secret was in the hands of a power hungry
few that tied itself to the World Bank for the future funding of its
projects. They developed "think-tanks" - like Stanford and Travistock -to
keep the masses fooled about everything.

The deception grew like a cancer into every area of industrialized society.
moved into everything from the Mafia to Harvard University to International
Banking. They learned how to control the media and, thus, they controlled the
television, Hollywood, every newspaper, every educational institution and
every person's mind -at least to a certain point.

Accusations of abuse and inhuman acts of the C.I.A. and F.B.I. were
by Congress in 1977. They used the excuse of "national security" for every
they committed. Under the guise of "national security", there has not been an
investigation of their highly illegal activities since 1977. Your Congress,
your President and your Supreme Court are actually scared of them. A mountain
of evidence points to the fact that they have killed thousands, including
corporate executives and politicians -like JFK. They are thus considered the
"Invisible Government"!

The" Invisible Government" needs a name at this point, so let us call it "The
Brotherhood of the Bell." This was a 1960's movie. By the way, Bell
made the first flying saucer called "The Bell"- for the "Invisible
Government" because it was shaped like a bell. Therefore, I shall call the
"Brotherhood of the Bell " simply B.O.B.!

B.O.B. became an internationally funded and operated organization that
its totalitarian tactics for worldwide economic, political and military
control. B.O.B. led us to believe that half of the earth was
religious-capitalism defended by the CIA and the other half of the world was
atheist-communist defended by the KGB. But, in actuality the International
Bankers and ancient esoteric secret societies with an octopus of intelligence
agencies controlled the entire earth-even through World Wars I and II.
Whenever a few cliques decided to go into business for themselves and break
away from the monopoly system, we would have a world war. The same is true
today; so, do not mess with the super -bankers.

The Cold War ended because of a worldwide cry for "peace." The old
industrialist- banker game of churning up another war for the military
-industrial complex was becoming more and more difficult. Their "think-tanks"
had to come up with a new strategy to subdue this" New Left "ideology. Time,
also, changed technology thus the bankers and industrialists no longer needed
large populations to do the farming, work in the factories or even fight in
their war-machine game. Advanced computers, robots and artificial
intelligence bio-electronics and cloning eliminated the need of all of these
useless eaters. Top secret meetings were held and a strategy as early as 1960
-one for example like "The Report From Iron Mountain"- was the answer.

The "New Left" with all of it's altruistic and humanitarian concepts would be
the "Trojan Horse" that would bring in the largest "shadow of death" to fall
on mankind in the written history of the earth. In "Globalist" books, in
their reports at the United Nations, on their statues and art at the new
Masonic airports, on their shrines like the "Georgia Guide Stones", they all
call for a massive de-population of the earth! They also command eliminating
democracy and culture under the guise of a new "think-tank" invented
international religion and government.

On the other hand, certain racist New Right organizations have and are being
manipulated by the Black Ops agent provocateurs to appear hostile to the
through their song bird media. The truth is that these groups are very aware
certain concepts of the New World Order; but, they cannot see that they being
used as "scape-goats" and "patsies" for Black Operations' sabotage. The
invisible government always uses some sort of Chaos they create to steer
public demand for social change -such as gun control!

Their hoodwinking games are from the old Masonic term "Ordo Ab Chao." They
create the problem secretly but their politicians come forward openly with a
new solution -- Order Out of Chaos.

B.O.B.'s old excuse was "national security" for its cruelty to mankind, now
it is made of a string of excuses like: "To save the children" or "To save
nature!" The truth is that "The Brotherhood of the Bell" is destroying more
nature with its' top secret projects like the nuclear bomb, chemical and
biological warfare and H.A.A.R.P. (High-frequency Active Auroral Research
Program) than we the "useless eaters" could ever imagine doing.

When the Berlin wall came down, the Black Operations of the East merged with
Black Operations of the West. The "think tanks" now include Soviets and Red
Chinese. They have mixed their ideas for an One World Order and have mixed
their military Special Forces together in a scheme to execute the "cleansing"
or "killing fields."
What these "Brave New World" types do not know is that once again they are
used to satisfy the greedy appetites of the super power -elite! Those in the
Cabal know that an inter-dimensional society, an etheric civilization more
invisible than they are controls their minds and souls. They honor these
Ascended Masters or Gods with blood and sacrifice - as they always have
through their history of the Dark Nobility and Black Arts Occultism! They
know the Lord of this earth is Lucifer and that he must be appeased.

The "Black Budget" then started to be used for the "Black Arts" and became
as the" Black Sciences." The earliest projects actually started prior to
World War I while the more popular ones started around World War II. The U.S.
Army was in charge of making the "A-bomb" in the "Manhattan Project" and the
U.S. Navy was in charge of making stealth equipment and invisibility in the
"Philadelphia Experiment."

After the war, the scientists of both projects were joined with Nazi
scientists from Germany and NASA and the National Security Agency were
formed. Previous experiments like Babylon Working and the Montauk Project
-started using Nazi
occultists and scientists to communicate with and materialize inter-
beings. They, also, started working on inter-dimensional time travel and

Thus, the Black Sciences were born.

The Black Sciences are the most secret of all secrets and are seriously
by special screened soldiers of Black Operations. It is their hope to merge
seen world with the unseen world. It is their goal to make sure we have a
"oneness-of mind" and are spiritually harmonized to a frequency that will
bring this about. The Ascended Masters have commanded them to eliminate the
"Old World" and all of its old ideas and all of its old people. A new
generation with a "New World View" is the agenda of the day.

That is why many conservatives, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists are on
surveillance and extermination lists. That is why more anti-Constitutional
laws are becoming the "New Law." That is why those in the know from all
religions and
political ideologies are getting concerned.

The "Black Operations" work for the "Black Sciences" who worship "Black Occult
Religions" of the "Brotherhood of the Bell."

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