-Caveat Lector-

>Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000
>From: "People For the American Way Foundation (PFAW General Mailbox)"
>Subject: RIGHT-WING-WATCH: Through the Right's Eyes
>RIGHT WING WATCH ONLINE  --  People For the American Way Foundation
>November 16, 2000
>     The latest from the Right Wing's mail, television, radio and web
>     activity, courtesy of People For the American Way Foundation's
>     research and monitoring operation.  PLEASE FORWARD!
>     Subscription information is at end of this message.
>(1) Introduction
>(2) The Right-wing Ghosts of Impeachment Past
>(3) "Democrats Like to Steal Elections"
>(4) Like Malignant Cancer Cells
>(1) Introduction:
>For the first few days following the Nov. 7 election, the entire nation
>watched the election results closely, and for the most part,
>silently.  But by the weekend the right-wing media machine began to
>escalate their rhetoric.  While most of the country has watched the
>election recounts in Florida with intense fascination, but no real fear
>for the welfare of the country, it is becoming apparent that - for some on
>the Right - it is merely a continuation of a battle they began in
>1992.   Polls consistently show that Americans don't regard the lack of
>finality in the election as a constitutional crisis.  Most feel that the
>process will, however slowly, work its way to an end and the country will
>accept the next president, whoever he may be.  But in the Right's
>rhetoric, it's impeachment all over again.
>Major pro-impeachment figures are picking up right where they left off in
>1998.  Only a few years ago Rev. Jerry Falwell was hawking The Clinton
>Chronicles, a videotape purporting to expose presidential crimes and
>misdeeds.  Ann Coulter made her career as a telegenic right-wing pundit by
>bashing the Clinton Administration and even published a book on the
>matter, High Crimes and Misdemeanors.  Christopher Ruddy and Joseph Farah
>were the major recipients of the Scaife money intended to bring down the
>President.  They have since created sophisticated Internet sites that
>allow them to continue their work with a wider audience.
>In fact, the entire impeachment media machine is revving up its engines
>once again and the conspiracy theories are already flowing.  The same
>right-wing pundits and media figures who drove anti-Clinton mania into the
>frenzy of 1998's impeachment are revving their engines.  As before, the
>first signs are evident on the Internet.  Sites like Conservative News
>Service, WorldNetDaily, TownHall.com and ConservativeHQ.com are flinging
>charges once again.  Charges of "coup d'etat," "subverting the
>Constitution," and "stealing the election," are commonplace.
>(2) The Right-wing Ghosts of Impeachment Past
>Rush Limbaugh, the dean of anti-Clinton media stars, summed up the
>phenomenon: "This is the impeachment process being played out all over
>again, with the same partisans on loan from Clinton."  Carrying the
>metaphor through to its logical conclusion, Limbaugh even anointed Florida
>Secretary of State Katherine Harris as the Ken Starr of Florida.
>Never one to be outdone, pundit Ann Coulter penned a scathing rant on the
>Right's most prominent portal, TownHall.com. "It's like impeachment all
>over again.  But this time it's about the results of a presidential
>election.  Like President Clinton, Al Gore is willing to precipitate a
>constitutional crisis to hold on to power."
>Coulter derided the Palm Beach County citizens who filed suit to object to
>the illegal and misleading ballot that caused thousands of votes to be
>miscast as, "[n]ostalgic Stalinists from Brooklyn, N.Y., now transplanted
>to Florida in their dotage."  She urged Bush to cast aside any worries
>about dignity "and start being a Texan," and bemoaned "the two blackguards
>in the White House now dragging the country into yet another
>constitutional crisis."   "It will never end until these people are gone,"
>wrote Coulter.
>(3) "Democrats Like to Steal Elections"
>American Conservative Union board member Craig Shirley was perfectly blunt
>in a column in the Washington Times. "Democrats like to steal
>elections.  In fact, they're very good at it," he wrote on Nov. 10.
