As time goes on, I'm more and more inclined to bet good money on this
fiasco of a "democratic" election turning into a fullscale Constititional
Crisis, within 60 days.

     Especially now that the latest buzz coming from Capitol Hill, according
to MS-NBC, is that the official verdict of the Electoral College, due to be
delivered in about a month --whichever way it goes-- is likely on January 8th
to be CONTESTED by our chief legislators in Congress, a body ALSO split 50-50
along party lines.  Such an action would surely result in Inauguration Day
passing with NO President holding office..

     In that case, it would then be up to Congress to APPOINT** our next
President, from amongst its own members, according to the provisions of the
Presidential Succession Act, which is already being studied very carefully in
Washington DC.

     The difficulty with THAT option, however --as the fundamental problem
here merely gets moved around from place to place-- is that no majority vote
can be expected in either the House or Senate, both being deadlocked like the
rest of the nation --from national to precinct level-- in a "Mexican
standoff" of Democrats and Republicans.
"Democratic" politics in 21st Century America is slowly beginning to resemble
the politics of pre-Hitler Germany, when the Left and Right carried their
uncompromising "partisan" politics into the street, with civil disorder and
bloody hand-to-hand combat.

     Never since the Civil War has this nation ever been so DIVIDED --so
split down the middle, evenly-- and ironically, by its own "democratic"
political process.  Clearly, now there is not one but TWO Americas, each
self-righteously claiming some statistically non-existent "mandate of ALL the
people" to rule BOTH (so-called "democracy" at its most absurd and
oxymoronic), with each too paranoid to negotiate with its opposite number
and, in that paranoia, perfectly willing to SUBVERT the normal democratic
process -- for example, by calling in corporate lawyers to BYPASS the
legislative process through legalistic red tape, contesting countless
minutiae in court forever, and by accusing the opposition of illegal
"vote-fixing" (while trying to "fix" the vote itself).
     When both politrical parties resort to such underhanded tactics, purely
for the sake of "winning," they DISHONOR the political process.  Such
behavior on the part of our exemplars demonstrably NEGATES rather than
affirms the American people's faith in the fundamental honesty and fairness
of our otherwise imperfect democratic process.
Attempts by either party to DELEGITIMIZE the authority of opponents elected
to hold high public office contest the legitimacy of GOVERNMENT ITSELF --
beyond being, most egregiously, expressions of their desire for a hegemonic,
NON-democratic, ONE-PARTY system (such as advocated by Republicans in their
1984 convention).
     In MY opinion, BOTH these junkyard dogs fighting so amorally and
mercilessly over the quite meagre bone thrown them by voters, should be
barred from ever holding future office in this country.  Let the LEGISLATIVE
branch of our government --as they MAY-- decide who shall be the next
"President," meaning simply PRESIDING OFFICER rather than a would-be EMPEROR
espousing some ideological equivalent of "divine right."  Both Gore and Bush
are UNWORTHY to govern us, in having demonstrated that they attribute no
validity to the democratic -- except insofar as they are able to profit from
it personally.  This is a presidential election worthy of Milosevic.  (Maybe
we ought to call in UN observers to supervise the accuracy of the vote-count
for El Presidente?)  Any demagogue so shamelessly, so hypocritically, hungry
for POWER, "by ANY means necessary," should be DENIED it -- lest there be
hell to pay, BY US, later ...

     That said, let me remind you that the clock for the 20-year cycle*** of
presidential deaths in office (not always by natural causes) is about to
strike midnight again.  If Al Gore, especially (because of his natal chart),
succeeds to the Presidency, he is not going to have much of a future ahead of
him.  Just glancing at his horoscope, by March this will become all too
apparent -- and if he takes office under a cloud of bitter enmity from
Republicans (and their retrinue of Bible Belt trailer-trash right-wingers)
accusing him of "stealing" the election, the stage will already be set.  And
if "popular" sentiment, in certain quarters, remains as heated as it was
after the contested election of John F Kennedy over Richard Nixon, the odds
are high that some "lone nut," with or without a larger conspiracy, will try
to decide the ULTIMATE winner with a bullet, not a ballot.
Then, say hello to the first Jewish president of the United States -- and by
that fact hampered even more in any attempt to UNITE the two armed camps of
US politics.

     At the very least, we can expect an attempt in Congress, by March, to
IMPEACH our next President, on the grounds of "election fraud" in Florida --
proven more easily than any of the charges that led to Bill Clinton's
impeachment not so long ago ...

     Is there a Constitutional Crisis looming ahead?  My guess is, YES, and

     For those who care more about their wallet than their ballot, the
question is more, Will this political chaos hurt our "booming" economy?  I'd
say, YES, and WORSE.

     Welcome to the new Millennium -- beginning officially on December 31
THIS year, not last.  Everything feared LAST New Year's Eve is MORE likely
THIS year-end ...  Major political upheaval here, plus a HIGH probability of
"World War III" beginning in the Middle East, where Israelis and Arabs are
behaving like Democrats and Republicans.


**What happens if the situation in Florida isn't settled by Dec. 18th?

.c The Associated Press]

Florida has until Dec. 12 to designate its electors, who will vote on Dec.
18th. If Florida's votes are not delivered, the electoral process will
continue without them. That would mean no candidate would have a majority of
the 538 electoral votes, bringing the decision to select the president to the
House of Representatives, as it would if there had been a tie. In the House,
each state would have one vote and, at least in theory, there could be
another deadlock. The Senate would select the new vice president. And the
Senate, where each member would have one vote, also theoretically could end
up tied. If no new president or vice president had been selected by
Inauguration Day, the Presidential Succession Act would kick in, with the new
speaker of the House - likely to be Republican Dennis Hastert who would have
to resign from Congress - in line to serve as acting president. Next in line
would be the president pro tempore of the new Senate - who could be Strom
Thurmond of South Carolina, who turns 98 in December. "


***The 20-year Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycle is part of a 60-year "super"
cycle in which those planets conjoin in the same sign again.   In 1940, and
earlier in 1880, Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct in the sign of Taurus
(governing the direction of the economy), like now.  In 1880, President
Garfield was elected.  He was killed in 1881.
     The only "break" in the 20-year cycle was thec SURVIVAL of Ronald Reagan
after an attempted assassination.  Astrologers have pointed out that the
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction marking the 1980 election occurred "out of range,"
so to speak, in 1980.
In the year 2000, Jupiter and Saturn conjoined once more in the "standard"
So, odds are that the so-called "king sacrifice" clock has been REWOUND,
again ...

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