Order West Nile Virus Online!
by Robert LedermanŠ 2000

[visit  http://Baltech.org/lederman/spray/ for the real West Nile Virus story]

Below is the website address ( http://www.atcc.org/ ) and two pages from the
ATTC (American Type Culture Collection) homepage. The second page of info [it
starts about halfway through this email] is for ordering West Nile Virus

ATTC sold Sadamm Hussein West Nile Virus and 70 other bio-warfare applicable
chemicals, bacteria and viruses before the Gulf War started and its director
was the former head of Rockefeller University-which may be implicated in the
WNV epidemic in Uganda in 1937 [See Newsday excerpt and Rockefeller
University article excerpt below]. Note: I am not suggesting (as a planted
CIA disinformation piece in the media last year attempted to do) that Iraq
was responsible for the
NYC West Nile "epidemic" nor am I suggesting that ATTC or any of its
employees were responsible. I am suggesting that WNV could have been
accidentally or deliberately released into the NYC environment by any of the
individuals, government agencies or bio-medical institutions that have
ordered it from ATTC over the past decades. The mechanism could have been as
"innocent" as experimental waste materials from a NYC research facility being
carelessly disposed of.

The ease of ordering this and related materials (you can order just about any
toxic virus or bacteria you've ever read about from this website) makes it
clear that the CDC's stated theories that WNV came into this country "in a
used tire from Asia" or via "a mosquito that might have been inside an
airborne Israeli tourist's clothing" or by "mosquitoes carried here in a
transatlantic storm" is about as believable as the idea that we've just had
an honest election. ANYONE with a couple of hundred bucks can start their own
"West Nile Virus epidemic" on their kitchen table. The only screening process
is to sign a form accepting responsibility. This site is worth exploring in
depth. It has references to mycoplasmas and numerous other dangerous living
substances used in biowarfare that can be ordered by anyone with a credit

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