Title: RE: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!


>Can you tell me why the large difference in the body count?  Are
>Palestinians such shitty shots?  Any fool can get a good body count
>with an Uzi or an AK on full auto, what's the problem?  Is it that we
>aren't getting the facts?

>I don't know why the Israelis just don't herd the Palestinians onto
>trains for "relocation", hell they already have them in ghettoes.

Mark McHugh

Israel--Hitler's revenge on the world

So by default the people with the less body count are the "Bad Guys?"  Hmm Let me see, I have a grenade launcher, an enemy soldier fires at me, I launch back killing him and his surrounding soldiers? Just one of the many scenarios that can play out in the dynamics of battle....

   But as for body count numbers... Can I get a recount?  My point being, just how accurate are those numbers? Do you know for sure?  Are issues like that still open to question even after they've been reported by the major media outlets? I would hope so.

As for the catchy quote...  People are free to say anything they feel is true... I don't even know the Anon guy, maybe he was famous, maybe not, but if he was, does it make his statement anymore correct? 


"Reality--The perception of truth based on observation"


  Look, I have a cool quote now...

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