>The Rev. Jerry Falwell invoked a similar argument in his Nov. 11 "Listen
>America" column on WorldNetDaily.com: "Mr. Daley's daddy wrote the book on
>voter fraud and I'm pretty sure that the son is well versed in the modern
>applications of his father's dirty work.  He and the rest of the Gore team
>will continue to sniff and lurk for any loopholes or legal ambiguities
>that enable them to project a victory."   Falwell was not content to let
>it rest there, "The current proceedings are indeed the actions of
>desperate and devious men who are working to reverse history prior to next
>Friday's deadline for absentee ballots.  But this is to be
>expected.  Prior to the election, Al Gore showed us of what he is capable."
>Falwell's column was characteristic of the coverage on WorldNetDaily, a
>website started by Joseph Farah of the Western Journalism Center
>(WJC).  The WJC funded anti-Clinton investigative journalism throughout
>the '90s and was especially involved in promoting conspiracy theories
>about the suicide of Clinton associate Vincent Foster.  Turning his
>fortunes to the Internet, Farah continues to nurture overtly partisan
>journalism.  One of the lead stories on Nov. 13 was titled, "How Democrats
>steal elections," and it claimed to detail techniques of hand counting
>ballots that "have been used for over 20 years to steal elections from
>Right-wing columnist Paul Craig Roberts, whose column frequently appears
>in the  Washington Times, accuses the Democrats of "stealing" the election
>in his  Nov. 15 column.  "[T]here is no doubt that the presidency is being
>stolen," writes Roberts, but more than that, "our country is being
>stolen."  Roberts argues that Gore did not carry the country
>"geographically" because of his high support in urban areas, versus Bush's
>wins in large, lightly populated states.  He then segues into a rant about
>affirmative action and immigration.  "White people, in general" have been
>declared racist says Roberts and he accuses Democrats of favoring open
>borders "because the millions of Third World immigrants pouring into the
>United States have no tradition of constitutional government and a rule of
>law."  "The longer the borders stay open, the sooner the country will be
>lost," concludes Roberts.
>NewsMax.com, an Internet news site run by anti-Clinton journalist
>Christopher Ruddy, is planning an ad campaign to "expose the outrageous
>actions by the media to cover up for Gore and the Democratic Party."  They
>want to place ads in national newspapers and buy time on television if
>they receive enough support.  In an open letter at the top of their site,
>Ruddy and other NewsMax.com writers appeal for contributions to an
>"emergency fund" for their ad campaign.  "We are writing you as the
>country, our country, teeters on the edge of a Constitutional crisis the
>likes of which we have never witnessed.  The Wall  Street Journal put it
>well last week when it said Al Gore was engineering nothing short of a
>coup d'etat - a takeover of our government.  We have been warning our
>readers for  some time that the Clinton-Gore crowd will do anything to win."
>Ruddy made his name in right-wing circles as the central journalist
>propagating  conspiracy theories about Vincent Foster's death, work
>largely funded by Richard Scaife through Joseph Farah's Western Journalism
>Another Clinton antagonist, Judicial Watch has marshalled an "army of
>volunteers" to inspect ballots in Florida. Claiming to provide an
>independent inspection, a Judicial Watch press release said without that
>the "next President will lack any real legitimacy to lead this
>nation."  Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton claimed, "What we are
>witnessing now in Florida is a national disgrace."
>(4) Like Malignant Cancer Cells
>Right-wing firebrand David Horowitz regularly attacks civil rights leaders
>in his column on Salon.com.  His Nov. 10 column says, "[Gore] unleashed
>the dogs of political war on Palm Beach County.  He allowed the Jackson
>arsonists to rush in to inflame the passions of social hysteria, to
>recklessly sow bitter doubts about the process itself that no one can now
>L. Jean Lewis, a former investigator for Resolution Trust Corp who was
>credited with  doing the initial investigative work to break the
>Whitewater scandal, came close to accusing Jackson and the Democrats of
>sedition in a Nov. 14 column on  WorldNetDaily.com.  Wrote Lewis, "Jesse
>Jackson and his minions have now arrived on the scene like malignant
>cancer cells attracted to a growing tumor. The fact that the Democrats
>have turned a blind eye to his unruly activities is upsetting; that they
>would discreetly condone and nurture such behavior is appalling.  To have
>them openly  encourage rumors of civil rights violations and propagate
>deliberate unrest is bordering on sedition."
