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----- Original Message -----
From: "Freedom Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 5:03 PM
Subject: Arizona Gun Dealer Raided a Second Time

> Friends,
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> From: The Republican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Arizona Gun Dealer Raided a Second Time
> Date: 11/15/2000 1:19:00 AM
> Written By:
> Angel Shamaya
> Arizona Gun Dealer Raided a Second Time
> BATF Thieves Strike Again.
> This time it was over ammunition.
> by Angel Shamaya
> Director, KeepAndBearArms.com
> 15 November 2000
> d=91
> 4
> Jerry Michel of Specialty Firearms in Mesa, Arizona was raided on October
> 25. As the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms was stealing 274 guns
> valuing over $300,000, he was told he'd failed to secure a $100 "pawn
> permit."  After looking over the Statement of Probable Cause he and I
> picked up at the federal courthouse in downtown Phoenix, we discovered
> they'd also accused him of conducting strawman sales, as well.  (A
> sale is a sale in which a buyer purchases a firearm and makes it known to
> the licensed dealer that the gun is actually being purchased by another
> person.) Such a sale, says Mr. Michel, never happened in his shop. Ever.
> The BATF -- Stomper of Liberty and Strangler of Freedom and the
> Constitution -- behaved in very unAmerican ways on that day. You can read
> the original report and the follow-up report on KeepAndBearArms.com.
> d=83
> 4
> d=85
> 4
> And now the "taxing agency" who has killed and imprisoned quite a few
> people over technical gun violations has raided this man -- a man who
> heretofore had not even a parking ticket to his name -- a second time.
> This event took place on Friday, 10 Nov 2000. Jerry dropped by his
> ransacked store to take care of some very brief business Monday afternoon.
> Though he has felt uncomfortable being in his store since he was first
> assaulted, handcuffed, interrogated, lied to and about and after being
> forced to watch 30 or so armed "men" steal his life's gun collection, he
> stopped by the store anyway. He went in, locked the door and proceeded to
> the back of the store. Within a minute or two, the police began pounding
> the door, saying, "Open up! Police!"
> Within moments, Jerry was whisked outside, frisked in front of his store
> and taken inside, all the while befuddled as to what these folks were
> -- and why.
> In a word: ammunition.
> Yes, ammunition.
> Jerry Michel was accused of manufacturing ammunition for resale without a
> license. The BATF confiscated -- this past Friday afternoon --
> approximately 30,000+ rounds of ammunition, kegs of powder, cases of
> bullets in various calibers, primers, shell casings, etc. etc. -- ammo
> stuff.
> Jerry guesses the value of everything these agents stole from him to be
> approximately $30,000.
> Funny thing is, Jerry doesn't sell the ammo he reloads from scratch. Never
> has. The only reloads he sells are those he purchases in quantities from
> licensed ammunition manufacturers. That was Jerry's personal ammo, for
> personal use.
> One of the 8 BATF agents who committed this latest assault against Jerry
> Michel told him he doubted that Jerry could possibly have so much
> ammunition for personal consumption. When Jerry explained that he
> shoots 10,000 rounds in a month's time, he was talking to a wall -- a wall
> who doesn't understand that some people shoot up as much ammunition as
> can afford, simply because they enjoy shooting.
> To illustrate just how ridiculous this latest assault against good-natured
> Jerry is, I tell you the following, and I urge you to read it twice:
> The BATF confiscated 15,000 rounds of reloads Jerry recently purchased,
> directly from a friend who works at Dillon Precision.  (We are fortunate
> enough to have Dillon's here locally, so it's a quick jaunt over to see
> Mike Dillon and company to get all kinds of reloading supplies and
> equipment.) This ammo was in army cans in the back of the store -- in the
> area Jerry has for two years considered his home...his living quarters.
> This rogue agency also confiscated (stole, swiped, transferred ownership
> unlawfully, absconded with, snagged, robbed, took without remuneration)
> reloads that Jerry has had in his possession dating as far back as 1974.
> You read that correctly.
> No, he wasn't arrested this time either.  (In case you missed the previous
> reports, the first BATF assault on Jerry Michel -- which followed an 8
> month investigation that involved at least 5 undercover (as in, imposter)
> agents -- never resulted in an arrest, or any charges. The same holds true
> in this latest harassment.
> You getting this? The scumbags (bags filled with scum) did it over AMMO.
> John Arbon of CPHV.com and longtime friend of Jerry Michel called the BATF
> the other day to find out when they'd be returning Jerry's stolen
> Many of those 274 guns are owned by Jerry's friends -- and his
customers --
> and a great many of them are a part of his own personal collection, as
> well.
> They told him they'd be keeping them for 6 months to a year, "as
> No more "evidence" is required to understand who the BATF is. They are the
> modern day Nazis. They are the henchmen of the 21st century doing the
> bidding of tyrants. They are enemies of our beloved nation, and they are
> stepping up their efforts to eliminate gun dealers in a very calculated
> systematic methodology that looks very much like targeted eradication.
> Since Jerry's first raid on October 25th, two more raids have happened in
> Arizona, and God knows how many have happened elsewhere. We haven't been
> able to make contact with the recently-raided Arizona dealer, or with the
> Arizona citizen who was charged with "trading without a license", but we'd
> like to help them -- ASAP. Any information you have about their
> please post it in our online user-publication form here:
> http://www.keepandbeararms.com/newsarchives/XcNPAdd.asp
> I know quite a few people who reload ammunition for their friends. In
> I give my empties to friends from time to time to have them reload for me,
> as well. I buy reloaded ammunition from people who don't have this fancy
> "ammunition manufacturing license."
> Judging by this latest BATF farce, my friends and I must be engaging in
> some "illegal" ammunition dealing...so is BATF going to come and get me
> now? Are they going to swing by my house, kick my door in, and come and
> cuff me to a chair while they steal MY stuff? Are they going to bring
> unregistered, unregulated, fully automatic HK-MP5's -- any time they
> -- to assault me for buying reloaded ammunition? If so, it is recommended
> that they knock first. My private property is my domain. If someone comes
> into my home uninvited, they are -- according to state "lethal force" laws
> -- instantly shootable.
> What really amazes me is this: since our first report and our follow-up
> report, and since Neal Knox's writeup on the assault against Jerry Michel,
> Jerry has received a whopping $65 for his legal defense. Sixty-five
> dollars. Bizarre. I know guys who shoot up more than $65 worth of ammo in
> one day -- in the same town where Jerry is being taken on a one-way ride
> Gun Owner Hell.
> If everyone who reads this report would send Jerry $1 or $2, he'd have
> enough to cover the first phase of the legal proceedings just fine. If you
> happen to have a dollar bill in your back pocket, trust me; it's better
> invested on behalf of Jerry Michel than on the extra few rounds at the
> range this week.  Jerry Michel, Specialty Firearms: (480) 962-0913  1055
> Mesa Drive, Mesa Arizona 85201.
> [Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
> Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]
> ------------------------------
> A.K. Pritchard
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> http://rosie.acmecity.com/songfest/189/
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