>Ann Coulter saved some of her choicest words for Jackson as well: "Jesse
>Jackson is presiding over rioting in the streets.  There is a movement
>afoot to call in Janet Reno.  Maybe she could send in a SWAT team to gun
>down President-Elect George W. Bush.  All we need now are chickens in the
>street and beggars with leprosy to complete the picture."
>Whether or not they can maintain the same level of intensity that drove
>the impeachment battle or not is yet to be determined.  However, it is
>clear that the Right's pundits are sharpening their talking points ready
>and laying the foundation for a long drawn-out fight as all eyes are on
>Attached are some longer excerpts from the columns and broadcasts
>referenced above:
>"The current proceedings are indeed the actions of desperate and devious
>men who are working to reverse history prior to next Friday's deadline for
>absentee ballots.  But this is to be expected.  Prior to the election, Al
>Gore showed us of what he is capable.  He illegally used African-American
>churches as a major part of his get-out-the-vote effort. Mr. Gore's
>colleagues totally ignored the law and urged church parishioners to vote
>for him.  Subsequently, the black turnout surpassed all records.   Mr.
>Gore also utilized deplorable scare tactics to recruit senior
>citizens.  Further, Mr. Gore co-opted the union bosses to illegally
>utilize millions of dollars in tax-exempt union dues - without union
>members' permission - to promote his candidacy.  In Michigan, the unions
>actually shut down the plants and factories on Election Day to ensure
>their monolithic vote for Gore.  I point out these consistently
>unscrupulous actions by the Gore team to reveal how recklessly frantic
>these people are to remain in power."  [Rev. Jerry Falwell in his weekly
>Listen America column for WorldNetDaily, 11/11/00]
>"It's like impeachment all over again.  But this time it's about the
>results of a presidential election.  Like President Clinton, Al Gore is
>willing to precipitate a constitutional crisis to hold on to power." [Ann
>Coulter, "Elections in Clintonville," 11/13/00 column at Townhall.com]
>"Al Gore's endgame is to delay confirmation of the Florida vote for as
>long as possible - just like his role model of a boss would do under the
>circumstances....Gore has a number of strategems for throwing roadblocks
>in the way of Florida's appointing electors,  including time-consuming
>legal challenges.  Nostalgic Stalinists from Brooklyn, N.Y., now
>transplanted to Florida in their dotage, have already trotted out lawsuits
>demanding a second chance to vote they were confused by the ballot."  [Ann
>Coulter, "Elections in Clintonville," 11/13/00 column at Townhall.com]
>"Jesse Jackson is presiding over rioting in the streets.  There is a
>movement afoot to call in Janet Reno.  Maybe she could send in a SWAT team
>to gun down President-elect George W. Bush.  All we need now are chickens
>in the street and beggars with leprosy to complete the picture.       This
>is no time for dignity.  President Bush had dignity.  Sen. Bob Dole had
>dignity.  They lost.  In particular, they lost to the two blackguards in
>the White House now dragging the country into yet another constitutional
>crisis.  It will never end until these people are gone.  It's time for
>Bush to stop acting like a lockjaw Connecticut WASP and start being a
>Texan."  [Ann Coulter, "Elections in Clintonville," 11/13/00 column at
>"This is the impeachment process being played out all over again, with the
>same partisans on loan from Clinton.  Ken Starr simply applied the law,
>and he was the devil.  He was a  vicious, mean, rotten man from Mars!  He
>wanted to get all your kids addicted to cigarettes, in addition to
>destroying the presidency.  That's the image they wanted to create, and
>now they're trying to do the same thing to Katherine Harris....All
>Katherine Harris is doing is upholding the law of Florida - and for this,
>the Gore campaign considers her a threat to be discredited and
>destroyed."  [RushLimbaugh.com, 11/14/00]
>"Democrats like to steal elections.  In fact, they're very good at it."
>"Democrats are about anything but fairness in this election; they are
>about power, pure and simple.  Democrats must destroy the election process
>and anyone who gets in their way regardless of party.  The stakes are too
>high to be concerned with individual reputations or careers." American
>Conservative Union board member, Craig Shirley [Washington Times, 11/10/00]
>"Jesse Jackson and his minions have now arrived on the scene like
>malignant cancer cells attracted to a growing tumor.  His appetite for
>inciting political frenzy through race-baiting, and pitting rights of
>special interest and minority groups against those of the general populace
>is startling odds with his clerical title.  His current efforts have
>successfully produced a breath-taking deterioration within an already
>untenable situation.  The fact that the Democrats have turned a blind eye
>to his unruly activities is upsetting; that they would discreetly condone
>and nurture such behavior is appalling. To have them openly encourage
>rumors of civil rights violations and propagate deliberate unrest is
>bordering on sedition"  [L. Jean Lewis, former senior criminal
>investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. and Whitewater figure,
>WorldNetDaily, 11/14/00]
>"Elections have been stolen in America before, but never so
>publicly.  This election is being stolen right in front of our eyes.  The
>Party of No Shame (aka The Democratic Party), firm in its conviction that
>its ends justify the means, is making a blatant grab for powerà.But more
>than an election is being stolen.  Our country is being stolen.
>Geographically speaking, Gore carried only one-sixth of the
>country.  Five-sixths of the United States rejected him and his corrupt
>party.  Because of the population density of urban areas, maps showing
>election results by state greatly exaggerate Gore's geographical
>support.  A map (obtained from geocities.com) of the vote by county shows
>a tiny Gore presence.  Gore's vote is confined to Hispanic counties in the
>Southwest, the California coastal counties, Portland Oregon counties, the
>counties bordering Puget Sound in Washington, Minnesota and urban areas of
>Great Lakes states, Jewish counties in Florida, heavily black counties in
>the Southeast and heavily urbanized areas of the Northeast (Philadelphia,
>New York City, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island), Vermont and
>parts of Maine.  Geographically, the map shows a country controlled by a
>few high-density urban counties where new immigrants and racial minorities
>constitute a high percentage of the population.  Gore's half of the vote
>is concentrated in 580,000 square miles.  Bush's half is spread over
>2,427,000 square miles.  The Democratic Party is a party of well-to-do
>white liberals, university faculties and the media, single women and
>racial minorities.  It is a revolutionary party, committed to overthrowing
>the  "hegemonic power" of traditional American morality, principles,
>institutions and people. Merit and the First Amendment, along with the
>Constitution, the Founding Fathers and white people in general, have been
>declared "racist."  Merit is no longer the basis for university
>admissions, employment or promotion, as "preferred minorities" (an
>official designation) have been given privileged legal standing that
>borders because the millions of Third World immigrants pouring into the
>United States have no tradition of constitutional government and a rule of
>law. They come from lands where control over government means enrichment
>and privilege, and that is what the Democrats offer them.  Republicans
>will never get this hardened bloc vote.  Blacks voted 90 to 93 percent for
>Gore, and Hispanics gave Gore between two-thirds and three-fourths of
>their vote.  The longer the borders stay open, the sooner the country will
>be lost."  [Paul Craig Roberts column, 11/15/00]
>RIGHT WING WATCH ONLINE archives are available at:
>    http://www.pfaw.org/issues/right/rwwo/
>Learn more about the Radical Right and what you can do to help fight
>their extremist agenda at PFAW's website:
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>People For the American Way Foundation is committed to defending
>democracy and bringing the ideals of community, opportunity,
>diversity, equality and fairness together in a strong, united voice.
>To achieve this, PFAWF conducts research, legal and education work,
>as well as monitors and researches the Religious Right movement and
>its political allies. The organization is a premier source of vital
>information for policy makers, scholars and activists nationwide.
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